QUEJAS de Tiempo Compartido en THE REEF Playacar Resort (Leading Vacation Club)
The Reef Playacar Resort & Spa, Leading Vacation Club, The Reef Coco Beach

- Razón social
- Inmobiliaria Kasamarina S.A. de C.V.
- Localización
- Playa del Carmen
- Compañías de Renta
- Elite Guest Circle & Strategic Marketing Solutions
Quejas Comunes:
- El período de 5 días para cancelar nunca es mencionado en las presentaciones, también afirman que "sábado" en México es un "día hábil", que no lo es. El período de 5 días para cancelar un derecho legal que no se puede renunciar.
- El Asociado de Venta promete un "trade-in" como parte de sus tacticas de ventas. El asociado refiere al cliente a una compañia de renta o re-venta para vender su antiguo tiempo compartido para pagar su nueva adquisicion. Al final la compañia de renta o re-venta hace nada por el cliente, y el cliente ahora tiene dos tiempos compartidos.
- Prometen no efectuar mas cobros despues de el "Todo Incluido", pero las cuotas especiales siguen apareciendo mes tras mes con razones desconocidas.
- Su Programa Leading Vacation Club no cumple con lo prometido
The Reef playa car Resprt & Spa, Leading Vacation Club Teléfono
Teléfono: +52 98 48 73 41 20
Fax: +52 98 48 73 20 01
Sin costo
USA : 1 866 384 3656
Mexico : 01 800 714 0220Para recibir más información sobre un tiempo compartido en the Reef/Leading Vacation Club, sus quejas y cómo cancelarlo, envíe un whatsApp al +52 333 239 6589, rellene el formulario en la sección de contacto o llámenos al +52 334 162 5467.
Reef Playacar/Leading Vacation Club reclamos
A continuación tenemos un foro donde los socios de The Reef Playacar/Leading Vacation Club comparten su experiencia que han tenido con el resort de tiempo compartido. El personas de Mexican Timeshare Solutions no tine ningun tipo de influencia en los reclamos, quejas y comentarios que postean los usuarios.
We bought a timeshare at the REEF who promised to sell another timeshare we had but that never happened. Now all I want to do is book a week to which we are entitled and I cannot get anyone to respond to my request. DO NOT BUY AT THE REEF PLAYACAR.
I am also making a formal complaint with the Mexican PROFECO ([E-mail]) which handles complaints in English.
hello there, i want to know if exist some reliable way to get out of timeshare? i ask this because im exhausted to get involved on timeshare field..i lost a lot of money with these resort, i know that i wont get anymore my money back , i just only want to cancel this..
These people cheated me completely, all for believing it was a good investment,the truth is of the worst things I've done in my life, never again fall into a trap like the timeshare presentations offer thousand benfits for free ,just a hook , all of that is just a hook !
A very unpleasant experience with Timeshare people, completely cheated me, I had the bad luck to go to a presentation of timeshares and there was where I was convinced to purchase one, worst of all is that I could never use, are evils these timeshare persons,scamers.
Man, this just keeps getting worse and worse. Tried giving these people a chance to make it right but they keep taking my money and I never received anything back. Buying into this timeshare/vacation weeks at the Reef at Playacar has got to be the worst decision I have ever made. The promises of my weeks being sold, never met. The promise of me getting 6 weeks per year, never met. The 2 week bonus that I was supposed to be able to market, does not exist. Everything that was agreed upon end up being all a big damn lie. These crooks at the Reef are ripping people off. I'm stuck with a bunch of weeks that cost way more than I what I can pay for through the internet. This was no deal. They just scam me for over $15,000.00 when it's all said and done. I even purchased the Lloydshare option with them as well and I am thinking that I will never see that cash either once the timeshare has been completed. Wish there was a way to get some of my money back but I think I am SOL. If I ever see that sales guy who gave all the false promises again, I will definitely punch him and break his freakin nose.
A while ago I had very bad experience with these people, I get carried away by the benefits qe would give me, which none of that was true, I was very incredulous about buying here with them, but my husband convice me to acquire the timeshare, , now I regret a lot , bad luck ?
They say they are not responsible and only will honor what is on the contract. My advice is that you must not purchase a timeshare, you can FIND BETTER PRICES ONLINE WITHOUT ENROLLING WITH THIS COMPANY. STAY AWAT FROM THEM!
hello all, we have to be very smart and know that a timeshare is not a good investment, rather it is a total risk, as this resort there are very many more that do the same, promising many things, which is "the opportunity of your life" just so you buy them, believe me that I and my family had many problems with these people as they do not deliver what they promise
Estas personas no cumplen lo que dicen , sinceraente hasta la fecha nose como yo y mi familia caimos en este fraude, jamas nos dijeron de que las cuotas de mantenimiento eran tan elevadas, y que necesitabamos cada mes hacer un upgrade para poder usar el tiempo compartido , aun no entiendo que fue lo que paso
I have been scammed by The reef playacar, the salesperson told me that they would buy my timeshare back at anytime or I could cancel it if I wanted with no penalty needless to say it was a lie. I´m looking for a lawyer who is willing to take the case and do whatever is needed to cancel it.
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