QUEJAS de Tiempo compartido en NH KRYSTAL
NH Krystal, Eskape by Krystal, Krystal, Krystal Adventure Plus, Krystal resorts, Krystal Altitude, Hoteles Krystal, Krystal Urban, Krystal Grand, Krystal Beach

- Razón social
- Hoteleria Chicome S.A. de C.V.
- Localización
- Cancun, Puerto Vallarta, Ixtapa
- Agencias de cobro
- Concord Servicing Corporation
- Compañías de Renta
- Continental Connections, R.S.I (Resorts Solutions International)
- Representantes
- Rafael Septien, Ray Rubio, Luis Farias, John Payne, Martha Gonzalez, Cynthia Saldivar, Laura Gonzalez
Quejas Comunes en Krystal resorts:
- Los vendedores de tiempo compartido en Krystal resorts (Eskape by Krystal) oferta rentar sus semanas de tiempo compartido para una alto beneficio
- Garantizan de que se venderá o intercambiar su tiempo compartido anterior.
- Vendedor afirma que el cliente recibirá una contraseña para reservar sus vacaciones fácilmente a través de un sitio como Expedia u Orbitz
- Ofrecer un programa de renta vitalicia, donde los clientes se compromete a obtener de su inversión total de nuevo después de 25 años si pagan un extra de 7.5% del precio de compra para Lloydshare, una empresa terciaria que organiza la anualidad. Hace afirmaciones que son la misma empresa de seguros Lloyds de Londres.
Krystal Teléfono:
Tel: +52 (998) 848-9800
Lada sin costo: 01 800 KRYSTAL (5797 825)
Fax: +52 (998) 848-9813
En mayo compré un tiempo compartido pero se que es un fraude porque me dijeron que lo iban a rentan y que me iban a dar un porcentaje de las rentas cada año en enero tengo que pagar 18000 de mantenimiento y ya no puedo pagarlos aparte la mensualidad de 5000 pesos y el contrato es Copia que ni siquiera me han dado el original.qye puedo hacer
Muy mala experiencia tuvimos nosotros al ser envueltos en el fraude de tiempo compartido con este resort, cabe mencionar que todo lo que nos dijeron durante la presentacion fueron puras mentiras, nada fue cierto y durante 3 años hemos estado aguantando esto , usamos muy pocas veces la membresia y nos cobraban cada mes como si vivieramos ahi.
My husband and I went to Cancun and after we went to presentation with Krystal international vacation club we give them our money in exchange for the promises that are totally false. They told us that it was an investment opportunity not a timeshare I asked directly to Ludwick if it was a timeshare and he said no is an investment opportunity they offer a one bedroom suite with a lot of options they told us that we can use 2 weeks out of the year one week with 4 people in the room and one week with only two people they are liars they also said there are no blocked out daysI told him I can only take vacation in December and in the summer, that is another lie and I am so upset because I told them up front I can't take vacation time but only on those dates now I threw my money away the room for renting are not renting and I can't use the timeshare because when I can go I'm working also the company they told me it was going to rent my investment opportunity has different types of memberships in Cancun the crystal people said there were going to take care of everything and that I only going to be worried of getting the checks but when they called for me to pay the fee and I paid they never explain the different types of memberships to me so after 3 days I went to the website to check how the business was going and for my surprise I couldn't even find the ad, I immediately called and that's when they took their time to explain to me that I own a basic membership and that is my responsibility to not only create the ad come up with a warning place the ad contact the client , make the reservation, collect the money, and if they have any problems in Cancun solve the issue for them. I've been trying to call call either to cancel or to get what I was promised for the money I already give them but they came out with the solution but of course it only benefits them they told me but if I want to go on December or during the summer I have to upgrade my membership and that they would give me a discount so I only have to pay $4,800 and they also told me but I do not have to lock off option they are scammers
This is indeed basically a scam. The review above is very accurate. Every time you sau "no", someone else comes by "to make sure we were treated well" then makes a "better" offer. We said yes when we were given what we thought was a great deal... Signed plenty of paperwork, thank God (more like my wife) we reviewed the Ts&Cs that same night. All the stuff that made us sign up wasn't there! Keep in mind- YOU HAVE UP TO 5 DAYS TO CANCEL! We canceled the next day, they tried to convince me all was good but when I insisted they did in fact provide with with a cancelation agreement whereby I got all my money back. Avoid the stress and stay away from them!
Hace meses que me libre de los cobros de estas ratas, de verdad que no se metan con ellos, el mas grande error que una persona puede cometer creo que es involucrarse en los tiempos compartidos , me quedo de leccion ,jamas volver hacerlo , saludos y mejro inviertan en otra cosa.
Hello , just dont try to understand how bad could be to get a membership with this resort, this persons are experts on the field, so please dont let them sell you something here, i have a bad experience with those guys and i feel very ashamed of that , i wish that never happened.
Desafortunadamente acabo de comprar un tiempo compartido en hotel krystal, y hasta ahora leo los comentarios, seguramente caí en este fraude, me gustaría contactar al Sr. Augusto Rodríguez, para poder comentar más al respecto y tratar e hacer algo.
Muy mal este resort, de verdad que jamas pense que esto de los tiempos compartidos fuera tan engorroso!! no puedo creer que mi esposo y yo caimos en el juego de palabras de los malditos vendedores, pensando que seria una buena inversion , ahora me doy cuenta que es todo lo contrario , ayuda ! hemos perdido mucho dinero !
Hi there to everyone, well a year ago I was a victim of this resort, they used to promise many things that cant a fford , my husband was involved on a very annoying situation with the manager of this resort, all those people who think that purchasing a timeshare is a good idea, think about 2 times please before give some money.
They have not returned our calls or emails since our return home. What was the out come of disputing the charges with the credit card company. They are further expecting additional monies on Oct 15th of the last year. I don't wish to pay. Please help me, i want to cancel!
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