Occidental Allegro

- Razón social
- Diamond Hotels Cozumel S.A de C.V.
- Localización
- Rivera Maya, Cozumel & Nuevo Vallarta.
Quejas comunes:
- los vendedores prometen revender otro tiempo compartido adquirido anteriormente por el cliente propecto.
- Nunca hay disponibilidad
- los vendedores suelen negar el periodo de 5 dias para cancelar contratos.
Occidental Allegro Teléfono:
México: (52) 55 5208 1223
Estimados a ver si em pueden ayudar, con mi novio compramos un tiempo compartido con esta cadena, pero luego haciendo calculos y todo nos arrepentimos, el punto es que envíamos la carta por correo y todo dentro de los 5 días habiles correspondientes de plazo de renuncia, sin embargo temo que de todas formas no nos devuekvan el dinero que dimos como enganche, alguien ha tenido experiencia renunciando dentro de los 5 días?
The first lie is when the sales persons told to us that they will gave some free gifts, like breakfast or free rides to a very near place..they only wnat to hook you up to the timeshare prestentations to sell you s ome weeks, some friends were scammed by those kind of people..
Really i need help, last year my husband acquire a timeshare ..at first all the people was very kind, when we made all the negotiation procees , after that , we dont saw anymore the person who sell our timeshare, the first time that we want to use it they told us that the timeshare is busy ,so we cant use it when we want ! its like a joke...
The time that i stayed here was the most annoying thing in the world ever, all those people only want to rid of your money , for me was very dificult to prevail on that conditions, many times my " timeshare" was never available, and for consequence i v never put the correct attention to my timeshare situation , and now the resort demand me to pay the complete quote when i even not used, what wrong with them ?
Si estan pensando en adquirir un tiempo compartido aqui , pierden su tiempo asi como tmb perderan mucho dinero , de preferencia por experiencia propia no compren en niguno de estos lugares, son totalmente fraudulentos, ni siquiera se les ocurra ir a alguna presentacion de tiempos compartidos, lo mejor es que eviten este tipo de lugares, son personas sin escrucpulos de lo peor.
unos tios compraron hace tiempo un tiempo compartido en cancun, no supe muy bien como estuvo todo , pero me entere porque le hablaron amis papas pidiendo ayuda ya que el resort donde habian comprado los estaban demandando por incumplimiento de contrato , lo unico que supe es que nada de lo que ese contrato decia era verdad, ala hora dela hora a mis pobres tios les salieron con otra cosa, que por cierto aun estan en proceso de cancelacion
nobody wanna know how annoying it was to stay in this resort, so at first place dont believe in anything that they said, even if someday you are invited to a timeshare presentation pls avoid it , the salespersons are experts scammers , all of this is a fraud, so dont try to negotiate with them, you waste your time.
actually i dont know how naive i am when i trusted to those people , me and my husband we went totally scammed , we went to that resort only for a few weeks and at the end the salespeople convinced us to buy some timeshare weeks, we thinked that could be a good idea, but we dont had any clue about where we had gotten us, we lost a lot of money with that resort, stay away from there
At first i think that could be great for me and my husband , a place to rest and relax , we dont buy on this resort, but we acquire something similar on mazatlan ,mexico beach , we wanted something unique and near the beach , we love mazatlan and all their people, but our timeshare is a mess , anything that the salespeople told us before is true, we dont have any exclusiveness , and most of the time our timeshare is busy ..we start thinking that the better option is to cancel it.
The Hotel is great.The staff is great. the food is great and the service is great. The only thing that keeps this place from being "THE BEST" is the false timeshares they sell
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