Quejas de Tiempo compartido en AVALON VACATION CLUB
Avalon Grand Cancun, Avalon Baccara Cancun, Avalon Reef Isla Mujeres, Avalon Excalibur Acapulco, Avalon Grand Panama.

- Razón social
- Avalon International Resort, S.A. (Panama) , Avalon Resorts, Avalon Vacations y Operad
- Localización
- Gran Cancun, Baccara Cancun, Islas Mujeres , Acapulco & Panama
- Compañías de Renta
- Vacation Timeshare and Rentals
Quejas Comunes:
- Promesa de rentar su semana de tiempo compartido como una inversión financiera y para pagar la membresía.
- Garantía de que se vendan o rente su tiempo compartido anterior
Avalon Vacation Club Teléfono
Sin costo USA: 1-866-464-5327
Sin costo México: 001-866-720-17-00 y 001 - 866 - 296 4814
Billing and collections for Avalon Vacation Club
Sin costo USA: 1-866-306-90-73
Sin costo México: 001-866-306-90-73
Avalon Vacation Club servicio al cliente
Sin costo USA: 1-877-243-78-83
México: 01-800-560-18-00
Directo: 011-52-998
Avalon Vacation Club Información de pagos y cobros
Sin costo USA 1-866-464-5322
Numero Directo: 011-52-998-848-93-00
Ext. 7079/7092/7073/7054/7079/7033
Get everything in writing. Don't sign anything.
Son unos mentirosos y abusivos, ofrecen cambiar semanas por vuelos y cruceros y nada de eso es cierto.
The saleman told us many things that turned out to be untrue.
I believed in their false promises in return I’m stuck with this useless membership which has cost me thousands of dollars.
We believed again. So stupid. I guess we really wanted to see the best in the situation. We checked out VIP. It was all fake.
nunca cumplen nada, eso de venderles el tiempo compartido es una mentira, yo tengo 2 años teniendo muchisimos problemas con este fraudulento resort
I just want you all to be aware of the fact that you should NOT pay an UPFRONT FEE. TO anyone ever.
Es muy molesto cuando sales de vacaciones que las personas que trabajan para las empresas de tiempo compartido sean tan insistentes
there is no need to plan your vacations just travel the old fashin way and don't get scammed
We bought a 2 bedroom 10 years or so ago...we love it!! Not a 5 star hotel but you cannot beat the location. We do not stay in the room that much anyway, too much to do on the island.Complain all you want about the maint. fees just try to rent a place right on the water for a week, or two in our case, for the price. If you could not afford it you should not have purchased it. We paid it off in a year with no interest & cannot find anywhere on the island that has the location for the price. Buyer beware, we have a great time every year.
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