QUEJAS de Tiempo Compartido en CASA DORADA
Casa Dorada

- Razón social
- Localización
- Cabo
Quejas Comunes:
- Prometen los vendedores de rentar su semana de tiempo compartido como una inversión financiera y para pagar la membresía.
- los vendedores Garantízan de que se vendera o se intercambiara el tiempo compartido anterior.
Casa Dorada Teléfono:
Teléfono:(52-624) 163-5757
Fax:(52-624) 163-5751
Sin Costo USA: 1-866-448-0151
Sin Costo Canada: 1-866-501-4369
Sin CostoMexico:01-800-823-4282
I got Globequest to return my deposit and cancel my contract, but not without a lot of threatening phone calls and emails. I think what got them most is that I finally said to them "fine, you win. I vacation in Cabo anyway and when I come to Casa Dorada, I am going to tell everyone in the pool how I got ripped off. I told them they will see me at breakfast when they are bringing in their next victims and i will tell them too. I explained to them that I would make sure they didn't sign up one person during the week i was down there, and that I would even wear a T-shirt to the pool that said "CASA DORADA TIME SHARE RIPOFF - ASK ME!!!" After that, and a few postings, they finally returned my deposit and cancelled my contract.
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