QUEJAS de Tiempo Compartido en TAU RESORT Vacation Club
Tau Resort Vacation Club

- Razón social
- Tau Resorts, S.A.P.I de C.V
- Localización
- Puerto Vallarta
- Compañías de Renta
- Eagle market Solutions & Orchard Vacations Rentals
- Representantes
- Gary Pasco, Bob, Thasi Favela & Israel
Quejas Comunes:
- El complejo en sí no está construido y se encuentra todavía en fase de esqueleto, la fecha de apertura fue 15 de diciembre 2011 y ahora ha cambiado a enero 2012.
- Se vende como "Bienes Raíces", pero en realidad es una contrato de tiempo compartido
- Los clientes a menudo son engañados en la creencia de que para tener el poder de reserva que necesitan para tener un mayor nivel de membresía.
- Tacticas de Venta en alta presion
- El vendedor muestra los planos de piso distintos de lo que el cliente es en realidad comprando, y / o mostrar una sala de demostración que no está en la propiedad del complejo.
- El asociado de ventas refiere a los clientes a una empresa de venta y/o reventa para su unidad para obtener un beneficio, incluso si el resort no esta en un 50% construido.
Para recibir más información sobre un tiempo compartido en Tau resorts, sus quejas y cómo cancelarlo, envíe un whatsApp al +52 333 239 6589, rellene el formulario en la sección de contacto o llámenos al +52 334 162 5467.
We bought at Tau Nauhi on May 1st 2011 and since have tried to exercise THEIR REFUND CLAUSE without success. No one has gotten their refunds. I have been promised many many times that I would be paid but still no full refund! Scam outfit!
The people behind this Scam have actually done it before using different company names and different properties. They robbed even from the people working for them. Just google the name of the people behind this operation and you'll see what they did before in Puerto Vallarta, and Los Cabos. Search for Fernando de Anda, Casey Owens, Grand Baja. You'll see.
I believe the development will work out just fine. Towns like San Pancho and Sayulita were built the same way. A little trust and time! I own a home in San Pancho and 300k to 2.5mm makes me smile. My family loves living here 7 months a year. Four Seasons and St Regis are right next door. Give it some time. It will pay off!!
wer really liked the property however the resort is not built, the sales office is still there trying to SUCK people in. They can take your money and tell you that they are scheduling to open August 2013 however they can not even pay you the correct honoreriem that they promissed you, we were promised 7000 pesoe's. but they would only pay us 1/2 becuase there was a mis understanding.... on there part not us. I feel for everyone on this post that they took there money from,
We also bought last year - with the understanding if they didn't open, we would get a refund. I have been unable to get any response to my emails now. Does anyone even know if they are still building? Has anyone used any other services to try to get out of the deal? I have been approached by several companies, but they want money up front first - we're not prepared to throw more money at this! I am hoping we can salvage something from it by using it for some trades or something as we are RCI members as well as II and San Francisco Exchange. We will be back to PV in March so will try to check on the resort ourselves.
Hazel and Don
Oh my god what a horrid scam they have 25000$ of mine- their sales pitch was if its not your complete you get the option to have all your money back- NO WAY have not seen a dime they are ignorant- i paid visa,disputed it- visa returned my money apparently temporarily its been 6 months they said it was vaild charges and i disputed it again as they money is long gone so in limbo with whether i will be getting it back or not i sure friken hope so what a absolute nightmare i am never travelling again most expensive vacation ever plus they fed us drinks before hand which pisses me off even more as this is so not something i would ever do!!! STAY AWAY!!!
Im glad the word is out and people are aware of this horrible scam. We are/were owners, we just bought in October 2012, not seeing anyhting prior to our experience....This was the most horrifying experience after buying in and were told it was a scam. it was within the 5 days when we reaserched ourseleves and immediatley contacted them telling them to cancel our membership and refund our monies. We couldnt get a hold of Tau directly so we sent a letter of cancellation to the customer service email in Arizona. They acknowledge our letter as we then recived an email from the sales rep at Tau... this all being within the 5 day cancellation period stated in the contract. We also contacted PROFECO and VISA.....after going directly up to Tau sales center on the 5th day as we were still in Mexico we had the most horrifying experience topped with total disrespect.....needles to say we are home now and have actually recived a cancellation letter in which we will be refunded within 15 days. PLEASE, EVERYONE STAY AWAY FROM THESE RUTHLESS PEOPLE. i feel sorry for the ones who waited for their so called "completion date" and if not completed were guaranteed a refund.
We have been waiting a year and ahalf to receive the refund that was guranteed in our contract if the resort was not completed by a certain date. Stay away!!!
We bought into this in May 2010 with a promise of money back if not completed by July 2011. Fast forward to Oct. 2012 and despite following all of the stated refund procedures we have not seen a dime. We also lost our previous timeshare which was supposedly to be a "trade in" for the transaction but was a whole other fradulent scam. These people are scam artists of the worst kind - run the other way as fast as you can.
There are soo many complaints on Facebook. One entry calls TAU a big hole in the ground that sucks money from tourists. How appropriate! Salespeople formTAU are so skilled in the art of misrepresentation. They do it well lying outright, then presenting you with a barrage of materials and pressuring you to buy on the spot before you can think it through. The predicted completion date has been postponed so many times that TAU has been blacklisted by several Mexican timeshare organizations. It must be nice to work with other people's money without paying any interests on it AND obtained fraudulently!! Stay away from this money sucking organization.
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