QUEJAS de Tiempo Compartido en PLAYA DEL SOL
Playa del Sol Grand, Playa del Sol Costa Sur, Howard Johnson Hotel Puerto Vallarta, Playa del Sol Los Cabos

- Razón social
- Big Window S.A de C.V
- Localización
- Vallarta, Cabo San Lucas
- Compañías de Renta
- Royal Vacations, Holiday Property Management
Quejas Comunes:Garantía de alquileres, reventas, Cuartos Garantizados, anualidad.
Playa del Sol Teléfono sin costo:
I have a fractional timeshare with Playa Del Sol. I purchased 1 primary week and one award week Biennially in perpetuity Oct 7, 2007. The maintainance fee on my contract is $395. Under "Maintenance Fees", in the contract, it states "The period of use shall be deemed as used by the member and the maintenance fee shall become due and payable only when the member makes the corresponding reservation under the club regultions." I was told when I purchased that I would only pay the maintenance fee when I used the week. Now they are saying that the maintenance fee for $2008 was $434 and for 2009 $559.26 and for 2010 $587.34. In my contract it also states "The Club agrees to limit any increase of maintenance fees to a maximum of 10% per year with the exception of extraordinary circumstances such as an increase in the Mexican Consumer Price Index.
I booked a reservation for Los Cabos (where I purchased my timeshare)last November for October 31 2009. I was charged my $395 maintenance fee plus $120 because I was using my award week. When I booked it they took my money at that time and have had it since. I just recieved a call from a Carolina Ridriquez Gomez stating that the resort in Los Cabos has been closed and they don't know when it will reopen. She then said if I came to Puerto Vallarta they would pay for my airline change fee. The only resort availabe, out of 3 in PV, was a run down old resort of theirs. The rest were booked up. I did not want to go to PV so we looked in Cabo. There was nothing available on their end so I checked with HSI and they had one available in Cabo but Playa Del Sol would not pay for it. I then checked to see about a flight to PV since nothing was working out and this is my annual vaction that has been booked for a year. There were no seats available on the entire weekend. The flights were booked. I demanded that they refund my money and pay me for my flights that I have to cancel along with the cancellation fee of $100/person (which there are 2 of us). They refused and said that I was being complicated and that no other member was this complicated. I was stunned. She told me there was nothing else they could do for me. Knowing she was about to hang up I said lets just work this out. After a lengthy discussion she agreed to forward my week to next year (which is booked up until April) and upgrade me to a 2 bedroom. She would agree to pay the $200 airline cancellation fee. She is now in the process of getting the OK from who knows who! She then informed me that the Maintenance fee for 2008 was $434 and 2009 $559.26 and 2010 will be $587.34. Is this legal? I feel like I'm between a rock here. She said they are legally covered when I asked if I should consult an attorney but there is nothing in my Member Purchase agreement that backs up anything that she is saying. Now I'm concerned that $16,210 I have invested in this is at jepardy. The resort is closed and no one will tell me when it will reopen or if. My membership fees are increasing excessivly and they just dropped the news that my vacation is cancelled.
I am a timeshare owner at 3 different resorts and have been happy with most of my experiences. I am having a problem with a timeshare rental company called Airtouch Real Estate (Raul Mendez) in Mexico. I have a written contract with them for the rental of my Canto del Sol property in PV. The contract guarantees the rental of my week. Airtouch didn’t rent it and won’t refund the US$699 fee nor pay me the week’s rent of US$1750. I have contacted Airtouch and the resort, without getting any satisfaction.
I was totally dupped by the PDS salesman that told half truths about what they would be able to do to make my timeshare more affordable...buy back my weeks, etc....never happened..sell my weeks...its a complicated arrangement and very difficult to deal with. I hate the ownership of this timeshare, what was i thinking! It is definitely a con game for unaware folks like myself. I have 10,000 left to pay on my timeshae and wish I could get back some of the money I've thrown to the cons. Where is the saving when anyone can get rooms cheaper just about anywehre in the world.
I just purchased a timeshare at Playa Del Sol with the promise they would sell 10 of my bonus weeks, thus basically paying for the cost of the timeshare. I came back to my hotel and researched on the internet to find this is a scam! Help!
I just received an email from Playa del Sol stating they are charging extraordinary fees for 2010 for upgrades they have done. the amount for my 1 bedroom is $348.
I bought this timeshare in 1997 and i have my agreement but it does not state anywhere that they have the right to charge this. They are only allowed to raise the maintenance fee 10% per year.
Also I have week 20 every year. When I paid my maintenance fees i asked that the week be deposited with RCi which has not been done.
I was told that they were not allowed to deposit with RCi at this time, but as soon as they were they would deposist a week in the future for me.
When I asked why they were not allowed they said the manager was looking into this and would have an answer for me in 72 hours. that was on May 17th and still nothing.
I am so frustrated with this company and feel they are not doing things legally.
Benjamin, I am interested in joining forces, how do i do this?
All I can say is that Playa Del Sol Group is the bigest scamers in Mexico . BEWARE DO NOT PURCHASE FROM THEM
I purchased a timeshare back in 2002 with Playa Del Sol Grand and was told all sorts of half truths and false claims. My original maintenance fees were 650 per week and now they have gone up to close to $1300 in just 6 years. I am not sure how that is possible if they can only raise the fees by 10%.
We are having problems with Playa del Sol. We purchased a fractional ownership last august based on them giving us 50 grand weeks that their "sister company" was going to buy from us at 700 USD each, to offset the cost of the membership. When we realized the contract we signed didn't reflect this, we went back to cancel before 5 days of the purchase. The salesperson then threatened to sue us for 18,000 USD, they guaranteed the purchase of the 50 weeks with a written contract from Grand Xcapes, which they said it was their sister company, and everything was a lie. We have contacted Playa del Sol and they deny the salesperson allegations to be true.
I just received a letter from pds requesting payment for a special assessment. I haven´t received my original contract yet (Seems like I never will). Also, pds has not paid the association dues for over 2 years and are in arrears. Can they charge me for this fee?
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