Quejas de Tiempo Compartido en GRAND MIRAMAR
Grand Miramar Club & Spa All Inclusive, Puerto Vallarta Hotels, World Luxury Destinations

- Razón social
- Disyga, S.A. de C.V., TH Paraiso Azul S.A. de C.V.
- Localización
- Puerto Vallarta
- Compañías de Renta
- High End Rentals, Horizon Property Managment, Luxury Vallarta Rentals, Holiday Vacation Management, Continental Resources
- Representantes
- Cesar Mendez, Mark Gardea, Johnny Montalvo, John Monte
Quejas Comunes:
- El vendedor ofrece una compra garantizada de su tiempo compartido anterior propiedad a través de una de sus compañías de reventa. Sus empresas de reventa tienen representantes ahi mismo y hacer la impresión de que son una sola compañía. Luxury Vallarta Rental fue la primera sociedad, pero que la compañía ha ido a la quiebra, por lo que ahora se refiere a los clientes a High End Rentals. La diferencia entre el Gran Miramar y otros hoteles es que la cuota que se le paga a las agencias de Venta y reventa parece ser pagados a través de Gran Miramar directamente, y es a menudo una cantidad mucho más alta (es decir, $ 3000 - $ 5000)
- El vendedor ofrece en la financiación por medio del hotel a una tasa introductoria baja. Cuando el cliente vuelve a casa se dan cuenta de que la financiación es en realidad es una tarjeta Visa de Bank of America, que ha sido cobrado el importe total del tiempo compartido. Este es el método de Gran Miramar de asegurar que se les page en su totalidad por el tiempo compartido. Bank of America se suele respaldar ante los conflictos con un contrato válido que se ha firmado.
- Algunos clientes piensan que están comprando un contrato con Gran Miramar, cuando en realidad está comprando un contrato de Platinum Access Marketing que no parece tener los mismos derechos para el cliente que en un contrato normal de tiempo compartido.
Grand Miramar Teléfono:
Member Services USA/CAN: 1-877-839-3927
Reservations USA/CAN: 1-877-874-8901
FAX USA/CAN: 1-800-491-2906
Reservaciones México: 01-800-681-9546
Fax México: 01-800-681-9536
We attended a residence property presentation at the Miramar in Puerta Vallarta in September 2011 which has resulted in being scammed for $87,650 in addition to the purchase at the Miramar and an possibly annuity we purchased there. At this point we don’t know if we even have time at the Miramar and if the Lloydshare annuity is a scam also.
We purchased a membership with World Luxury Destination for $24,900 which we understand to be a fractional ownership of the Miramar
We were told they would sell our Grand Luxxe Property for $118,350 and would connect us with the buyers Continental Resources
We agreed to sell 4 weeks of our Miramar time for $1500 week for five years and that Continental Resources would manage that for us also
Continental Resources (James Brooks) guaranteed payment for the Luxxe after proof of ownership.
World Property Connections-Emma Palmer contacted us to complete the sale. Stated she had a buyer for $129,800 for the Luxxe (to cover commissions) and rental weeks would be purchased for $2900 per week. She told us we would be notified by the escrow company.
We were then notified by Advantage Trust International Chicago, Illinois. Rose Thomas was the name of the agent. Between February and May, under the direction of Advantage Trust employee and World Property Connections Emma Palmer, we wired $87,650 in fees including title transfer fees, maintenance fees, taxes, foreign investment fees, sales commissions, and excess income tax, which were all to be reimbursed at the close of the sale of the Luxxe and the rental weeks at the Miramar.
The last wire was sent on May 8, our funds were to be transferred to our account on May 9 and none of these “companies” will answer phones, though the numbers still work. Of course there has been no money received. Through property manager at Willis Tower in Illinois, Advantage Trust has never rented in that building. World Property Connections letterhead lists an address in Houston Texas, and they are not located at that address either.
The Continental Resources contract states: Guaranteed buy back at $59,910 USD after one year from today’s date which we have no idea how to pursue.
We bought a time share at Grand Miramar and they did not give us all our papers when we left after we gave them our credit card we would like to cancel the sale we have heard lots of people being in trouble with them. With all the bad reviews PV is getting this is not a plus.Can we cancel this sale?
I made a big mistake today and bought a timeshare and have heard horror stories all night the hotel is grand Miramar can I cancel ?
We have been defrauded by the Grand Miramar for approx $100,000.00. We have been dealing with Profeco and the best they could negotiate for us was $5,000.00 from Grand Miramar with the return of our title. This was not acceptable
Im not sure if this timeshare is good at all, they did tell me that the discounts we got recinded the 5 day cancellation and would lose the $5000 deposit, now I have LLyodshare calling for 6.5 of $26,700 for my annuity, but not sure who they are and if its safe, so if I dont get annuity the timeshare is a waste. also was told that I can book anywhere any day with RCI from catalog I got, but reading it makes it sound different, I have to call them first before contaction RCI to deposit days? I was kept filled with beer for 8 hours until i gave in and signed, payments were deffered until Nov because I didnt have money for payments until then.The Lyyods of London thing did come up and thought that was good, but after getting home and reading it sure sounds different now.Was told I have no blackout dates, open everyday for reservation any place any time?? If I dont make payments and tell them to cancel, what will happen?
di enganche para tiempo compartido en kristal cancun, me ofrecieron que la empresa continnental conneccion, me compraría todas mis semanas y me pagaría en 5 años. No sé si cancelar, después de leer todos estos comentarios negativos van a cargar ochenta mil a la tarjeta de credito a seis meses, las sugerencias serán bien recibidas, gracias
I might be in the middle of the scam. We bought a forclosure at the Grand Miramar in exchange for the sale of our Grand Luxxe. We have been contacted by the closing company regarding the completion of the sale and ownership transfer. We expect to close very soon. We were told we could stop it any time and all funds would be reimbursed and have already contacted Bank of America that it could be a scam. If the closing goes off without a hitch we will be happy. (We think). If there is no closing we will contact Bank of America to tell them the whole thing was a fraud and to refund our money. Any comments?
I got scam by miramar to what can I do??
Purchased a timeshare at Grand Miramar and read article saying that it is a scam. Please provide me with more information. I think i´m a timeshare scam victim too =(
Most of the "Rental Companies" mentioned above were run by Max Martinez. I fell for Johnnie's lies, so add us to the lawsuit. My contract is from February 2010
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