QUEJAS de Tiempo Compartido en OCEAN SPA RESORT
Ocean Spa Resort

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Ocean Spa Resort Phone:
01 800 020 2006
01 800 800 3410
Ocean Spa Resort Phone:
01 800 020 2006
01 800 800 3410
Porque MTS trabaja en base a resultados: sin cancelación, no hay pago.
Estas personas m e hicieron perder muchisimo dinero , aun es dia que no entiendo en como es posible que cai en eu juego de palabras y me deje convencer, ahora de vd ue no hay la puerta, enserio a todas aquellas personas que les gusta vacacionar , porfavir no se acerquen a este resort y evitense de problemas
Terrible service, these people only cheat you, recently I was cheated by them and still do not know how to get rid, ever imagine that this timeshares would lead me to such despair, now I have many problems thanks to thise resort, stay away ,avoid this resort scam
nasty place, nasty people , really this place is a total mess, i was trapped by this guys last vacations, my error was to accept to went to a timeshare presentation , i was convinced by those pople , because they offer a lot of benefits and stuff, but really i was scammed as hell , pls avoid this resort
Son pateticos hasta en la forma de hablarte , desgraciadamente cai en una de sus trampas , ahora estoy forzado a tener que pagar una alta cantidad de dinero todo por no aver leido bien el contrato , jamas obtuve ningun beneficio de los que me dijeron en la presentacion antes de que comprara las semanas, son un asco
i trusted to those people , me and my husband we went totally scammed , we went to that resort only for a few weeks and at the end the salespeople convinced us to buy some timeshare weeks, we thinked that could be a good idea, but we dont had any clue about where we had gotten us, we lost a lot of money with this resort
when someone offer something "free" is very tentative, also make us felt on a comfortable situation, but if we think a little , why they offer something free if at the same time promise the best quality ever ? something is weird isnt it? dont trust in the word "free" pls
i never expected to had a bad situation like this one, this people are a total mess, the resort is so dirty and the bathrooms are nasy as hell , i dont know actually why i bought something there , if you are thinking to buy a timeshare or something similar, stay alert and do a deep research about you are gonna get involve, for advise and a hint , dont buy here, stay away
I had a very bad experiece with those guys, like 4 years ago , my husband bought a timeshare with them, at first the persons of the resort was very kindly , but then started to appear many details, like the maintenance fees was so high, the salespersons wanted to charge some extra fees for some " special services" that we wasnt use it, very bad service here.
The big problem with all the mexican timeshares is that at first they offer something that they cant bring, all those sales people are experts to convice you , offering some meal or breakfast for free , i can say that a timeshare is NOT a good option , could be the worst investment you can ever do , the timeshare people only want your money and their commision, dont matter how they want you in.
Do not buy anything to this people, they dont need your money they just want to keep robbing people!!!
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