QUEJAS de Tiempo Compartido en VILLA DEL PALMAR
Villa del Palmar, Villa del Palmar Flamingos, Villa del Palmar Puerto Vallarta, Villa del Arco, UVC, Universal Vacation Club, The Villa Group, Villa La Estancia

- Compañías de Renta
- Imperial Property Management, Enterprise Travel International, Regal Resales and Rentals,Value Trade World, Continental Connections
Villa del Palmar es un resort de tiempo compartido, con diferentes lugares en México como en Cabo San Lucas, Cancún, Islas de Loreto, Puerto Vallarta y Nayarit Rivera. El Resort cuenta con diferentes puntos de recreación, como dos piscinas, tres canchas de tenis, un gimnasio, un spa y un campo de golf todo para disfrutar y tener unas vacaciones relajantes. Desde villas, condominios, suites y penthouse es para todo el público en general, no hay "sólo miembros" zona.
Las presentaciones de ventas de tiempo compartido de Villa del Palmar tiene una reputación muy reconocida a las mentiras, estafas y con más probabilidades de información falsa sobre el contrato en el momento de la firma. Los asociados de ventas de Villa del Palmar al igual que cualquier vendedor le dirá todas las maravillas que usted desea oír para hacer una compra, la mayoria de las presentaciones de tiempo compartidos duran unos 90 minutos, pero en Villa del Palmar puede ser de hasta 4 horas.
No deje que sus maravillosas palabras te atraigan, lea el contrato antes de firmarlo, el contrato establece claramente que toda promesa verbal hechas por el vendedor que no están en el contrato no son válidas y que la compra de una membresía en el Villa del Palmar no es un la inversión ó sólo otra manera de ahorrar para sus futuras vacaciones, también establece que si usted desea comprar la membresía con el propósito sólido de alquilar con fines de lucro, que se debería reconsiderar la compra de su membresía.
Si usted es un dueño actual de un tiempo compartido en otro resort, el asociado de ventas en Villa del Palmar, le ofrecerá un "trade-in", con la promesa de vender su tiempo compartido existente, los asociados de ventas les refieren a una empresa de reventa para vender su tiempo compartido actual para que pueda comprar en Villa del Palmar, hoy en dia las estafas de tiempo compartido se ha estado extendiendo a las empresas de reventa y alquiler, estas empresas prometen enlistar su tiempo compartido por revender o alquilar, por un considerable cantidad de dinero por adelantado, lo que no te dicen es que ellos no están obligados a venderlo, si no que sólo lo tienen en inventario. También la mayoría de las empresas que piden un pago por adelantado probablemente no son una empresa legítima. Una mentira común es que el asociado de ventas de Villa del Palmar le dirá que el contrato está bajo las leyes de Estados Unidos debido a su oficina sede se encuentra en San Diego, y el período de recesión no está disponible para usted, si el contrato fue firmado en México, el contrato está bajo las leyes Mexicanas, por lo tanto bajo las Leyes Mexicanas usted tiene derecho a su período de recesión para cancelar, la firma de una renuncia a anular su derecho a cancelar también es ilegal.
Servicio al Cliente en Villa del Palmar no es lo que anuncian, servicio al cliente es horrible, nunca contesta el teléfono y si le llegan a contestar el teléfono cualquier problema que usted tiene lo puede solucionar mediante el pago por cuota de lo que se le debe al resort.
En resumen es que Villa del Palmar es un gran resort, un gran lugar para disfrutar con sus amigos y familiares, pero se debe estar preparado para ser acosados por el personal de ventas, si usted no es un propietario de tiempo compartido en el resort, y si piensa en asistir a la presentación, informese antes de hacer cualquier tipo de compra, que se le deje leer el contrato antes de firmarlo y asegúrese de que es lo que le dijieron que es, hacer todas las preguntas que tenga, recuerde que es su dinero, es su compra, ES SU ELECCIÓN!
Teléfono Villa del Palmar
01 800 253 0386
I have a timeshare in Villas del Palmar Cancun. I received a phone call offering me to sell it. I agree to sell it. The resort ask me to pay a Transfer Fee which I send it (4,500.00) aprox. But they claimed that they never received. Now I lost that money. The buyer or the lawyer I was assigned are not helping to much
Villa del Palmar is renting rooms to non owners and telling us there is no availability to use our weeks. If that is not a scam what is. Just tried to book and there was no availability. I called directly and there were multiple rooms available.
Villa del Palmar is lying about availability. I have been an owner for 10 years and tried to book a week at the Loreto resort. When i called I was told no availability. I called the resort directly and there were rooms of all kinds. The administration is scamming the owners telling us there is not availability and then renting rooms to others.
I am writing this review in the hopes that I can prevent at least one person form purchasing a timeshare form The Villas Group. My wife and I visited Vills Del Palmar Los Cabos in 2017. I was 58 at the time and never intended to purchase a timeshare. We had booked through BookVIP so we were obligated to attend a timeshare presentation. We were impressed and ended up purchasing a 1700 points (one bedroom) package. We decided that we did not want to spend that much money and two days later, we cancelled. I must say that they do honor their cancellation policy. They did keep up the pressure and we ended up paying for another vacation at their Flamingo resort the following year. We returned in June 2018 and attended another presentation. I explained that I do not want to purchase because we wish to travel outside of Mexico and the fact that I was 59 years old. Their solution was to offer a "biennial" package of 1000 points (even years) and they explained that once I turned 60, I could become a "senior member" and accelerate my usage by using points from future years after paying the annual fee for those points. We stayed for several hours, went to the pool and returned so this was not a quick decision. We asked many questions over and over and I read the documents several times. I was told that I could accelerate my points and vacation longer periods of time. I was also told that I was not restricted to a jr suite (single room) and I could use my points to reserve a larger unit. This week, I decided to use my 1000 banked points from 2018 along with my 2012 points and reserve a 2 bedroom for 6 adults and a 3 year old. When I called, I was told I could not combine my points to get a larger unit. I was also told that a 2 bedroom holds a maximum of 6 people (its in the contract) although a studio holds 2 adults and 2 children and a 1 bedroom holds 4 adults. A 2 bedroom is a jr suite and a one bedroom combined. I then learned that the senior membership is not available to "biennial" members. The sales staff Tony Romero) will lie and tell you anything necessary to complete the sale. Speaking with the manager in Vegas (Julio). was no help. I am under contract and I will need to make the best of it. We paid $11682.00 for 1000 points/50 years or 25 visits. The maintenance fee in 2018 was $435 and today it is $455. At $455 combined with the membership cost (divided by 25), a week stay costs $922 for a jr suite. Anyone booking that same room today through the internet can pay the same rate for a jr suite in Cancun. Cabo will be a little more. our contract allows to purchase an additional 1000 points annually for the cost of our maintenance fees so I believe if we vacation twice every even year, we will be ahead of the game. I will be booking tomorrow so I may receive additional bad news but we will make the best of it. We will not be giving them another dime for any upgrades. We were told that we will have access to any future resorts that they open but I'm sure there is a catch. Maybe the jr suite will start at a higher number of points and they will ask us to upgrade. My advice is not to purchase! You can still stay at any of their resorts at a reasonable price without owing.
Recien compre este timeshare y me tuvieron por 7 horas presionandome y llenos de mabsurd. Llego a casa y Leo un poco de clapsulas que no me dijeron. Como puedo cancelar esta compra tan absurda.
VILLAS DEL PALMAR: el 7 de mayo cumplo 5 años de que compre una membresía en villas del palmar, cancun, en dolares, la pagué aproximadamente 2 años, pero despues se hizo impagable porque subió mucho el dolar, pagué mas de 200,000,00 pesos, al no poder realizar mas los pagos solo la abandoné. (hace aproximadamente 3 años). se puede hacer algo en este caso para recuperar algo??? recibí un correo de ellos hace unos meses invitandome a que vuelva, que me ofrecen hospedaje a precio preferencial para valorar que vuelva a retomar mi membresia.
VIDANTA: El último año que fui de vacaciones con villas del palmar cancun, los de vidanta me contactaron y me ofrecieron que "tomaban a cuenta" lo que habia dado en villas y que me ofreciann algo mas pagable... claro más básico, eso no me dijeron, sea garden, solo en mazatlan o nuevo vallarta, ahi pagué durante un año, no se, cuanto, como 50,000.00 o menos, pero el primer año que lo disfruté no me gustó y tambien abandone. Aqui se puede hacer algo?? gracias.
Cancelar timeshare con villa del palmar.
Biggest scam ever! They Promised and even showed me something on his phone about a 'Platinum' membership to stay in other resorts around the world for around $300/week. This was the main reason we decided to purchase, and it was all lies! Complete Fraud! Run away fast and dont get scammed like we did.
La peor compra que he podido hacer. el servicio al cliente es lo peor, cuando hice el contrato prometieron algunas cosas, resulta que ahora todo eso es mentira. alguien sabe como poder salirse de esto??
I bought a time share few months ago, Villa del Palmar, I thought we were doing a good investment, I told them that I had another timeshare they promised that they will buy my other timeshare and that I don’t have to worry. They get me a letter to send to my other timeshare saying that I won’t pay any more and they should canceled my contract. At this point I thought everything was fine, that I got rid of my other timeshare, and I could begin with Villas del Palmar. Needless to say that Westin told me that I can’t get out of my contract and that I must continue paying until the whole thing is pay off. I called Villas del Palmar and they said, they were sorry but I problably understood the information that they gave wrong, I told them that I can’t pay two timeshares and that wasn’t what they told at the beginning of the contract. I want to know how I can get out if this scam of Villa del Palmar, I also travel to Mexico last month and they promised that they will fine a solution and they will do it right away. It has been a week and they still didn’t call or text me or send me and email to fine a solution. Please can someone tell what can I do. Thank you very much
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