QUEJAS de Tiempo Compartido en PUERTO BAHÍA Villas
Puerto Bahía Villas & Spa

- Razón social
- Ecoturismo de Bahía de Banderas S de RL de CV
- Localización
- Puerto Vallarta
- Compañías de Renta
- Remax Paraiso, Platinum Resort Services
Quejas Comunes:
- Es vendido como "bienes raices" pero en realidad es un contrato de tiempo compartido.
- Los asociados de venta garantizan que si el resort no esta construido dentro de los 2 años, el cliente se le regresara el monto de dinero ya pagado, pero esto no esta estipulado en el contrato.
- Los asociados de venta ofrecen vender tu antiguo tiempo compartido en no más de 90 días, pero al final de ese plazo, el cliente se queda con el tiempo compartido antiguo y el tiempo compartido de Puerto Bahia
Puerto Bahía Villas & Spa Teléfono:
Sin costoU.S. & Canada 1-866-286-2108
Local Mexico 322-115-9990
Ademas de venderte algo que nisiquiera sabes que es en el momento, la presentacion es de lo mas cansada y molesta!! nisiquiera se acerquen a este resort!!!!!!!
Acudimos a la platica sin saber que nos esperaba, un fraude muy grande!!!!
Los vendedores de tiempo compartido de este resort son lo peor de este mundo! Son una bola de buitres, que no escuchan y solo les interesa encajarte el diente
Los vendedores de tiempo compartido de este resort son lo peor de este mundo! Son una bola de buitres, que no escuchan y solo les interesa encajarte el diente
why can't I sell my weeks? is there like a number i can call??
got screwed by those thugs. nothing more than professional liars and thieves
Agree with what others have said. Salesperson Todd is a smooth talker, even brought is "wife" along. However, you cannot believe anything he says because you will not be able to sell other timeshare units you may own. Platinum Resport Services and Mercury Property Management are scams. They will not deliver what they contracted to provide. STAY AWAY.
Very frustrating!
We had an opportunity to view the property on a Sunday morning. We arrived prompt at 830 am. We had been promised 5000 pesos for our visit if we would consider this property as well as a complimentary breakfast. We own a property at present in the area and always wanted to see what this property had to offer, but had been turned away on two previous occasions because we had not been registered for a formal presentation.
We had originally had been told that this presentation would not exceed 90 minutes unless we had an interest in purchasing. We arrived at 830 am and had been escorted to a nice waiting area to be per qualified or a purchase. This pre qualification conducted had taken almost 1 hr. 4 sales agents had a chance to qualify us before allowing us to sit and have breakfast. Breakfast was pleasant and staff prompt and friendly. After completing breakfast we had asked to view the property. We again spent almost a hour at breakfast and further pre qualifications before actually looking at only 2 units.
The units are very nice and clean. Desirable units and pool area. Our main objections to this property where that the property was not suited for the elderly or children. The maintenance fees for timeshares are paid regardless of use unless you choose to rent your unit as a business. The beach club is in its infant stage and the promises of future phases being delivered at a unrealistic time frame ( a new phase by nov 2014) For the above reasons we had decided against a purchase in this location at this time.
We had told our sales manger that we like the property but cannot purchase mainly because of the fee structure on maintenance . Chava the manager recognized that we are not interested at this time and handed us off to another worker. We had told Chava that the property is nice but not for us at this time. We did say that we would be interested in organizing a rental for a group of 100 for a wedding next year. We agreed that we would one back to discuss this later. The worker that Chava handed us off to had said our ride is on its way and he will take us to Claim our prize.
After waiting another 15 minutes for our ride, we had been taken to a office to claim a prize, only to be told that Chava the manager says that no prize until we come back. I had told the lady that we have spent 3 hrs here at this presentation and we are now entitled to our prize. She said that Chava will only pay if you spend a min of 90 minutes after breakfast and not total. We threatened to call the federal police if they did not compensate us for the visit as promised and she and our driver shut the door to the office in my face and said "go ahead, that's fine". I then phone Chava and he also said to "go ahead and try". We ended up driving our selfs to the main parking lot in a golf cart because we had been left stranded on our own approximately 700 meters from our vehicle. The security guards proceeded to laugh at us when we showed our frustration.
I stopped at the federal police to discuss the complaint and they suggested that if the property stated that we are required to allow 90 minutes of presentation, that we should have allowed the 90 minutes. Wow! Sounds like these guys have pulled this scam in the past. I said to my self ,"I will give them 90 minutes to prove a point". I went back to the property and told them I am here to finish my 90 minute presentation to claim my prize. They made me wait another hour before they just paid the 5000 pesos and did not discuss the presentation at all.
This is so sad that such a wonderfull property gets a reputation like this. It was our full intention to view this property and consider a purchase or trade of a time share or a outright purchase if the property meet our needs. The property is very nice and we feel that the price was to expensive for what we had seen. Maybe for others they might see the value, but not us. We would have most definitely considered having a large group stay here for a wedding party next year. La cruz does not have many nice properties that will accommodate 100 people. This property will with sufficient notice. After finally collecting our 5000 pesos I tried to call Chava the manager on 3 occasions and he would no longer answer his phones.
A little advice to Chava, when someone says they like your property but don't see the value. I.e. $1,300,000.00 USA dollars for a 3 bedroom condo, you should probably not brush hem off. You might get a bad review or loose future hotel nightly guest. I would have highly recommended this property for a hotel to many of our guest but this left a bad taste with us.
I hope Mr. Cortez the owner reads his reviews. Such a nice place to be tainted with such a painfull prequalification and presentation. Mr. Cortez, it's a small world. Time is to valuable to wait hours to see a room.
Roberto from la cruz.
14 de Febrero del 2014
PUERTO BAHIA VILLAS AND SPA, The Private Residence Club
Riviera Nayarit, Mexico
No creo que puedan entender toda la preocupación, angustia y coraje por la que estamos pasando mi esposa y yo, porque fuimos víctimas de un fraude.
Por querernos vender una Propiedad Fraccional en PUERTO BAHIA Villas & Spa, Riviera Nayarit, Mexico fueron capaces de mentir y engañar a mi familia y prometernos cosas que no eran ciertas TODOS en Puerto Bahia; vendedores, representantes, gerentes,..etc, todos se prestaron para estafarnos.
La única razón por la que compramos en The Private Residence Club, PUERTO BAHIA, Riviera Nayarit, Mexico, fue porque nos ofrecieron y se comprometieron verbalmente y por escrito, a darnos dinero por el Timeshare de Mayan Palace.
Sonaba muy bonito para ser verdad y por eso fueron casi diez horas, desde la mañana hasta que se oscureció, entre indecisions y diálogos para aclarar los datos con cada uno de los respresentantes y vendedores del lugar los cuales apoyaban las promesas y el contrato que nos dieron por escrito de depositarnos el dinero a mas tardar en este mes de noviembre la cantidad correspondiente en dollares por el Timeshare de Mayan.
Todo fue una pura mentira sólo para engancharnos en una compra que no puedo seguir pagando porque tengo deudas en las tarjetas de crédito y estoy aún pagando intereses de los 5,765 dollares del depósito que dimos de enganche para hacer el trato. Fue mi error no haber leido el contrato/libro y en ingles y con letras pequeñitas que firmamos ahi de la compra de PUERTO BAHIA, porque despues de estar todo el día rodeados de gente que nos presionaban a comprar y ya cansados por tantas horas y con las niñas desesperadas y aburridas sólo nos quedó confiar en la Buena fe de la gente y en sus promesas, que sonaban muy reales. Son ya casi 10,000 dollares que he pagado hasta el momento entre intereses y mensualidades.
No se vale que abusen de las familias, personas que nos matamos trabajando muy duro en este país y no piensen en las consecuencias que su ambición provoca ; económicamente y emocionalmente y psicológicamente. En estas fechas navideñas que tenía pensado comprar los regalos a mis hijas ahora resulta que en algun lugar abra personas gastando el dinero que se ganaron engañando a otros.
Ya estoy hasta el tope de deudas y tenía la fe y esperanza que ese acuerdo/ contrato fuera verdad para liquidar parte de las deudas, ahora que voy a hacer con tres Timeshare y sin dinero para seguir pagando las mensualidades de Pueblo Bonito, Mazatlan, la casa que pago aqui y los gastos cotidianos de manutención y en la escuela de mis hijas, el salario no me alcanza. Por lo que solicito la cancelación de mi contrato # PRC-238. Si tuvieran un poquito de compación les pido el reembolzo de mi dinero o parte de los 8,000 dollares que recibieron de mi parte, ustedes son Real State y pueden vender por otro lado o tarde o temprano se vendera y a ustedes no les afecta nada ese dinero que es poquito para ustedes, pero mucho para nosotros. No me resigno a perder tanto dinero que es tan importante para mi familia y que lo podia usar en cosas que realmente necesito para mis hijas.
Me hierve la sangre de coraje y me doy golpes por haber sido tan tonto y estúpido al poner mi confianza en gente que parece professional pero que solo se dedica a ganar el dinero defraudando, mintiendo a la gente para obtener dinero fácil. Pero hay un Dios y tarde o temprano todo se paga en esta vida…
I fell victim to a clever ruse as a result of a standoff but will not happen again!
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