QUEJAS de Tiempo Compartido en CANTO DEL SOL
Cantos del Sol

- Razón social
- Corporativo Hotelero La Nogelero S.A. de C.V.
- Localización
- Puerto Vallarta
Quejas Comunes:
- Anualidad, programa de alquiler
Canto del Sol Teléfono
Teléfono: 52-322-22-60123
Si costo USA: 1-877-335-8288
Sin costo Canada: 1-866-487-3415
Sin costo Mexico: 01-800-713-2800
Fax: 52-322-22-4443
I paid Sunwing to stay here all inclusive for 3 weeks. When I asked to inspect the room prior to checkin , the staff showed me the Deluxe Suite and stated that if I signed up for Timeshare - FULLY REFUNDABLE within 3 days - that the suite would not cost me any more than the Standard room. I paid and then gave them written notice to cancel the Timeshare and after weeks of delays , they presented me with a bill for $20,000.00 U.S. for the Deluxe. What a SCAM! DO NOT TRUST ANY staff there ! They will lie to get your money! and make promises that will never be kept.
Bueno estas personas ,no se cansan de sacarles dinero a los turistas, aun no entiendo como es posible que personas sigan cayendo en sus trampas, de verdad que asistir a una presentacion de tiempo compartido de estas personas es como aventarte a un pozo sin fondo, por su bien nunca vayana a una presentacion de estas, ni mucho menos acercarse.
my boyfriend basely was cheated and scammed by timeshare people, yes they stoled him , promised him a thousand things and benefits and could never use it or anything, if that were not enough he was demanding to renew his membership, i dont know how rat could be timeshare people, just stay away from any timeshares pls
por mucho es lo peor que me pudo aver pasado , hace tiempo adquiri una membresia con ellosya que unos conocidos me la regalaron , osea me la cedieron , pero la vd no tenia la menor idea de lo que esto me iba acarrear, de entrada jamas tenian disponible cuando queria reservar y cuando al fin lo use me estaban cobrando unas tarifas super elevadas de mantenimiento , estan completamente locos, la vd son unos estafadores estas personas.
yo y mi marido como un año nos fuimos a este lugar sólo para pasar un poco de tiempo, NOS invitan a una "presentación de tiempo compartido" donde nos expusimos a una alta presión de los vendedores todo por comprar algo con ellos, te obligan a comprar algo de verdad! , malditos estafadores.
worst service ever , i dont know how I could buy here with them, I'm so sorry, I thought it would be a good investment, but I see that was the worst thing I could ever done in my life, are swindlers who only seek how to take people money, please take your precaution with these guys
worst thing that you could ever do is not read all the terms and to make a research before buy something, buy a timeshare is the worst investment ever, pls analyze everything before you take a decision , read the contract very carefuly and clear all your doubts pls
Hey, look, I know you usually seek those golden opportunities to have some fun with the family, in my case i felt in a very big trouble , let me dazzled by everything they offered "free stuff" that it would acquire by purchasing with them ultimately convinced me and now I dont have anything of what they promised, indeed to me are charging extras fees and i need an "upgrade" to use full time timeshare, it sucks
After a while i was looking for some references of this resort,and here i am , no matter what dont buy anything here, try to avoid all their invitations or promotions, usually they will offer some free breakfasts and free rides to another cities, all of those is fraud, scam , the true is that the only thing that the really want is to stole your money, they promise a lot of things that they cant afford
If you sign you will just be throwing your money away.
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