QUEJAS de Tiempo Compartido en VELAS VALLARTA
las All Suites & Spa Resort Riviera Maya, Grand Velas All Suites & Spa Resort Riviera Nayarit.

- Razón social
- Desarrollos Turisticos de la Costa S.A. de C.V., Promotora Turistica Las Velas S.A. de C
- Compañías de Renta
- Sierra Rentals and Resales
- Representantes
- Cheryl Manaker, Monica Dellagrave
- Reclamo para vender tiempos fraccionados en lugar de tiempo compartido, pero en tiempos fraccionados no son propiedades escrituradas, sólo los contratos de semanas de tiempo compartido.
- El Vendedor afirma que todos los gastos de viaje puede ser usado para impuesto contra la propiedad, porque es una propiedad fraccionaria.Vendedor afirma que Sierra se alquila sus semanas de tiempo compartido para un beneficio. Sierra cobra un honorario de listado, pero nunca renta las semanas, y dejar de contestar el teléfono.
- Muchos clientes han recibido llamadas de Sierra alrededor de un año después de su compra que indica que tienen un comprador para su propiedad Velas Vallarta. Se les dice que sólo hay que pagar por la búsqueda del título y los impuestos en una cuenta de fidecomiso y entonces el dinero del comprador se dará a conocer al vendedor. El Vendedor deposita el dinero a la compañía del fideicomiso, y luego nunca oye de nuevo.
- Ofrecer un programa de renta vitalicia, donde los clientes se compromete a obtener de su inversión total de nuevo después de 25 años si pagan un extra de 7.5% del precio de compra para Lloydshare, una empresa terciaria que organiza la anualidad.
Velas Vallarta Teléfono:
Reservaciones: 1-877-418-2859
USA & Canad: 1-888-210-9590
México: 01-800-685-2048
The sale of our existing timeshare was a condition of purchase at Velas Vallarta. The salesperson misled us about the guarantee to sell our existing timeshare for $60,850. We didn't get the guarantee until we were leaving after signing the contract. The guarantee was for no more than to list the property for sale for $60,850.
We talked about the RCI bonus weeks we were getting. We talked about the cost of $169 or $189 a week. Nothing was said about having to pay maintenance fees first.
We were told we were getting a $80,000 annuity. We then found later it was an "anticipated" annuity.
On our most recent trip to Nuevo Vallarta, we found that our original $21K investment buys less and less. We could not use the gym or some of the pools, or poolside rooms, as they banded us according to our membership. The only way to use these facilities was to upgrade our membership. I wouldn't be surprised to find eventually that our amenities will include a storage room with cots in the basement of the one resort we will still be able to use. Perhaps we will lose our membership completely.
do not buy fractional ownership it´s the same as timeshare they just call it diferently and approach you diferently i almost bought with velas vallarta actually i did but reported my card stolen, that was a close call phew!
I was thinking to buy a timeshare with Velas Vallarta, but now i think it's not the best desicion.
we purchased at Velas Vallarta, and we were excited until we found we got scammed.
Deal with your credit card companies immediately. Register with Profeco, consummer complaints. They will not help you, but this helps your case with the credit card company.
We tried to desolve our contract through PROFECO, and Velas told them they were willing to cancel the contract and refund us all but 30% of our down payment, but PROFECO called during their meeting without notifying us in advance to be available by phone,therefore we weren't. PROFECO said it was too late by the time we called them back to accept their offer, so we waited until the next month's meeting for which they did not show. Therefore PROFECO closed our case and would not answer our emails. I have since emailed and phoned Monica Dellagrave at Velas, who has said for over a year now, that she is willing to cancel our contract, (as per section 10 which states we may cancel within 6 mos. and receive all but 30% back), but she keeps putting us off. Now they are in breech of the contract, and therefore, should refund us 100% of our downpayment
My wife and I are absolutely sick over this timeshare we were pressured into buying through lies and deception during our family vacation . The salesman for Velas Vallarta repeatedly assured us that they would gladly take back the timeshare for whatever was owed on it if we changed our mind for any reason at any time in the future. Having that supposed safetynet was the only reason we went through with it. We of course missed the 5 day rescission period by the time we returned home and studied the details. Now the salesman will not return our calls and the operators insist they never take back timeshares.
Tengo un problema con una compañia llamada Velas Vallarta en Vallarta. Nunca se me explico la clausula de cancelacion y me piden el 40% del valor del contrato ahora que lo quiero cancelar. Pague solo el enganche alrededor de 10 mil pesos. Ahora ya no he pagado y tengo dos mensualidades vencidas.
Purchased a Vila Plus Deluxe from Velas Vallarta. Offered to deal with Dreams to rent and recoup some of our costs. Such never happened, recently approached by Sierra Corporate Sales and Rentals to purchase. After paying fees, they've now disappeared! Interested in selling so that I may enjoy vacations in Mexico without having this situation always on my mind!
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