Quejas de Tiempo compartido en AVALON VACATION CLUB
Avalon Grand Cancun, Avalon Baccara Cancun, Avalon Reef Isla Mujeres, Avalon Excalibur Acapulco, Avalon Grand Panama.

- Razón social
- Avalon International Resort, S.A. (Panama) , Avalon Resorts, Avalon Vacations y Operad
- Localización
- Gran Cancun, Baccara Cancun, Islas Mujeres , Acapulco & Panama
- Compañías de Renta
- Vacation Timeshare and Rentals
Quejas Comunes:
- Promesa de rentar su semana de tiempo compartido como una inversión financiera y para pagar la membresía.
- Garantía de que se vendan o rente su tiempo compartido anterior
Avalon Vacation Club Teléfono
Sin costo USA: 1-866-464-5327
Sin costo México: 001-866-720-17-00 y 001 - 866 - 296 4814
Billing and collections for Avalon Vacation Club
Sin costo USA: 1-866-306-90-73
Sin costo México: 001-866-306-90-73
Avalon Vacation Club servicio al cliente
Sin costo USA: 1-877-243-78-83
México: 01-800-560-18-00
Directo: 011-52-998
Avalon Vacation Club Información de pagos y cobros
Sin costo USA 1-866-464-5322
Numero Directo: 011-52-998-848-93-00
Ext. 7079/7092/7073/7054/7079/7033
I have a timeshare at Avalon Isla Mujeres. I have not made a payment on it for over a year. The lies and scams forced me to stop paying on it. They have turned it over to a collection agency. Can I still get out of it?
I have been ripped off by a timeshare. There has been fraud and hidden fees which I have refused to pay.Total lost about $8000.
compre en Avalon el dia 1 de Abril de este año al dia siguiente quise cancelar, los telefonos que me dieron aunque si son de la empresa dicen que no saben con quien se cancela, aunque en el contrato dice y verbalmente me dijeron que tenia 5 dias para cancelar ya van 2 dias y no se que hacer, el pagare fue por $17,000 y no los quiero perder. Me pueden ayudar?
Hello We got a timeshare at Avalon Resorts in 2006, and would like to try to get out of the contract which is for one week every other year until 2030. They told us many things which were not true about the timeshare, such as the maintenance fee would not increase, we could resell weeks, etc and we would like to see if we can get out of the contract somehow so we don't have to keep paying maintenance fees every other year.
Yo compré una contrato de tiempo compartido poruqe el vendedor me dijo que despues de 30 años de estar pagando la membrecia, TODO mi dinero s eme iba a reembolsar con intereses, ademas de poder disfrutar de vacaciones, iba a tener mi dineor de regreso , que iba a ser como si pasara unas vacaciones gratuitas, nunca me dijo que tenía que pagar cada año mantenimiento y nunca me imagine que todo lo que me estaba diciendo eran mentiras, ya investigue y lei a detalle mi contrato y no dice nada de lo que el vendedor me plactico, hable al hotel para platicr con el y nunca me loq uieren comunicar. La membrecia me cuesta mucho dinero y es dinero que no pienso seguir dandoles si no me lo van a regresar.
I purchased a timeshare at Avalonfor $16,500.00 in USD the salesman promised me in writing that he would take into his inventory my 3 pre-existing timeshare properties in 90 days. When the 90 days expired nothing happened, so I contacted him and phone; he simply told me to call him back because he was busy. So, since Dec of 2010, I have been filing charge disputes with my credit company, for $12,500.00 USD. he has refused to issue credit of $12,500.00 USD on all attempts because, he explains, I signed the purchase agreement which was non-cancelable and non-refundable. I was victimized by his false promise, which he used to make me sign the legal document. This is a form of money scam. What that salesman has done to me was fraudulent.
I bought a timeshare from Avalon in Mexico. I already paid $16,000 and I feel that the information at the presentation was misrepresented, a total scam.We were promised numerous things such as free criuses, discount air travel, and others. We have paid 1 payment and will be paying for 20 years for things we can't use.
I would like to get rid of my timeshare that I purchased in Dec of 2010. Cannot afford all this money. Was told that I could rent out my unit but wasnt told that there are waiting lists and if u dont get on u cant rent. Please help!
Hey, I will be in isla dec 15- jan 2 if you are interested in renting your pLace!
nos arruinaron nuestras vacaciones y ahora nos estan arruinando la vida. Ya les dijimos que por mentirosos no les vamos a pagar nada, el dia de la presentacion nos obligaron a comprar, se que suena imposible, pero asi fue, ademas nos dijeoron mentiras, segun ellos no ibamos a hacer "ricos" y en lugar de hacernos ricos con esta membresia nos estamos haciendo pobres, cobran mucho dinero, y ni siquiera tienen disponibilidad, estamos muy molestos y definitivamente no es un lugar que recomendariamos.
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