QUEJAS de Tiempo Compartido en PACIFICA RESORTS
Pacifica Resorts

- Razón social
- Inmobiliaria LR, S. A de C.V.
- Localización
- Ixtapa
- Representantes
- Myriam Denisia, Lety Rey
Quejas Comunes:
- Pacifica ha incrementado las cuotas de mantenimiento a tarifas muy elevadas que no s encuentran registradas en los contratos de los clientes.
- Se le impone a los clientes una cobro especial extra en mas de una ocasión el cual dobla el precio anual de mantenimiento sin especificarles a os clientes una razón en especifico por el cobro.
- Aceptan dar la cancelación al cliente solo si este paga el 60% del precio total de la membresia.
- Los vendedores mienten a los clientes sobre el valor de la propiedad y el valor de reventa si los clientes deciden vender en un futuro.
- Amenazan con enviar a los propietarios al buro de crédito o dañar su historial crediticio.
- Ejercen mucha presión en los compradores y no los dejan irse hasta lograr una venta.
- Falsas promesas sobre la compra por parte del os vendedores.
Pacifica Resorts Teléfonos
Teléfono: (55) 5487-5200, (55) 4160-9000
Interior de la República 01 (800) 221-5830
Ciudad de México (55) 4160-9000 y 4160-9217
Interior de la República (01 800) 223-2323
Fax Cobranza 4160-9145
Servicio a Clientes y Reservaciones
México (55) 4160-9160
Interior de la República (01 800) 221-5830
Si después de leer estas quejas estás interesado en saber cómo cancelar una membresía de Pacifica Resort Ixtapa te invitamos a contáctanos y recibir una consulta gratuita.
Dont get involved with pacifica, they are scammers experts on the field ! very bad experience with them , the personal is totally a mess, dont try your luck , you are losing your time and money with those cloacks !
Hello there and thanks for the review, otherwise i was involved on a bad experience with this resort, really idont want to know about this people anymore, people if you are thinking to acquire something with those guys , think it twice , the maintenance fes are totally insane.
Que tal , a todas esas personas que estan teniendo problemas con este resort quiero que sepan que no son las unicas, mi esposa y yo tmabien fuimos estafados, nuestro error fue no aver leido bien el contrato durante la presentacion de tiempo compartido , pero ahora estamos ya en proceso de cancelacion , hemos perdido dinero pero ya no queremos seguir haciendolo, espero todos tmb puedan resolver su problema, saludos
timeshare is a very risky thing , the persons who bought timeshares is very diffcicult for them to make a cancellation , those resorts makes an excelent job to hook people, the salespeople can promise you a lot of benefit , they are experts on the field, they only are waiting for you to get your money and before that say you bye bye, i been there..
if you are thinking to acquire a timeshare pls think it twice, avoid this resort, all the people here really suck , like 2 years ago i assit to a timeshaare presentation where they sold me some months, but the timeshare never was available! i dont know why they told you something that they can afford, avoid this pls
people if you are reading this pls do a research before you buy something , Timeshare business is very risky, you should know that buying a timeshare is not a good investment, so you should better stay away from any resort that tries to sell some weeks to you , stay alert people.
Jamas habia tenido una experiencia tan desagradable como la que tuve con estas personas, fui convencido por mi esposa, y despues de una presentacion de tiempos compartidos , accedi a comprar con ellos, ahora me arrepiento mas que nunca , quisiera devolver el tiempo
well i felt in the trap , i had to admit that those guys has an incredible sense of conviction, years ago i went to that resort with a girlfriend, i used to travel a lot, and i never visited this before, so i thinked that was a good idea, at least some salespeople offer me to went to a timeshare presentation , so i accept , they offered me free stuff, like breakfasts and free rides , at the end of the presentation i firm a contract, i know , big mistake
The people you will talk to will know that you were scammed just like everyone else and all they will want is money.Just stay away.
I could not be more disappointed with this resort, i thought they were good people, but now i see i was wrong
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