QUEJAS de Tiempo Compartido en ESCONDIDO TOWERS
Escondido Towers Beach, Spa, Golf

- Razón social
- MIA-Particular, Turística INMOBILIARIA ROTACIÓN, S. A. DE C. V.
- Localización
- Mazatlán, Sinaloa
- Representantes
- Hector Rochin
Quejas mas comunes:
- La compañía de rentas promete al cliente rentar sus semanas y depositar al principio de cada año las ganancias directamente en las cuentas de los clientes por los siguientes años.
- La compañía de rentas promete vender otras propiedades de los clientes.
- La compañía de rentas promete al cliente comprar su otro tiempo compartido
- Dificultad para hacer reservaciones.
Escondido towers Teléfono:
01152(669) 988 0803
Sin Costo USA1 866 429 9061
Sin costo Canada 1 866 569 5118Para recibir más información sobre un tiempo compartido en Mayan Palace y cómo cancelarlo, envíe un whatsApp al +52 333 239 6589, rellene el formulario en la sección de contacto o llámenos al +52 334 162 5467.
Desgraciadamente para muchos turistas es una opcion de vacacionar perfecta , la verdad es que esta muy lejos de serlo , mis familiares fueron estafados por este resort, y todo por no leer bien el contrato , en donde los obligaban a hacer un upgrade para poder usar los servicios en forma, no pueden cancelarlo hasta la fecha porque ya firmaron el contrato.
tengan mucho cuidado en ir a este resort , y sobre todo en si los invitan a una presentacion de tiempos compartidos, ellos haran todo lo posible por querer que compres con ellos, sea lo qe sea no adquieran nada , ni siquiera acepten ir a la presentacion , por experiencia propia yo adquiri con ellos y ahora nose como librarme del tiempo compartido , tomen sus precaciones ya que sale caro el chistesito..
this resort sucks, anyway when i went to the timeshare presentation the people looks very confident, so i accept and i pay for a months , after that when i wanted to use it they told me that is not available,so i said " what ??! really ? i had payed for that , they apologize but the reservation cant proceed, really i want to cancel it..
I was very dissapointed of this guys, actually i dont want to know nothing about this people, this resort is a total fraud, so pls stay with eyes open before you gonna buy something , i was scammed by their sales persons, they offer free stuff and sht , but the only thing that they want is your money, no matter what , dont go to a timeshare presentation pls.
No pierdan su tiempo con estas personas, solo buscan la forma de como estafarte, hace unos años fui completamente timado por este resort, mi error fue aver asisitido a una presentacon de tiempo compartido donde me vi forzado a comprar semanas y la vd que me arrepiento muchisimo..
is very difficult to manage a timeshare, by the way a good idea is to donate , but on many cases exist organizations that take advantage of your situation and instead they help you they sink you to a deep hole,like in mycase a need help , i tried many things and no one works..is so annoying
the worst investment ever i did in my life was to bought a timeshare with these people, i never imagined hhow many complaints this could bring me , i dont remember how i get caught by those persons, but im regret about that , people pls dont buy anything with them, they like to stole your money with nothing in exchange
bought something here could be the worts ide that i ever had, also the worts investment that i ever did on my hole life, this persons are scammers, dont believen in anything that they said, all was lies , in my case the sales persons make me to accept some promotions charged to my credit cart, i dont know how people still falling in this scamm, pls stay away from here
I hate tihs people, they only want to stole all your money , exist many ways to get scammed and this is one of it , dont get near here, stay away this resort, all their stuff people are experts on the scam field, me and a friend we had a bad bad experience , really i dont even want to remember how annoying it was
For many reasons i will never going to acquire a timeshare, some friends of mine had very bad experiences with all these stuff, a ex girlfriend buy something here "escondido towers " she told me that for a reason she couldnt pay anymore , and she star the cancellation process, that occurred like 3 years ago , since today she still have problems with the cancellation , what a mess.
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