QUEJAS de Tiempo Compartido en MAYAN PALACE
Sea Garden Hotels, Mayan Palace Beach & Golf Resorts, The Grand Mayan, The Bliss resorts, the Grand Bliss Resorts, Mayan Island Real State, Vidanta

- Razón social
- Comercializadora y Servicio de Turismo S.A. de C.V.; Desarrollo, Marina Vallarta S.A.d
- Localización
- Cancun, Acapulco, Puerto Vallarta, Mazatlan, Cabo, Puerto Peñasco (Rocky Point)
- Agencias de cobro
- Summit Opportunities, LLC, Houston, TX
- Compañías de Renta
- Global Golf Connections, Continental Connections, Global Marketing Systems, Alliance Integrated Marketing Systems (AIMS), My Vacation Brokers, Imperial Property Management, Destinations International, Embassy Vacation Pro
Quejas Comunes:
- El vendedor podriá reclamar que se puede vender tiempo compartido anterior del cliente por una gran suma de dinero y la compra del tiempo compartido Maya será regulado por la presente reventa.
- Vendedor ofrece un intercambio de capital o el comercio en el programa.
- El vendedor le dice que van a alquilar su semana Maya para un gran beneficio y emitir un cheque al cliente dentro de unos meses para que puedan pagar el tiempo compartido con los ingresos de alquiler.
- Muchos clientes se han quejado de que cuando van a cancelar en el plazo de 5 días, les dicen que su depósito no es reembolsable, y entonces se convenció al cliente de una rebaja.
Phone: +52 (744) 469.60.03
Fax: +52 (744) 469.60.50
Los Cabos
Phone: +52 (624) 163 - 4003
Fax: +52 (624) 163 – 4050
Nuevo Vallarta
Phone: +52 (322) 226- 4003
Fax: +52 (322) 226 – 4066
Riviera Maya
Phone: +52 (984) 206.40.03
Fax: +52 (984) 206.40.50
Hola a todos, es increible como estas lacras siguen operando sin consentimiento alguno , no obstante con estafar a muchas personas veo que siguen obrando de la misma manera, al parecer no soy el unico al que le robaron , veo que tmb hay mas personas involucradas y de diferentes partes , se debe de hacer algo en contra de este resort !
This Vida Vacation group are the worse I seen through out my years of dealing with Sales Folks. They are Con Artist and will promised anything to make a sale. Unfortunately I felt for it and I am very sorry that I attend to their 90 minutes presentation, which turned out to be more like 6 hours of high pressure selling strategy they use to sell one of their units. They promised us to buy our resort for a large sum 24K and turned out to be false when we got home. They also made us put up front a large sum of money 7K into this contract . Now their contract if you don't read it carefully has a provision not to return the money if you decide to cancel their contract in 5 days. You have no time to cancel their contract was mail into the US via UPS. How could you cancel? This is a Big Scam and It is going on in Puerto Vallarta Mexico. I wonder why the Mexican Authorities have not caught up to this Scams or maybe they are also part of the ring. DON'T waste your vacation time with this SCAMMERS if you go to Mexico enjoy your vacation time and forget about this individuals trying to convince you into this GARBAGE PRESENTATIONS. it is not worth it.
They prey on current timeshare owners by claiming they will convert your current ownership into equity, transfer your old title and sell your US timeshare to Mexican citizens who will use it to obtain a temporary visa into the US, and they offer to do all this for their a price, which is really only an artificial negotiation device to distract you. A week later, you will be contacted from a third party that they never mention, who then demands more payment of thousands of dollars. BE WARNED! BEWARE!!!
Hello , you need to know is how terrible could be to get involved on a timeshare, timeshare field is very nasty and expensive, all the promises that the resort said are only lies, this resort is total scam, just go ahead and look how many people was scammed by this resort, including me.
My father and I traded our timeshare units at ou other timeshare resorts which we shared with my (Mother prior to her passing) for timeshare weeks at the Grand Bliss Mayan in Nuevo Vallerta. We thought it would be a good idea since my Mother and Father would no longer be able to use them and they had several at different resorts with different timeshare time. I had concerns when they offered us a drink at the closing and when I noted that the paper work does not match what they told us we were purchasing. A month after returning home we received a call from Global Vacation Trade, the company that they reported would transfer our timeshare units so we would not have additional matinee fees. Global Vacation Trade informed me that we could pay to retain our timeshare units and that we needed to give them $2000 per time share. They wanted me to email my personal information and credit card information to seal the agreement. When I looked at the concerns of scamming on the internet involving GVT I became very concerned that the Vida Group would provide our information to a group of scammers. This company is not even a legal entity in Florida! I quickly realized that the Mayan Vida Group most likely were scammers themselves. I examined the paperwork and it does not even mention a trade agreement and was not a part of the contract agreement. I then recalled details of the experience which included never hearing from the sales person again, hearing the sells person make a joke about my father's teeth in Spanish (he was having dental work done and is over 70), and the numbers originally negotiated disappearing. We were there for 9 long hours for a 2 hour presentation! At the point of exhaustion and fatigue they provide a drink and snack and do not let you escape. I do not think the trade arrangement with GVT is legitimate and we will still have to pay to maintain our Timeshares. What is the success rate of those who kept their timeshare time with Mayan Group. In addition to this debocal the unit we purchased isn't built yet so we are able to trade the until for other locations. I am concerned about the legitimacy of other aspects of the agreement since this trade situation was hoax. Its embarrassing as I am not sure why I did not see all of the signs coming until reviewing the entire experience when I returned home. Has any one kept their timeshare and just used the unit? We like the report just not the Sales people and their aggressive deceptive unethical behaviors.
En mi caso al igual que muchas personas fui estafado por esta compañia, las tácticas que usan para que firmes el contrato son De lo mas vil , recomiendo ampliamente que investiguen antes de compra con ellos.
Dont waste your time and money on this timeshare, they all want to do is to rip of all your money , anything what they promise is not true , you must be aware about the timeshare presentation, avoid that , really the pressure is to high and many times the only way to get out is buying something, just get out !
Estas personas son unos farsantes , a mi esposa y ami nos invitaron a una presentacion de tiempo compartido en el cual nos ofrecieron mil cosas y beneficios, por si fuera poco nos ofrecieron bebidas embriagantes para que asi aceptaramos mas rapido , caimos y firmamos el contrato sin saber que estariamos atados a pagar tan altas cantidades de mantenimiento , no sabemos que hacer
mayan palace son una bola de ratas, estafaron a mis padres de la manera mas vil que pueda aver, ni por ser personas de la tercera edad se detuvieron en hacerlos firmar un contrato que sabian que no podian cumplir, el costo del mantenimiento es totalmente ridiculo , jamas se acerquen a este resort porfavor.
Beware of this company. They are flat out rude and get very upset once you tell them you do not want to buy from them. I have been in the property twice through an exchange from Interval International and the property is definitely gorgeous. They tried to trick me into buying the timeshare and sell them my current time share, I did not fall for it. I told them I was there because a representative told me that I was just going for an "owner policy update". They quickly got mad and tried to insult me and said that if I was there it was for a reason, I walked out and did not get taken. I am glad I am now seeing this and HIGHLY RECOMMEND you stay away from them. If you are a member of Interval International or RCI you can still book weeks to stay there.
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