QUEJAS de Tiempo Compartido en CASA DORADA
Casa Dorada

- Razón social
- Localización
- Cabo
Quejas Comunes:
- Prometen los vendedores de rentar su semana de tiempo compartido como una inversión financiera y para pagar la membresía.
- los vendedores Garantízan de que se vendera o se intercambiara el tiempo compartido anterior.
Casa Dorada Teléfono:
Teléfono:(52-624) 163-5757
Fax:(52-624) 163-5751
Sin Costo USA: 1-866-448-0151
Sin Costo Canada: 1-866-501-4369
Sin CostoMexico:01-800-823-4282
Hola, mi hermano se encuentra en una situación como la que mencionan en el articulo de fraude en tiempos compartidos. El ya habia mandado una carta de cancelación a la compañia y ahora resulta que mandaron su caso a un bufete de cobranza y la estan presionando mucho para que pague una cantidad ridicula.
We purchased a membership in Globalquest Travel Club at a time share presentation at Casa Dorada in Cabo San Lucas in November 2010. We were promised 2 weeks "floating". One at Casa Dorada and one at one of their other resorts, including Zoetry Casa Del Mar. We were told over and over again that Zoetry Casa Del Mar, which is an all-inclusive, even included free golf and free spa services. When we called Casa Del Mar at the end of December to book something, they told us that was not true. We called the sales office at Casa Dorada to complain, and they told us to send an email explaining the situation. I sent it and never heard back. I called a couple more times and sent a follow-up email. Finally i was able to speak to someone today. He told us he couldn't refund our money, only that he would give us an additional week that would come out of the salesman's commission. I told him i just wanted to cancel and get my money back. He said if i didn't make the rest of my payments, they would sue us. THESE PEOPLE ARE THE LOWEST FORM OF SCUM. DO NOT EVER GO TO CASA DORADA or sign-up for GLOBEQUEST TRAVEL CLUB. I told them that if i was forced to keep my membership, i would make sure to tell every guest that i spoke to at the hotel about how they screwed us. I will make it my mission to warn as many people as possible about their scams.
I have owned a Globe Quest Travel Club membership for over a year now. I have been able to use the "home" week at Casa Dorada Medano Beach and "Casa Del Mar" as was explained to me by the sales person. My extra international week I spent in Florida. I did pay the required fees however. These were not all inclusive resorts.
We purchased a timeshare in exchange for Royal Holiday's agreement to purchase our orig. time share with RCI this never happened. Now we have 2.
Compre un tiempo compartido en Casa Dorada donde me ofrecieron antes de firmar el contraro muchas cosas que a la hora de intentas hacerlas efectivas son un engaño. Me estafaron, oeofrecieron porder vender mis semanas y recuperar la inversion. Me ofrecieorn descuentos especiales. igual al intentar hacer intercambio de semanas por medio de RCI no es posible, no hay disponibilidad nunca de los hoteles. Te dicen que para reservar se requieren 150 dias previos, pero igual asi te dicen que no hay disponibilidad en los hoteles que te ofrecen de todo el mundo segun ellos. no se que hacer con mis semanas, no puedo venderlas, no puedo intercambiarlas. Estas empresas te llenan de informacion, te dicen que es una oportunidad del momento, te hacen presion psicologica para que firmes y después te das cuenta de las cosas, que verdadera desilucion.
we purchased a timeshare at Casa Dorada last year. We have been through so much with promises, lies etc., tried internet, researching ones to sell our timeshares,paid to have them sell them, phoning, you name it we probably tried it,only to be scammed so much that we are at such a financial loss, depressed, & so ashamed, embarrassed, words cannot express how we truly feel, all we wanted was to know if there was anyone we can trust to help get us out of this stupid mess we somehow got pressured into believing that this would work for us, only to find out works for them.
I want to get out of my timeshare contract. The "home base" timeshare I bought isn't even listed on Wyndham's RCI.com website, I cannot get more than a 3 day trip anywhere in the US or Mexico through December 2012 so basically I can't even use my time share. It is simply a waste of money. I want out.
Our daughter passed away about 5 years ago. We keep getting mail and phone calls about selling her time share that she never had. Is there anybody we can call to get her removed from the list. When ever somebody call and I tell them the story they hang up on me.
We purchased this membership Sep 3, 2011. We realized that we don't need this so when we got home Sep 7(Wed)we tried to rescind.
They said they can cancel but we don't get deposit back and telling us we still need to pay 50% of if which is $2370.
We don't want to pay it and we want to get our deposit back for it.
How they can charge us something like this? I want to know what is the best way to getting out of it.
we signed a contract for a Gold-Level membership with GlobeQuest Travel Club for rights to rent a one bedroom apartment for two weeks per year at Casa Dorada in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. Along with the contract we left an initial deposit charged to our Mastercard. At the time of purchase they told us we have no rights to rescind the contract, that it is final. Four days after we signed the contract we returned home to the US. The next morning, we sent a request to
rescind the contract by certified letter, fax, email and a phone call to the company. We told them that we have researched and found that rescission rights cannot be revoked. They said that the contract had a special clause whereby our rescission rights are limited: The client shall pay the Mediator (GlobeQuest Travel Club), as contract penalty and as payment of damages resulting from Clients noncompliance, an amount equivalent to 50% of the total value of the membership as stipulated upon signing this contract." They now tell us in order to cancel we must send them a payment of $3500 in addition to our deposit of $2000 for damages.
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