QUEJAS de Tiempo compartido en NH KRYSTAL
NH Krystal, Eskape by Krystal, Krystal, Krystal Adventure Plus, Krystal resorts, Krystal Altitude, Hoteles Krystal, Krystal Urban, Krystal Grand, Krystal Beach

- Razón social
- Hoteleria Chicome S.A. de C.V.
- Localización
- Cancun, Puerto Vallarta, Ixtapa
- Agencias de cobro
- Concord Servicing Corporation
- Compañías de Renta
- Continental Connections, R.S.I (Resorts Solutions International)
- Representantes
- Rafael Septien, Ray Rubio, Luis Farias, John Payne, Martha Gonzalez, Cynthia Saldivar, Laura Gonzalez
Quejas Comunes en Krystal resorts:
- Los vendedores de tiempo compartido en Krystal resorts (Eskape by Krystal) oferta rentar sus semanas de tiempo compartido para una alto beneficio
- Garantizan de que se venderá o intercambiar su tiempo compartido anterior.
- Vendedor afirma que el cliente recibirá una contraseña para reservar sus vacaciones fácilmente a través de un sitio como Expedia u Orbitz
- Ofrecer un programa de renta vitalicia, donde los clientes se compromete a obtener de su inversión total de nuevo después de 25 años si pagan un extra de 7.5% del precio de compra para Lloydshare, una empresa terciaria que organiza la anualidad. Hace afirmaciones que son la misma empresa de seguros Lloyds de Londres.
Krystal Teléfono:
Tel: +52 (998) 848-9800
Lada sin costo: 01 800 KRYSTAL (5797 825)
Fax: +52 (998) 848-9813
Just bought time share june19thmissed the 5day cancellation zone for full refund presently emailing sales rep as of mon the 27 the next business day after home no final answer yet, What can we do?
Another timeshare victim....Once the representatives knew that I refused to put any down payment on the card attached to my checking account, they insisted that I use my American Express card (knowing that it does not have a limit). They had them on the telephone for authorization before I even had an opportunity to review their contract for signature. We fully understand now what the cliché phrase of "never mix business with pleasure" means. The sales team provides a forward flow of tequila shots, mixed drinks and a bottle of champagne to celebrate all new members.
We believe that we were subjected to consumer fraud and poor business practices of Krystal. Many verbal offers could not be found in the contract, although we were told that the contract contains them. We called the hotel and then sent a request for rescission. We sent the request to the hotel. We have been in back and forth discussions with Krystal since that time. They are refusing to refund the down payment, because the cancellation period is only 5 days.
Hi, I have a Termination Agreement with Hotelera Chicome S.A ( Krystal resort Cancun) that was signed within the Five days after I purchased their membership on August 24, 2011. HC agreed to reimburse my money ($4500 USD) in a term no longer than 15 working days. However, 30 days passed and no amount has been credited toward my credit card.What can I do?
We bought this timeshare a few years ago but only used it once because the flight to Mexico cost a lot and we can do better with an all-inclusive deal. It's paid for but we still have the fees. Please give us some Free advice on how to get rid of it. Thanks.
I buy a time share in mexico a year and a half ago, this is my first time that i want to use it and for some reason i cant get them, i'm beginning to think that this is a scam, what can i do?
To all those scam victims out there:
We were there a few months ago and realized how scammed we were when we got back home. Of course when I called they refused to send me my money back. So I was going to send a dispute to Profeco (Mexico's BBB). Then a friend of mine said "you really think the Mexican government is going to send you your money back?" That's when I really started contemplating what to do. Firstly, CHANGE YOUR credit card no.
If you have already sold any of your weeks, it may be harder to recoup your money, since you have "initiated the contract" so to speak. But I believe anything is possible.
Call your bank and ask how is best to dispute the charge on your credit card for the "weeks" you purchased. For me, there was an online form which I filled out and also called them. They responded with a negative response, saying that I needed more proof that I tried to cancel, like emails, letters etc. I told the bank that we verbally asked to cancel a few days after the transaction while we were still there, so there is NO written proof of cancellation. I then got hold of someone close to the dispute dept. and explained what was going on. You need to explain that this is not an item bought and you wanting to return it, it is a HUGE scam that is going on, and so many people are suffering because of it. Print out this page of complaints as part of your proof of what a scam it is. Look for loopholes in the contact. As far as I am concerned, there are a few. We bought 9 weeks. What we didn't know was that each week bought was us merely paying for the maintenance fees for that week which would then give us the right to sell that week. So they refer to it as "your weeks that you have bought." Meanwhile they know very well that so far you have NOTHING. Because if you used the weeks yourself, that would cost you an additional $75 per night ontop of what you had already paid them. Most normal people would understand it to be that upon presentation of your weekly coupon at the front desk, that you get to stay without paying anything since you supposedly bought your weeks already. This is why they concentrate so hard on you selling your weeks for a profit. This way they don't have to explain to you that you merely own the right to sell the week, but not to stay there for a week...that would cost you an additional $75 per night x 7 = $525 extra per week ontop of what you've already paid them. It is important to explain this to your bank. Your bank has lawyers that will back you up.
The loopholes I found in the Contract: Clause 13, they refer to the $75 per night as "lodging fees". We thought they were some minor fees like maintenance fees or something that wouldn't amount to much. In no way were we to know that that meant the price of your accomodation to stay there, since we had already paid for that (or so we thought).
In another letter they make you initial, it states the $75.00 fee at the bottom, but refers to it as "extra days". When we read that we figured we didn't need to worry about extra days, since we already had 9 weeks.
Also, note that on the KRYSTAL ADVENTURE PLUS booklet they give you, on the inside of the last page under RULES in the 3rd paragraph they talk about "preferential room rate".
So you now have "lodging fees", "extra days", and "preferential room rate" which are all supposed to mean the same thing. It is obvious they want you to be confused and not understand what's really going on.
I hope this will help in some way. I have tried to leave an email address, in the past, but this site clears out messages that leave a contact like that.
In December 2011 bought a similar package from Kyrstal. I have not contacted them yet but think I would like to close my contract and get a refund. Have you tried this and do you know how I might be able to do this?
frustrated and scammed
Luz Cervantes
Deseo asesoría sobre la cancelación de los servicios de Krystal, debido a que no recibo respuesta por parte de la empresa, ni para solicitar reservación, ni para solicitar la revocación de los servicios contratados. durante la presentaciòn fueron unos lobos disfrazados de corderos, nos trataron muy bien inventandonos cosas y ahor ani un correo pueden respondernos, que manera de evadir los problemas y quejas de los clientes.
Su teléfono y correo electrónico no serán publicados.
Los campos marcados con * son obligatorios.