QUEJAS de Tiempo Compartido en PUERTO BAHÍA Villas
Puerto Bahía Villas & Spa

- Razón social
- Ecoturismo de Bahía de Banderas S de RL de CV
- Localización
- Puerto Vallarta
- Compañías de Renta
- Remax Paraiso, Platinum Resort Services
Quejas Comunes:
- Es vendido como "bienes raices" pero en realidad es un contrato de tiempo compartido.
- Los asociados de venta garantizan que si el resort no esta construido dentro de los 2 años, el cliente se le regresara el monto de dinero ya pagado, pero esto no esta estipulado en el contrato.
- Los asociados de venta ofrecen vender tu antiguo tiempo compartido en no más de 90 días, pero al final de ese plazo, el cliente se queda con el tiempo compartido antiguo y el tiempo compartido de Puerto Bahia
Puerto Bahía Villas & Spa Teléfono:
Sin costoU.S. & Canada 1-866-286-2108
Local Mexico 322-115-9990
es la peor inversion que mi esposa y yo hemos hecho en nuestras vidas, empezando por las mentiras de las personas que nos vendieron el tiempo compartido , nada fue real y ahora despues de unos años decidimos cancelarlo cosa que aun no logramos hacer , las cuotas se incrementan cada ves mas y mas.
Total gong show...promised extra weeks and divend cheques for renting out our weeks when we weren't there...b.s. Never received a deed, or any paper trail. Told no maintainance fees unless used...now being asked for fees even if we don't use....embarrassing to even hear the name of this resort....feel like we were robbed ...RCI should look into this place!! Not impressed...never had such headache with any other location!....Worst timeshare ever...traded Las Vegas for this!! Worst experience ever
Evitense la pena de ser estafados por este resort, no tiene ningun sentido perder tiempo y dinero en estas personas, creo que hay muchas mejores formas de invertir dinero y que no sea en un timeshare..mi madre perdio muchisimo dinero porque estaba atada a un contrato con estas personas y no habia forma de cancelar, todo parte de su sucio negocio.
I posted yesterday but want to commend Dorota. I believe she really feels bad about this but has no authority to correct it. She has spent much time trying, but the only offers are lose-lose for us as PB refuses to refund our money.
We have given PB $28,500.. All of the above happened to us. We received multiple contracts for the sale of our other timeshare, rental of 4 of our 7 weeks each year, (we actually have only one), money back after two years, $1,180. to be paid only once and that to be paid by the renters... We are now told that none of those contracts exist, and we will be sued for the remainder if we don't pay in full plus exorbitant fees. Our original contract was for $30,000. We are having to downsize, pay another closing fee, have a 25 year limit, pay each week, subject to increase 3.5% each year besides any amount they choose for whatever they choose... If we do not agree, we now owe another "$15,000 - $20,000" as per last night's phone call. They are now "disappointed" in us because they have worked so hard to be so helpful and cannot work with us much longer. "Other people have been taken to court, and they've had to pay, and they're not happy." I hope CBS really is going to expose this. It's awful. Each of our five children could have $5,000. which is badly needed. We thought we were making an investment for their futures but have lost all this money, and it is still not over. Nacho and Israel need to be in jail. Handsome, glib Israel with pictures of his wife and children, hugs, and promises galore... I believe this is the way of timeshares: send in the salesmen with their fraud; then have a "new company" come buy them out, chiding the poor suckers because they should have known "all salesmen are liars, but we have nothing to do with them." Our current Dorota freely admits that this was fraudulent (I have written several of her quotes,) and now the new owner has "recently been made aware of this and is doing his best to correct it." She pronounces the promises made to us "crazy," Enough... If anyone has advice as to how to proceed, we are under tremendous pressure to sign this new contract because they can't be so nice to us much longer. Our attorney has it but said litigation with Mx is costly and nearly hopeless.
Puerto Bahia Villas &Spa in Nayarit Mx is not a trustworthy time share or "Real Estate" they offered to sell our existing time share to become their members all of this was a fraud. After many hours of being there and they take no for an answer I almost felt kidnapped because someone from there took us there we had no idea where we were after all their promises we blindly believed. We dont want any young unexperience people to fall like we did
A terrible idea to get involved on this mess, i didnt have a clue how this works, at that moment all seems very clear and sound like a good idea, maybe the investment of my life , this is what the salespersons told me , the truth is that is the worst thing that i ever pay , really , timeshare thing is serious , i was scammed so bad.
Hola, todo empezo muy bien , asistimos a una presentacion de tiempo compartido de este resort, en realidad no era nuestro plan adquirir algo con ellos, pero despues de casi 3 horas de presentacion muy insistentes los vendedores, rebajandonos los precios cada vez mas aceptamos y compramos uno , la triste realidad es que jamas pudimos usarlo y ese dinero que invertimos al parecer lo perdimos, porfavor no asistan a las presentaciones de tiempo compartido de estas personas, son una estafa
I'm a consumer investigative reporter with CBS TV. I'm looking to speak with people about their experience with Puerto Bahia. Please email me ASAP at [E-mail]
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