QUEJAS de Tiempo Compartido en MAYAN PALACE
Sea Garden Hotels, Mayan Palace Beach & Golf Resorts, The Grand Mayan, The Bliss resorts, the Grand Bliss Resorts, Mayan Island Real State, Vidanta

- Razón social
- Comercializadora y Servicio de Turismo S.A. de C.V.; Desarrollo, Marina Vallarta S.A.d
- Localización
- Cancun, Acapulco, Puerto Vallarta, Mazatlan, Cabo, Puerto Peñasco (Rocky Point)
- Agencias de cobro
- Summit Opportunities, LLC, Houston, TX
- Compañías de Renta
- Global Golf Connections, Continental Connections, Global Marketing Systems, Alliance Integrated Marketing Systems (AIMS), My Vacation Brokers, Imperial Property Management, Destinations International, Embassy Vacation Pro
Quejas Comunes:
- El vendedor podriá reclamar que se puede vender tiempo compartido anterior del cliente por una gran suma de dinero y la compra del tiempo compartido Maya será regulado por la presente reventa.
- Vendedor ofrece un intercambio de capital o el comercio en el programa.
- El vendedor le dice que van a alquilar su semana Maya para un gran beneficio y emitir un cheque al cliente dentro de unos meses para que puedan pagar el tiempo compartido con los ingresos de alquiler.
- Muchos clientes se han quejado de que cuando van a cancelar en el plazo de 5 días, les dicen que su depósito no es reembolsable, y entonces se convenció al cliente de una rebaja.
Phone: +52 (744) 469.60.03
Fax: +52 (744) 469.60.50
Los Cabos
Phone: +52 (624) 163 - 4003
Fax: +52 (624) 163 – 4050
Nuevo Vallarta
Phone: +52 (322) 226- 4003
Fax: +52 (322) 226 – 4066
Riviera Maya
Phone: +52 (984) 206.40.03
Fax: +52 (984) 206.40.50
Compramos un tiempo compartido en MAyan PAlace puerto Penasco, Mexico e. El dia siguiente decidimos cancelarlo. Los agentes no nos responden a nuestro reclamo. Deseamos cancelar el contrato. Pagamos todo con nuestras tarjetas de credito. Ahora que busco en internet me doy cuenta del gran fraude que son el Groupo Mayan.
y hasta cuando pudieron cancelar, yo estoy en la misma siituacion ahorita, quiero cancelar .
Tried to have reservations in Grand Luxxe which we had just purchased last year and they told me that only a room was available. We had purchased one week for a bedroom with a kitchen and another week with one bedroom. Today they told me that we would not receive any of the benefits ie. Computer hook up because we were seniors and did not have to pay a yearly fee. We have been members for some 15 years and this has never happened before.
Buenas tardes, mi esposo y yo compramos un tiempo compartido , en Mayan Palace, en Junio 2010, como ustedes dicen, todo lo pintan tan lindo, uno compra sin tiempo de "pensar" y razonar. Hemos pensado en dejar de pagar, pero nos da miedo que las consecuencias sean nefastas para nuestro record crediticio y no sabemos si alcanzan a afectarnos en nuestro pais.
Adquiri un tiempo compartido en Mayan Palace en año 2009. Nunca lo he utilizado sin embargo he pagado por intentar vender o deshacerme de este problema ya que considero que a uno lo convencen con mentiras. no h elogrado nad ay no creo lograrlo alguna recomendacion que me puedan dar?
we have been subjected to a sales pitch at a Mayan Palace, where they convinced us to invest in their timeshare program with promises of vacation exchanges for stays anywhere in the world and a possibility of listing unused weeks through affiliated brokers. They insisted on signing that day and when we inquired about cancellation they specifically mentioned a 5 business day no-questions-asked cancellation period , without which we would not have signed up for anything. Upon doing research on the Internet about customer satisfaction with their program we found numerous complaints about the misrepresentations they make about availability of such trade-ins, impossibility of getting the rates they describe from the brokers, and their persistent attempts at refusing to honor cancellation policy, which, as we understand, is based on Mexico law.
Were you able to get your money back?
We are in the same boat.
I bought a timeshare from Mayan Palace in Mexico. I already paid $13,000 and I feel that the information at the presentation was misrepresented, a total scam. I paid $9,000 in Cancun and then called them because I realized that we paid for very limited usage so they changed the contract for no additional fees. I went to Mexico and they did an upgrade for $8,500 more. I only paid $4,500 which left a balance of $4,000. My husband calls them due to many irregularities and comes to an agreement to only pay $2,00 and not the remaining balance of $4,852. However we have not signed this new contract yet, we don't even know what changes were made.
Mayan Palace, cancun resort.when we were there Dec 2008, we were misled by the rep. we wanted to cancel the contract right away but they wouldn't let us saying it's against law, we have not used the resort at all since and now found out we could have canceled it. we paid in full because we didn't want to have a bad credit.
My husband and I just got back from Cancun this week. When we arrived in Cancun, we were approached at the airport by a man who offered us tourist information and a free breakfast at a "Mexican owned hotel" to introduce us to the hotel. He never said it was a timeshare presentation. We did not realize this until after the next day when we looked at the paperwork he had given us, but there was no number or contact information on the paperwork so we had no way to call and cancel. We decided to go ahead and attend the breakfast and what was stated to be a 90 minute presentation. We were taken to the Mayan Palace in Playa del Carmen and were there almost all day. Everytime we said no to our sales person, a manager would come over and add more promises. We were told we could rent our weeks without a problem--they stated they were always over 90% full--and the resort would pay us money for the weeks that we rented, so that we could trade weeks through one of the resort exchange companies and would actually make money by not using our weeks. We were also told that we would not have to pay any maintenance fees if we did not use our weeks. We finally agreed to purchase a week of Grand Mayan and put down a substantial credit card deposit. When I asked about a 3 day right to cancel, which I thought was standard in the US, we were told that did not apply in Mexico. They also included an extra week for "free" if we would purchase and pay within 30 days and then offered us a free week to return this year. After we got home and started investigating this company on the internet, we realized that the price we paid was horrendously inflated, way more than the going price and what other people have paid, and was an outright scam.
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