QUEJAS de Tiempo Compartido en VILLA DEL PALMAR
Villa del Palmar, Villa del Palmar Flamingos, Villa del Palmar Puerto Vallarta, Villa del Arco, UVC, Universal Vacation Club, The Villa Group, Villa La Estancia

- Compañías de Renta
- Imperial Property Management, Enterprise Travel International, Regal Resales and Rentals,Value Trade World, Continental Connections
Villa del Palmar es un resort de tiempo compartido, con diferentes lugares en México como en Cabo San Lucas, Cancún, Islas de Loreto, Puerto Vallarta y Nayarit Rivera. El Resort cuenta con diferentes puntos de recreación, como dos piscinas, tres canchas de tenis, un gimnasio, un spa y un campo de golf todo para disfrutar y tener unas vacaciones relajantes. Desde villas, condominios, suites y penthouse es para todo el público en general, no hay "sólo miembros" zona.
Las presentaciones de ventas de tiempo compartido de Villa del Palmar tiene una reputación muy reconocida a las mentiras, estafas y con más probabilidades de información falsa sobre el contrato en el momento de la firma. Los asociados de ventas de Villa del Palmar al igual que cualquier vendedor le dirá todas las maravillas que usted desea oír para hacer una compra, la mayoria de las presentaciones de tiempo compartidos duran unos 90 minutos, pero en Villa del Palmar puede ser de hasta 4 horas.
No deje que sus maravillosas palabras te atraigan, lea el contrato antes de firmarlo, el contrato establece claramente que toda promesa verbal hechas por el vendedor que no están en el contrato no son válidas y que la compra de una membresía en el Villa del Palmar no es un la inversión ó sólo otra manera de ahorrar para sus futuras vacaciones, también establece que si usted desea comprar la membresía con el propósito sólido de alquilar con fines de lucro, que se debería reconsiderar la compra de su membresía.
Si usted es un dueño actual de un tiempo compartido en otro resort, el asociado de ventas en Villa del Palmar, le ofrecerá un "trade-in", con la promesa de vender su tiempo compartido existente, los asociados de ventas les refieren a una empresa de reventa para vender su tiempo compartido actual para que pueda comprar en Villa del Palmar, hoy en dia las estafas de tiempo compartido se ha estado extendiendo a las empresas de reventa y alquiler, estas empresas prometen enlistar su tiempo compartido por revender o alquilar, por un considerable cantidad de dinero por adelantado, lo que no te dicen es que ellos no están obligados a venderlo, si no que sólo lo tienen en inventario. También la mayoría de las empresas que piden un pago por adelantado probablemente no son una empresa legítima. Una mentira común es que el asociado de ventas de Villa del Palmar le dirá que el contrato está bajo las leyes de Estados Unidos debido a su oficina sede se encuentra en San Diego, y el período de recesión no está disponible para usted, si el contrato fue firmado en México, el contrato está bajo las leyes Mexicanas, por lo tanto bajo las Leyes Mexicanas usted tiene derecho a su período de recesión para cancelar, la firma de una renuncia a anular su derecho a cancelar también es ilegal.
Servicio al Cliente en Villa del Palmar no es lo que anuncian, servicio al cliente es horrible, nunca contesta el teléfono y si le llegan a contestar el teléfono cualquier problema que usted tiene lo puede solucionar mediante el pago por cuota de lo que se le debe al resort.
En resumen es que Villa del Palmar es un gran resort, un gran lugar para disfrutar con sus amigos y familiares, pero se debe estar preparado para ser acosados por el personal de ventas, si usted no es un propietario de tiempo compartido en el resort, y si piensa en asistir a la presentación, informese antes de hacer cualquier tipo de compra, que se le deje leer el contrato antes de firmarlo y asegúrese de que es lo que le dijieron que es, hacer todas las preguntas que tenga, recuerde que es su dinero, es su compra, ES SU ELECCIÓN!
Teléfono Villa del Palmar
01 800 253 0386
Has anyone actually stopped paying their loan payment with Villa Group? I'm curious what the experience is. I know they ding your credit rating which I don't care about, but has anyone been sued in foreclosure by Villa Resorts?
Muy mal servicio el de estas personas de villa del palmar,compramos una membresia con ellos y solo hemos podido usar 1 sola vez, nos dicen qe es muy dificil tener disponibilidad con el tipo de membresia que tenemos, cosa que en la presentacion pagamos mas dinero porque nos prometieron que era le mejor opcion y no tendriamos problemas en nada, y resulta todo lo contrario, no sabemos que hacer.
After returning to our suite we noticed the door was not shut, a light was left on and our safe was opened wide. We called and reported it and the night manager accused us of lying. Then he proceeded to tell us it is a courtesy to do a room walk-through. There was no excuse for the safe being left open with my wallet and passport in it. Plus the front door not being shut could’ve given anyone a right to go in and steal our vital belongings. We couldn’t believe the Mgr would initially try to refute this ever happening. They never gave us a warning of a walk-through. It was not on any of the paperwork. The promotional presentation was 2 1/2hrs instead of the 90 minutes promised. What part of “no” didn’t they understand? We literally had to get up and walk out. I’ll never recommend purchasing here. Also because you’re in Mexico you can’t sue them for the multiple violations.
We bought ours in the late 90's. Upgraded a couple of years later to the Gold membership. The presentation was filled with lots of empty promises, however we have made it work for us. Ok now, hold on.....The memberships being sold now are no longer for 30 years. The are for 50 years. Yes, 50. My husband and I are 67 and I looked at the salesgal and said " I don't think that will work for us". Their theory is that you can use 5 weeks a year for 10 years. Still not going to happen,
I purchased at the Flamingos in 2016.I purchased every other year for 30 years so 15 years.I was told that they were building a new resort in Loreto and that I would be able to utilize it and all the other Villa Group resorts.Well that was a lie.Prior to completion of the Loreto resort they changed over to a new system of points.I am under weeks system which is no more.I go down to Cabo every other year,but am stuck with using the Palmar and they always try to get me to go to a presentation about how they have changed(its nothing but an attempt to get me to purchase into points),but I always inform them that I am not interested at all and make it clear not to bother me.This is probably the only time they actually listen.Thus I utilize my every other year at the Palmar,am not bothered after initial attempt and go on about my 7 days of vacation and 5 days of fishing and enjoy it.
The biggest problem I have with the Villa Group it the FACT that they sold my personal information go the SCAM sales companies.I always bring that up when I am in Cabo and its like seeing a deer in headlights.They always state they had no idea and they would ask about it.I never hear from the people at the resort that stated they were checking into it.I actually did have a low call rate in 2016 and 2017,but at the end of 2017 and now into 2018 I have yet again began receiving even more calls(sometimes 2-5 a day).I tell them not to call anymore in a very mean tone and they are like the Villa Group they cant understand plain english.I am stuck with what to do except to hang up on them.
This company is a huge SCAM.. High pressured my senior parents to buy, high maintenance fees, paid to try and sell their time share , and you can't book and get a spot . AVOID VILLA GROUP TIME SHARE !!
I bought my timeshare in 2005. I have not been back since I bought it. A couple years ago I got several calls from a lady saying she was with the Attorney General's office & they found a bunch of sales contracts in some guys cars. According to her, an employee of Villa Del Palmar, Cabo, sold these sales contracts to this guy, for purposes of fraud. She wanted me to forward my contract to her to show what I paid & that I was entitled to compensation, when they prosecute the employee & the guy with the contracts. She sent me emails asking for the contract. I never did anything, as I didn't believe her. Today, I got a call from a guy saying his company is investigating. Has anyone else received these calls & subsequent emails? Below is a copy of today's email.
An implement has been establish by Lic. Enrique Peña Nieto Presidente de la República
Mexicana along with his administration to stop organize crime, (En materia de reforma fiscal por
For this reason SEIDO (Subprocuraduría Especializada en Investigación de Delincuencia Organizada)
in conjuntion with the Mexican state Government are targeting corruption that has lured vacation
investment owners into being victims of their own decisión without knowing.
According to Article 67 de La Constitución Política de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos, states that
“no foreigner should be deny to file a petition for restitution”; furthermore la Ley General de
Victimas Article 67 section 2 declares that in order for a foreigner to be compensated there needs
to be a defended charge for the accusation and/or an approved restitution federal form from our
“Juzgado Noveno de Distrito en Materia Penal” en el Distrito Federal appointed by a federal
agent/attorney represanting plaintiff(s).
Expectancy are as follow:
In order for an attorney/agent from SEIDO Administration to conduct such procedure and work
proactively and in a timely matter on the plaintiff(s) claim we will need full cooperation from the
plaintiff(s) so there will be no misconception towards plaintiff(s) case. It´s important to note that all
information that is forward to SEIDO Administration its delicate and kept confidential for security
purposes. SEIDO Administration and the federal government are aware of internal leak of
information within the government system, to avoid any of these events or mishap we ask from the
plaintiff(s) to keep this strictly with SEIDO Administration. If you wish to proceed you´ll need to sign
the authorization form and forward it back to SEIDO Administration so a legal representative can
contact you to follow protocol.
SEIDO Administration
Av. Paseo de la Reforma #211-213
Col. Cuauhtémoc Deleg. Cuauhtémoc.
Distrito Federal C.P 06500
Tel.+ 52 (554) 169 – 7235
My daughter has a timeshare. I think y'all should get together and hire a lawyer
Buyer beware!!! Once they got your Monet you are forgotten. We bought 13 years ago, marketing told us we got the best offer we could get. Until the following years Marketing introduced different levels of ownership, now when we even reserve a room a year in advance we have been banished to the bowels of the resort. Our rooms have no view, they tell you to come back at 9:30 the next morning to ask for a better room, we did this for the first four days of our three week stay. We gave up begging for a better room view. We had a three week stay looking at a palm tree. Buyer beware
The membership doesn’t mean anything in room assignment. I have been a member since 2005. Each year, it seems, marketing comes up with another layer in membership. Presently there are three layers of “ELITE” Membership. I would envision them coming up with a layer called “Chosen ones”. Promising 2 ply toilet paper in every bath. If you are an “ELITE” you will have to pony up another $10,000 - $30,000 if you don’t you will relegated to one ply. SAD. Buyer beware.
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