QUEJAS de Tiempo Compartido en PACIFICA RESORTS
Pacifica Resorts

- Razón social
- Inmobiliaria LR, S. A de C.V.
- Localización
- Ixtapa
- Representantes
- Myriam Denisia, Lety Rey
Quejas Comunes:
- Pacifica ha incrementado las cuotas de mantenimiento a tarifas muy elevadas que no s encuentran registradas en los contratos de los clientes.
- Se le impone a los clientes una cobro especial extra en mas de una ocasión el cual dobla el precio anual de mantenimiento sin especificarles a os clientes una razón en especifico por el cobro.
- Aceptan dar la cancelación al cliente solo si este paga el 60% del precio total de la membresia.
- Los vendedores mienten a los clientes sobre el valor de la propiedad y el valor de reventa si los clientes deciden vender en un futuro.
- Amenazan con enviar a los propietarios al buro de crédito o dañar su historial crediticio.
- Ejercen mucha presión en los compradores y no los dejan irse hasta lograr una venta.
- Falsas promesas sobre la compra por parte del os vendedores.
Pacifica Resorts Teléfonos
Teléfono: (55) 5487-5200, (55) 4160-9000
Interior de la República 01 (800) 221-5830
Ciudad de México (55) 4160-9000 y 4160-9217
Interior de la República (01 800) 223-2323
Fax Cobranza 4160-9145
Servicio a Clientes y Reservaciones
México (55) 4160-9160
Interior de la República (01 800) 221-5830
Si después de leer estas quejas estás interesado en saber cómo cancelar una membresía de Pacifica Resort Ixtapa te invitamos a contáctanos y recibir una consulta gratuita.
We were just at Pacifica after upgrading last year. We reserved the room we wanted for this year. When we arrived, we were told our room was not available, but were placed in a nicer unit for one week. Then were were told we would have to move to a lesser unit than what we signed up for. We never did spend a night in the unit we were supposed to. This is a very beautiful resort, but is having some major problems. I don't know if it's just Americans that are having this done to them or if the Mexican people are seeing it too. Many of the employees were wonderful, but we were still left with the feeling that our unit was sold out from under us.
It seems to me that the developer/owner is using maintenance fees from the Ixtapa location to finance the sale promotion and construction expenses of a newer location in Zihuatanej. This has resulted in very high and the never ending escalation of annual maintenace fees plus the deterioration from the neglected upkeep of the Ixtapa property. In my opinion, it's a Ponzi scheme.
I have been going here for 18 years and the administrative services never get better. Check out is always a nightmare. the fees go up every year. The maintanence fee of a studio is the same as a Senior suite twice the size. I have 4 years left on my contract and they want additional fees for improvements. They add charges to the check out fees for tips for staff and donations and do not disclose this unless yyou ask. They waste your vacation and steal your time by forcing you to negotiate and inqurie about everything. I would not recommend anyone entering a new contract with these people. They have this way of making you feel it is a cultural requirment to pay. It is weird!!
My wife and I fell into the timeshare scam at Pacifica grand 2 years ago and I have the same complaints about this company. They lied about the value of the property, there is never a room availible when we want to go, the maintance fee goes up $110 a year, They never respond to questions asked about the free services or gifts offered when we purchased. They said we cannot get out of our contract and will be sent to collections or sued . Pacifica is a scam BEWARE... we just want out, even willing to give them the $8000 we have already paid them.
Pacifica Resort, Ixtapa, MX
The place is beautiful, but we felt like shark bait, being pressured to upgrade all the time. If they think you will not upgrade, they do not treat you well. Last time we stayed there two weeks (0ne week in two different units). I had made several complaints and we had to wait until 5pm to access our second week room. Don't buy a time share. The maintenance fees keep rising and we were hit with a 60% "special" fee on top of the maintenance fee. We made a BIG mistake buying this time share and just want OUT.
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