Quejas de Tiempo Compartido en GRAND MIRAMAR
Grand Miramar Club & Spa All Inclusive, Puerto Vallarta Hotels, World Luxury Destinations

- Razón social
- Disyga, S.A. de C.V., TH Paraiso Azul S.A. de C.V.
- Localización
- Puerto Vallarta
- Compañías de Renta
- High End Rentals, Horizon Property Managment, Luxury Vallarta Rentals, Holiday Vacation Management, Continental Resources
- Representantes
- Cesar Mendez, Mark Gardea, Johnny Montalvo, John Monte
Quejas Comunes:
- El vendedor ofrece una compra garantizada de su tiempo compartido anterior propiedad a través de una de sus compañías de reventa. Sus empresas de reventa tienen representantes ahi mismo y hacer la impresión de que son una sola compañía. Luxury Vallarta Rental fue la primera sociedad, pero que la compañía ha ido a la quiebra, por lo que ahora se refiere a los clientes a High End Rentals. La diferencia entre el Gran Miramar y otros hoteles es que la cuota que se le paga a las agencias de Venta y reventa parece ser pagados a través de Gran Miramar directamente, y es a menudo una cantidad mucho más alta (es decir, $ 3000 - $ 5000)
- El vendedor ofrece en la financiación por medio del hotel a una tasa introductoria baja. Cuando el cliente vuelve a casa se dan cuenta de que la financiación es en realidad es una tarjeta Visa de Bank of America, que ha sido cobrado el importe total del tiempo compartido. Este es el método de Gran Miramar de asegurar que se les page en su totalidad por el tiempo compartido. Bank of America se suele respaldar ante los conflictos con un contrato válido que se ha firmado.
- Algunos clientes piensan que están comprando un contrato con Gran Miramar, cuando en realidad está comprando un contrato de Platinum Access Marketing que no parece tener los mismos derechos para el cliente que en un contrato normal de tiempo compartido.
Grand Miramar Teléfono:
Member Services USA/CAN: 1-877-839-3927
Reservations USA/CAN: 1-877-874-8901
FAX USA/CAN: 1-800-491-2906
Reservaciones México: 01-800-681-9546
Fax México: 01-800-681-9536
We have been Scammed by World Luxury Destination at the Mango beach club, same as every one else, a buy back one of our other properties and sell our weeks, We feel bad as we are good people, however I have spoken to various FBI depts. Continental Resourses James Brook, and World Property Connections Emma Palmer the Escrow is Advantage Trust International Rose Thomas, all in it together Scammeres however if enough complaints go into "IC3.gov: through the FBI they will open a case, SO FILE YOUR COMPLAINT WITH THEM PLEASE. I HAVE.
We made an even greater mistake when they told us they would sell our
Grand Luxxe, ended up sending over $87,000 in "mexican tax", title transfer fees, registry of foreign investment, maintenance fees and excess income tax, all which were to be reimbursed with the sale of our property and the resale of 4 Grand Miramar week for 5 years. We are definately interested.
I recently bought or scammed april22 2012 I gave $4000 down now I can't get ahold of no one I believe like you poor people I was scammed I want my $4000 back what can we do.
I need help geting my money back from the Grand Miramar. I have all paperwork of contract. Requested cancellation 4 days after established. Filed with Profeco on that day. Delivered cancellation to Grand Miramar. They refuse to accept letter, Refuse to give the money back. Date of Contract Oct.4th Cancellation Oct 8. Tried to dispute charges....Citi card does not recognize Mexican law, no cancellation clause in contract.
I have been scammed in a slightly different way than the others that I read about on your website. We did not buy timeshares, but, got taken by the promise of selling our current timeshares, or for some of the others in my group, by the promise of renting weeks for them. My situation started by a person at the Grand Miramar in PV...named John Monte. We are out a substantial amount of money by credit card, as well as, wiring money to companies called Property Marketing Group and International Closing Company.
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