QUEJAS de Tiempo Compartido en MAYAN PALACE
Sea Garden Hotels, Mayan Palace Beach & Golf Resorts, The Grand Mayan, The Bliss resorts, the Grand Bliss Resorts, Mayan Island Real State, Vidanta

- Razón social
- Comercializadora y Servicio de Turismo S.A. de C.V.; Desarrollo, Marina Vallarta S.A.d
- Localización
- Cancun, Acapulco, Puerto Vallarta, Mazatlan, Cabo, Puerto Peñasco (Rocky Point)
- Agencias de cobro
- Summit Opportunities, LLC, Houston, TX
- Compañías de Renta
- Global Golf Connections, Continental Connections, Global Marketing Systems, Alliance Integrated Marketing Systems (AIMS), My Vacation Brokers, Imperial Property Management, Destinations International, Embassy Vacation Pro
Quejas Comunes:
- El vendedor podriá reclamar que se puede vender tiempo compartido anterior del cliente por una gran suma de dinero y la compra del tiempo compartido Maya será regulado por la presente reventa.
- Vendedor ofrece un intercambio de capital o el comercio en el programa.
- El vendedor le dice que van a alquilar su semana Maya para un gran beneficio y emitir un cheque al cliente dentro de unos meses para que puedan pagar el tiempo compartido con los ingresos de alquiler.
- Muchos clientes se han quejado de que cuando van a cancelar en el plazo de 5 días, les dicen que su depósito no es reembolsable, y entonces se convenció al cliente de una rebaja.
Phone: +52 (744) 469.60.03
Fax: +52 (744) 469.60.50
Los Cabos
Phone: +52 (624) 163 - 4003
Fax: +52 (624) 163 – 4050
Nuevo Vallarta
Phone: +52 (322) 226- 4003
Fax: +52 (322) 226 – 4066
Riviera Maya
Phone: +52 (984) 206.40.03
Fax: +52 (984) 206.40.50
Mayan Palace has ruined my life. I believed in their false promises in return I’m stuck with this useless membership which has cost me thousands of dollars.
Never would return to buy anything with Mayan Palace, they are liars and never deliver what they promise, I am very angry and I would like to cancel my contract, can you help?
Contrate bajo presion del vendedor cambio de nivel de suite Grand Mayan a Grand Bliss. Al solicitar rescision segun clausula 11 dentro de los 5 dias mi dice que no me regresan el total de lo pagado y que mi contrato anterior se reduce en beneficios. La firma fue el sabado 27 julio 2013. Cuanto cuesta su defensa y la pagara el Grupo Mayan?
Desde que llegue todo el tiempo he estado con daño moral y economico.
My wife and I were also duped with gifts to come and see this timeshare scam. I kept asking for a guarantee or proof to everything they promised. They just kept double-talking and repeated themselves over and over again. After 5 hours, the price went from $90K to $9K and we bought (temporarily). Back at our hotel, I looked up the Grand Mayan and two days later we went back to cancel. They refused to let us cancel (which is illegal).
We were told we could easily exchange one week with the Mayan Palace for two weeks every place else, that has not happen either. I have posted my time share to sell or rent and I cant even do that. If for some *** reason you are thinking about purchasing a Mayan Palace time share, just walk away from that thought right now!
Purchasing the Mayan Palace time share was the worse investment I have ever made in my like.Wish I could go back in time and erase that 2 hours and all the money I have wasted.
I purchased a Mayan Palace time share in Mexico with so many promises.We were told they were going to building a new resort every year and the next three to be built were gong to be in Hawaii, Vegas, and Florida, none of that has happen at all.
STAY AWAY FROM Mayan Palace!!!! Bunch of lies told to us! Worst money mistake we have ever made! If you want to go on a vacation, look for cheap hotels online, DO NOT BUY TIMESHARES!!!!!!
I have friends who have a timeshare at Mayan Palace and seem to enjoy it. They know their best bet is to go back to their properties and avoid their sales presentations. I asked them recently if they believe it was a good investment for them and reply to me: "It's paid for, gotta use it. Right?"
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