QUEJAS de Tiempo Compartido en VILLA DEL PALMAR
Villa del Palmar, Villa del Palmar Flamingos, Villa del Palmar Puerto Vallarta, Villa del Arco, UVC, Universal Vacation Club, The Villa Group, Villa La Estancia

- Compañías de Renta
- Imperial Property Management, Enterprise Travel International, Regal Resales and Rentals,Value Trade World, Continental Connections
Villa del Palmar es un resort de tiempo compartido, con diferentes lugares en México como en Cabo San Lucas, Cancún, Islas de Loreto, Puerto Vallarta y Nayarit Rivera. El Resort cuenta con diferentes puntos de recreación, como dos piscinas, tres canchas de tenis, un gimnasio, un spa y un campo de golf todo para disfrutar y tener unas vacaciones relajantes. Desde villas, condominios, suites y penthouse es para todo el público en general, no hay "sólo miembros" zona.
Las presentaciones de ventas de tiempo compartido de Villa del Palmar tiene una reputación muy reconocida a las mentiras, estafas y con más probabilidades de información falsa sobre el contrato en el momento de la firma. Los asociados de ventas de Villa del Palmar al igual que cualquier vendedor le dirá todas las maravillas que usted desea oír para hacer una compra, la mayoria de las presentaciones de tiempo compartidos duran unos 90 minutos, pero en Villa del Palmar puede ser de hasta 4 horas.
No deje que sus maravillosas palabras te atraigan, lea el contrato antes de firmarlo, el contrato establece claramente que toda promesa verbal hechas por el vendedor que no están en el contrato no son válidas y que la compra de una membresía en el Villa del Palmar no es un la inversión ó sólo otra manera de ahorrar para sus futuras vacaciones, también establece que si usted desea comprar la membresía con el propósito sólido de alquilar con fines de lucro, que se debería reconsiderar la compra de su membresía.
Si usted es un dueño actual de un tiempo compartido en otro resort, el asociado de ventas en Villa del Palmar, le ofrecerá un "trade-in", con la promesa de vender su tiempo compartido existente, los asociados de ventas les refieren a una empresa de reventa para vender su tiempo compartido actual para que pueda comprar en Villa del Palmar, hoy en dia las estafas de tiempo compartido se ha estado extendiendo a las empresas de reventa y alquiler, estas empresas prometen enlistar su tiempo compartido por revender o alquilar, por un considerable cantidad de dinero por adelantado, lo que no te dicen es que ellos no están obligados a venderlo, si no que sólo lo tienen en inventario. También la mayoría de las empresas que piden un pago por adelantado probablemente no son una empresa legítima. Una mentira común es que el asociado de ventas de Villa del Palmar le dirá que el contrato está bajo las leyes de Estados Unidos debido a su oficina sede se encuentra en San Diego, y el período de recesión no está disponible para usted, si el contrato fue firmado en México, el contrato está bajo las leyes Mexicanas, por lo tanto bajo las Leyes Mexicanas usted tiene derecho a su período de recesión para cancelar, la firma de una renuncia a anular su derecho a cancelar también es ilegal.
Servicio al Cliente en Villa del Palmar no es lo que anuncian, servicio al cliente es horrible, nunca contesta el teléfono y si le llegan a contestar el teléfono cualquier problema que usted tiene lo puede solucionar mediante el pago por cuota de lo que se le debe al resort.
En resumen es que Villa del Palmar es un gran resort, un gran lugar para disfrutar con sus amigos y familiares, pero se debe estar preparado para ser acosados por el personal de ventas, si usted no es un propietario de tiempo compartido en el resort, y si piensa en asistir a la presentación, informese antes de hacer cualquier tipo de compra, que se le deje leer el contrato antes de firmarlo y asegúrese de que es lo que le dijieron que es, hacer todas las preguntas que tenga, recuerde que es su dinero, es su compra, ES SU ELECCIÓN!
Teléfono Villa del Palmar
01 800 253 0386
My husband and I signed a contract with Universal Vacation Club at Villa Del Palmer Flamingos on March 30, 2011. When I tried to cancel I was told that it was too late eventhough the verification representative said that I had 30 days to cancel. We are disputing the $6000 charge to our Visa card and besides that we have paid nothing. We do not plan on paying anything to UVC but we have excellent credit and don't want to compromise that.
I purchased a timeshare from villa del palmar in cabo san lucas, it's been a nightmare for me and my husband.The salesperson assured it was a great inv. property. We where told we where waiving our right to cancel and if we did we would not get our $4,500 deposit back. We where told we where getting a 2 week timashare but where not told that we had to pay seperate maintance fees, when i called the resort about the issue they said that was just the way it was, and we could do nothing about it. We have so many issues, the sales person was a professional lier.
We were scammed, I believe we are victims of fraud.We bought a timeshares years ago.We were totally lied to by the salesmen.They said it was a great investment and that we can rent it easily and all we have to do is call and they will take care of the rest. We have paid $7500.00 on our credit card to this company.
I have read through your website and feel more and more convinced that our recent vacation club purchase was a scam. It is through Villa Del Palmar. Verbally, the sales rep told us it was $350 per year for 50 years for 1 week. Now we see that it is biennial. We were told that we could leave it to our family in our wills. We paid a deposit on our credit card and the fellow said "Now you realize that if you go home and you have buyer's remorse, you will lose your deposit?" So we registered that we have 30 days. At this point we still thought it was a good idea to have a weeks vacation for $350 per week, right? We were in Puerto Vallarta for 1 week. the following week. We were told this was not a timeshare. Now checking into things a bit more. We thought we had 30 days and emailed, faxed and sent a registered letter asking to have our balance of our payment refunded - understanding that we probably forfeited the deposit. When we called them to see if they received the faxed letter, they referred us to a different phone number where we were informed we had only 5 days from date of purchase to cancel.
Soy victima de un fraude por parte de Villa del Palmar me quitaron $20 mil dolares y nunca use los servicios. Desde hace 10 meses estoy esperando a que me mande mi dinero. quedaorn de enviarme un cheque por 7 000 dolares por cada año, durante 5 años, ya casi va a se el año y deberia de estar rescibiendo el siguiente cheque y ya perdi las esperanzas.
Purchased on January 6, 2011 Villa del Palmar, Cancun under the guarentee of $98,000 for 6 weeks of time share we currently have. Further research leads us to believe we have been scammed. We have filed a dispute with our Visa company and tomorrow we are fed'x a rescind letter to Villa del Palmar.
on 5/16/11 signed up for timeshare at villa del arco cabo san lucas 15,000 deposit.. per contract five days to cancel but states we are liable for amt paid to this point...we want out of contract ... what can we do?
Villa Del Arco. Many deceptive statements in sales pitch. tried to cancel on the 5th day, but could not find any address, phone number, contact info, etc. Tried to cancel when we returned from Mexico on day 6, could not immediately find information. Two conflicting atricles in contract - one said if we cancelled we would lose our deposit as liquidated damages, which we initialled and was in bold print near the top, and one that said we had five days with no penalty in small prit at the bottom. We believe the conflicting articles, the felacious statements and the lack of address or location to cancel abrigate the laws. We want out, and we want our deposit back.
Hi Joe,
I was wondering if you have been successful in getting your contract canceled and your monies refunded?
We are in a similar position. We purchased in January of this year, 2011, in Cabos at the Villa Del Palmar. That night I couldn't sleep due to the strong feeling we had been scammed and lied to. I followed up with the sales person (who was extremely hard to track down) which took a couple of days to contact and she told me that we could cancel the contract within 5 days of signing but would lose our entire $3635 deposit. On the fifth day we went back to the sales office and met with another guy who apparently was the guy who dealt with canceling contracts. He told us he thought it was crazy that we would walk away and default our deposit. Obviously it was not an easy choice to do but we had decided it was best to cut our losses. He told us more lies and false promises until we walked away with out canceling. Had they not lied to us about the deposit being non-refundable within the 5 day period we would have canceled on the spot. Now I'm not sure what the future holds. Since returning from Mexico we paid off the timeshare to avoid their high interest rates. Now we're invested to the tune of $16,500. I'm not prepared to go down without a fight.
Hi Dave,
Send me an email if you do not have this resolved, I can give you some insight.
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