Quejas de Tiempo Compartido en GRAND MIRAMAR
Grand Miramar Club & Spa All Inclusive, Puerto Vallarta Hotels, World Luxury Destinations

- Razón social
- Disyga, S.A. de C.V., TH Paraiso Azul S.A. de C.V.
- Localización
- Puerto Vallarta
- Compañías de Renta
- High End Rentals, Horizon Property Managment, Luxury Vallarta Rentals, Holiday Vacation Management, Continental Resources
- Representantes
- Cesar Mendez, Mark Gardea, Johnny Montalvo, John Monte
Quejas Comunes:
- El vendedor ofrece una compra garantizada de su tiempo compartido anterior propiedad a través de una de sus compañías de reventa. Sus empresas de reventa tienen representantes ahi mismo y hacer la impresión de que son una sola compañía. Luxury Vallarta Rental fue la primera sociedad, pero que la compañía ha ido a la quiebra, por lo que ahora se refiere a los clientes a High End Rentals. La diferencia entre el Gran Miramar y otros hoteles es que la cuota que se le paga a las agencias de Venta y reventa parece ser pagados a través de Gran Miramar directamente, y es a menudo una cantidad mucho más alta (es decir, $ 3000 - $ 5000)
- El vendedor ofrece en la financiación por medio del hotel a una tasa introductoria baja. Cuando el cliente vuelve a casa se dan cuenta de que la financiación es en realidad es una tarjeta Visa de Bank of America, que ha sido cobrado el importe total del tiempo compartido. Este es el método de Gran Miramar de asegurar que se les page en su totalidad por el tiempo compartido. Bank of America se suele respaldar ante los conflictos con un contrato válido que se ha firmado.
- Algunos clientes piensan que están comprando un contrato con Gran Miramar, cuando en realidad está comprando un contrato de Platinum Access Marketing que no parece tener los mismos derechos para el cliente que en un contrato normal de tiempo compartido.
Grand Miramar Teléfono:
Member Services USA/CAN: 1-877-839-3927
Reservations USA/CAN: 1-877-874-8901
FAX USA/CAN: 1-800-491-2906
Reservaciones México: 01-800-681-9546
Fax México: 01-800-681-9536
yes we are victims, since November 2012 we have been fighting with them to get our money back. We are dealing with Richard Bounds sales manager and Brenda Garcia loan manager, they have re named there company again as of April 23015 called Legacy centurion/ Grand Miramar. We have in writing a buy back clause written on grand Miramar paper with Richard Bounds signature that if the deal with Diamond Management that to to sell our 8 weeks of timeshare at grand Miramar that they would refund our full purchase price of $26,000.00 usd. They keep saying there looking into problem or they make up another phoney contract, any chance of getting our money back, I have all written papers snd emails from this company
Trabaje para ese hotel elaborando la publicidad y se que todo lo que dicen es verdad, es un fraude total, me quedaron a deber muchísimo dinero, los dueños del hotel María Eugenia Garfias Muñoz y Roberto Gomez Aguado.
I work developing advertising for that hotel and everything they say is true, it is a total fraud, the hotel owners are Garfias María Eugenia Muñoz and Roberto Gomez Aguado.
[E-mail] · [E-mail]
Some years ago i was involved on a very annoying situation with this resort, to be clear, i was scammed , all started because i went to a timeshare presentation , and there i was exposed to a high tension , so i bought a membership , when i wanted to use the timeshare never was available, so i dont know why this people still scamming others , such a shame.
me encantaria saber si hay manera de cancelar mi tiempo compartido lo mas pronto posible, estoy cansada de pagar por un fraude y por sus mentiras, definitivamente es el peor resort que he tenido el disgusto de conocer, el trato que le dan al cliente es pesimo, son unos hipocritas
In researching other similar cases of timeshares trying to charge Special Assessment fee's many of the companies try to claim their ability to charge it is from some form of internal company policy, or internal resort charter, or some such b.s. These are simply not legal nor enforceable. Of course that won't stop these unethical rip-off timeshare companies from follow their usual course of action if you don't pay: stop your membership, attack your credit, harass you through collections, etc. Unfortunately the only long-term solution is a class action lawsuit in which many members unite, pool resources, and sue the company.
You read about people being scammed and say how stupid can you be - and then it happens to you. The sales person was so slick. He had a company who would buy our old timeshares, all we had to do was add a rewards points program to make it more saleable. Now we are fighting for a refund but Mexican law only allows five days to cancel a contract. Be aware! My advise DON'T GO TO TIMESHARE PRESENTATIONS.
Nose en que momento cometi el error de acercarme a este resort, la vd que me deje llevar por la ilusion y mas por todo lo que me prometieron pense que seria la inversion de mi vida, desgraciadamente olvide que las personas estas solo buscan como sacarte dinero a mas no poder, es una pena que con el esfuerzo que hacemos para ganar nuestro dinero otras personas por medio de estafas t roben, asi como los de este resort
After a timeshare presentation at grand miramar we were taken to get or gifts this is where we met mike and Alex who claim they work for the owner, accountants or something like that.They showed us a package that would allow us to use week very inexpencive.
what bull ***. When we finally received the log in info we found very few properties and all were much more than what was told to us and put in writing. Don't fall for this scam.
This is a scam going on with many of the resorts in Mexico and something needs to be done to stop this sort of thing. Profeco in Mexico is extremly slow and has not been much help at all. I am still fighting to get my money back!
After a scandalous visit to Grand Miramar that left a very bitter taste in my mouth, I will have nothing to do with this fraudulent resort. They obviously do not have customer centered business philosophy and are thus not worth my money or consideration.
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