Punta Pacifico, Encanto Bahía

- Razón social
- Compania Hotelera Nadia S.A. de C.V.
- Localización
- Mazatlan
- Compañías de Renta
- Phoenix Vacation Property Management, Premier Vacations, Swap Global Vacations
- Representantes
- Alfredo Marcq, Vladimir Jimenez.
Quejas Comunes:
- El Vendedor afirma que si el cliente no utiliza sus semanas de tiempo compartido, Punta Pacifico/ Encanto Bahía ofrece pagar al cliente un alto precio del renta por semana durante los próximos cinco años para no utilize su tiempo compartido, ya que quieren mantener tantas unidades disponibles para tener suficientes habitaciones para mostrar a otros compradores potenciale.
- Punta Pacifico/ Encanto Bahía utiliza empresas de venta que garantizan la venta de un viejo tiempo compartido dentro de un período de 90 a 120 días. Prometen altos precios de reventa, de manera que puedan inducir a los compradores en la compra de grandes cantidades para su paquete de tiempo compartido en Punta Pacifico/ Encanto Bahía.
- Hacen que los clientes firmen un acuerdo que dice "me doy cuenta y entiende que el depósito de dinero que han acreditado a mi contrato de compra no es cancelable y ni reembolsable, ya que mi contrato de compraventa no tiene provisiones para un período de rescisión." Esta declaración está en oposición al período de rescisión cinco días permitidos por la ley mexicana.
Punta Pacifico/Encanto BahíaTeléfono :
Toll free 1866 978 6826
mex. 6699 101400
La Jolla Boutique is a big scam and consumers should not believe anything that their representatives tell them in person or by the phone.
Very true. We were scammed by the same trick, lost $10,000 yo these liars, thinking they'd sell our other time share. They produced a sighed addendum, promising to give our money back if they failed to sell. 2 years later, they still didn't give us the money. We went after them for months, then went through Profeco, they are a bunch of criminals, who take advantage of the Mexican law and are robbing the tourists in broad daylight. We should organize a class action lawsuit against them and bring them to jail.
compre un tiempo compartido en la jolla un mentado alfredo marqc me la vendio diciendo q era un buen negocio y q el se comprometia a q en 25 dias se haria el reembolso incluso le dijo al hombre de mercadotecnia q verificara la informacion el cual dijo q asi era q ellos se comprometian a ese termino firmamos unas hojas y q el contrato nos seria enviado ala siguiente semana el cual no llego, le preguntamos como 5 veces si tendriamos q pagar alguna cuota extra y el contesto q no q seria unico pago de 30,000 pesos y q esa misma cantidad se nos estaria dando por año en enero por la renta de las semanas q nosotros estabamos autorizando en ese momento firmamos e inclso se nos regalaron dos noches para q conocieramos el hotel, al pasar los 25 dias me llamo una tal srita smith diciendo q tendriamos q pagar la cantidad de 629 dolares para q se nos diera el pago por las semanas autorizadas le comenteq aparte de q Alfredo no me habia comentado lo de esa cuota no me habia llegado el contrato q el dijo q me llegaria a las puertas de mi casa y me dijo la señorita q en un momento me lo mandaba por correo, cuando me llego por correo y lo vi no era el q Alfredo me habia enseñado y el q supuestamente me llegaria por q el q el me enseño no decia nada de pagar nada extra despues me volvio a marcar la smith y le comente eso y me dijo q ella no sabia nada de eso q me comunicara con el para aclarar eso y asi lo hize le marq, batalle un poco para comunicarme con el pero hable con el y me dijo q si me habia comentado lo de la cuota esa y le dije q no era cierto el caso fue q me dijo dejeme checar y le regreso la llamada y aun no ha llamado, tengo varios dias marcandoles y no contestan marque al numero q me dio en su tarjeta y nada le mando correos tampoco ni a el ni ala tal srita smith, si alguien sabe si puedo hacer algo para q me regresen mi dinero yo lo pague en efectivo, se los agradeceria no es posible q gente como esa siga estafando gente y q nos hagan verlo como un negocio y resulta q es pura perdida, gracias
In June 2008 my parents and I visited Mazatlan and were invited to la jolla not knowing much about scams my parents were promised that they will sell there current time share and own property at La jolla for $10,000. Months passed and no paper work from them my parents were so ignorant about scams that they felt they couldnt do anything about it. Its been 5 years and there still trying to pay that credit card it saddens me becuase they could really use that money now. I wish that there could be something done now, even though its been 5 years.
When you signed they don't give you a copy of the contract, only one cover without clauses and half full, saying that this will arrive in a few days and supposedly goes approved by a notary. You decide to read through the clauses and arguing constantly interrupt you not read, that how can one wary of such prestigious developments. They make a charge to the credit card and contract signatures.
I purchased my timeshare at la joya and they told me that they would buy the weeks for me so that they would have enough availability to ensure their top of the class customers, pure lies.
The newest event in this scam is a person from Real Estate Loans of San Jose calls and says a developer in Mexico wants to buy the La Jolla. I was emailed a "proposal" saying developer would buy the time share unit from me. They would get an 8% commission on the sale plus we would need to pay a $3000 transfer fee to sell the property. It is just another boiler room scam about this property. They claim to have a California real estate license.
Totally true, they prefer that the client don't use the timeshare week, they're a fraud!!! I want to cancel my timeshare!!!
We where also promised that they would sell our timeshare for almost double we had paid for. Gave them a down payment. And we where told by Alfredo we would close in 180 days and this was back in March 2013 and haven't heard nothing from them. Have called TPS several times and no answer.The reason I found out about the scam was because I lost the address to send the payment and all these scam stories came up. I started investigating and wowwww so many people have been scam also. Sooo sad they are doing this to so many of us that work hard for our money. My parents are Mexican and I'm Mexican-American so is my husband and they put my race to shame. My husband and I had been suspicious about it for a while but we where hoping for the best. I'm so upset, stress and depressed cannot believe we fell for their stupid scam. Hopefully others see this and don't fall in their lies. I'm never ever doing any sort of business in Mexico or any other country.
I visited Mazatlan in May. I was approached by a man in a local restaurant to take a tour of LaJolla and I would receive 2000 pesos in return. My friend Katie and I went to the breakfast and presentation. We were presented with the information and informed them that we could not afford to join. We mentioned that we had two other timeshares and could not afford another, that is when they brought out Alfredo to tell us he had good news. He said he could buy our timeshares, buy some of our points from La Jolla , give us extra points so we could purchase airline tickets to spend a week in Europe. The price he quoted for our timeshares were way above market value. He brought out papers for us to sign and said he would email the contract info to my email. Needless to say when I returned home, I realized I was required to pay a $899 fee for marketing and processing fees on each property. I was given a bank account to send my money to in Mexico. It was at this time I started to research this resort and found out that nobody got their money for their timeshares. People also reported that they could not get airline tickets for points either. I maxed out my credit card and do not have the money for the marketing fee. They can not guarantee that My timeshare will sell and that was the only reason I agreed to buy into La Jolla. I haven't been able to sleep since as I am now hurting financially because of their deceitful behavior. I did not nor intend to send them that $899 as Even though they promised to give it back, I will probably never see it again.
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