QUEJAS de Tiempo Compartido en MAYAN PALACE
Sea Garden Hotels, Mayan Palace Beach & Golf Resorts, The Grand Mayan, The Bliss resorts, the Grand Bliss Resorts, Mayan Island Real State, Vidanta

- Razón social
- Comercializadora y Servicio de Turismo S.A. de C.V.; Desarrollo, Marina Vallarta S.A.d
- Localización
- Cancun, Acapulco, Puerto Vallarta, Mazatlan, Cabo, Puerto Peñasco (Rocky Point)
- Agencias de cobro
- Summit Opportunities, LLC, Houston, TX
- Compañías de Renta
- Global Golf Connections, Continental Connections, Global Marketing Systems, Alliance Integrated Marketing Systems (AIMS), My Vacation Brokers, Imperial Property Management, Destinations International, Embassy Vacation Pro
Quejas Comunes:
- El vendedor podriá reclamar que se puede vender tiempo compartido anterior del cliente por una gran suma de dinero y la compra del tiempo compartido Maya será regulado por la presente reventa.
- Vendedor ofrece un intercambio de capital o el comercio en el programa.
- El vendedor le dice que van a alquilar su semana Maya para un gran beneficio y emitir un cheque al cliente dentro de unos meses para que puedan pagar el tiempo compartido con los ingresos de alquiler.
- Muchos clientes se han quejado de que cuando van a cancelar en el plazo de 5 días, les dicen que su depósito no es reembolsable, y entonces se convenció al cliente de una rebaja.
Phone: +52 (744) 469.60.03
Fax: +52 (744) 469.60.50
Los Cabos
Phone: +52 (624) 163 - 4003
Fax: +52 (624) 163 – 4050
Nuevo Vallarta
Phone: +52 (322) 226- 4003
Fax: +52 (322) 226 – 4066
Riviera Maya
Phone: +52 (984) 206.40.03
Fax: +52 (984) 206.40.50
When we arrived at the airport in Cozumel a man approached us and said he was a "Tourist Advisory". He gave us some pointers about what to see while we are there, and then offered a good deal on a car rental. We agreed to rent a car from him and he gave us an invoice with signatures saying it was paid in full. The man also invited us to visit a newly built Mayan Palace and listen to a one-hour presentation on timeshares.
We didn't know if we would have time to do it and we said so.
When we were at the airport a week later getting ready to register for our flight home, the same man approached us and said we owe him a balance of $200 because we didn't listen to his presentation. He then showed us our invoice with fine print that said in order to get the car rental rate we received we would need to listen to the presentation. He then threatened us with police.
We paid the money with our credit card and now I have requested my bank to cancel that transaction.
Do not get caught in this scam! It's a well played game. Do not get caught in it.
My parents (ages 85 and 83) were talked into "upgrading" their Mayan Palace timeshare to a Bliss property timeshare for, well let's just say ALOT of $$$. It was a 10 year deal - again they are 85 and 83. My mother had terminal cancer and my father has memory issues. They were totally scammed out of money they could not afford to lose. Mayan Palace took total advantage of them. I'm disgusted by these practices.
Why would a timeshare company treat their owners like that?
no dejan vacacionar en grupo vidanta (actualmente mayan resort),por motivo de fallecimiento de mi padre por causa me solicitan varios documentos que ya les hice llegar, ahora me solicitan un contrato que ellos no me han dado, y me solicitan $750 mas gastos de envio y que valla ala procuraduria y mencione que se a extraviado dicho contrato, eso es mentira ya que ellos cuando se compro daban reservacion garantizada y ahora pregunto:
don't buy any kind of timeshare just go for the gifts and the free breakfast, just be careful cause they're so rough!
After my wife and I declined to buy Mayan Palace timeshare, the final round of sales and finance sold us a vacation privileges package for $3000. This happened on Oct 30, 2013. The sales people lied excessively to sell us the package.
reference to Cecilla 2014 who put her timeshare with Global Rental. This is a tactic they must have gotten from Villa del Palmar, Jeff Moore salesmen-now gone and rental was Enterprise Travel who keeps moving around the country. I am sad to see this as we are an owner and love it-the food, golf and the variety of places to go without exchanging. We have children that golf and travel as much as we do. We have been to all but like Acapulco in January. My tip-keep walking away and write down what you want in your contract. One person wanted the gym across the road in Acapulco and got it. We also added something to one but don't know yer if they will honor it.
Compre hoy 19 de abril 2014 quiero cancelar me urge q puedo hacer
Compre hoy 19 de abril 2014 quiero cancelar me urge q puedo hacer
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