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QUEJAS de Tiempo Compartido en PUEBLO BONITO

Pueblo Bonito, Pueblo Bonito Emerald Bay, Pueblo Bonito Sunset Beach, Pueblo Bonito Rose, Pueblo Bonito Pacifica, Pueblo Bonito Blanco, Samba

QUEJAS de Tiempo Compartido en PUEBLO BONITO
Razón social
Operadora de Inmuebles Los Arcos S.A. de C.V.; Terra pacifica S.A. de C.V.
Cabo, Mazatlan.
Agencias de cobro
Concord Servicing Corporation, Phoenix, AZ.
Compañí­as de Renta
Suite Getaway, Elite Retreat
Sergio Cayeros, Tele Gutierrez, David Larson, Alfredo Ramirez, Briselda Ahumada, Eugene Miller, Veronica Escamilla, Roberto Guzman, Melanie Glazier, Omar Alvarez.

Quejas Comunes de socios de Pueblo Bonito:

  • Vendedor hace al cliente que renuncie a su derecho de cinco días para cancelar, ya que la membresía que está comprando supuestamentees una oferta especial sólo un día. Esto es ilegal en México.
  • Vendedor se compromete a vender su antiguo tiempo compartido para el costo del nuevo tiempo compartido. Al final, el cliente se refiere a una empresa de reventa que no vende su tiempo compartido antiguo y el cliente se ha quedado atascado con dos tiempos compartidos y la cuota de mantenimiento para ambas propiedades.

Cabo San Lucas
Estados Unidos o Canadá: 011 (52) (624) 142 9999
Internacional: + (52) (624) 142 9999
México: (624) 142 9999
Estados Unidos, Canadá Fax: 011 (52) (624) 142 9957
Internacional Fax: + (52) (624) 142 9957
México Fax: (624) 142-9957

Playa El Médano
Cabo San Lucas,
Desde los Estados Unidos o Canadá: 011 (52) (624) 142 9898
Internacional: + (52) (624) 142 9898
Desde México: (624) 142 9898
Fax desde Estados Unidos o Canadá: 011 (52) (624) 143 5972
Fax Internacional: + (52) (624) 143 5972
Fax desde México: (624) 143 5972

Playa El Médano S/N
Cabo San Lucas,
Desde los Estados Unidos o Canadá: 011 (52) (624) 142 9797
Internacional: + (52) (624) 142 9797
Desde México: 01 (624) 142 9797
Fax desde los Estados Unidos o Canadá: 011 (52) (624) 143 1995
Fax Internacional: + (52) (624) 143 1995
Fax desde México: 01 (624) 143 1995

Cabo Pacífica
Cabo San Lucas,
Desde Estados Unidos o Canadá: 011 (52) (624) 142 9696
Internacional: + (52) (624) 142 9696
Desde México: (624) 142 9696
Fax desde los Estados Unidos o Canadá: 011 (52) (624) 142 9605
Fax Internacional: + (52) (624) 142 9605
Fax desde México: (624) 142-9605

Cabo Pacífica
Predio Paraíso Escondido
Cabo San Lucas,
Desde Estados Unidos o Canadá: 011 (52) (624) 142 9999
Internacional: + 01 (624) 142 9999
Desde México: 01 (624) 142 9999
Fax desde los Estados Unidos o Canadá: 011 (52) (624) 173 6101
Fax Internacional: + (52) (624) 173 6101
Fax desde México: 01 (624) 173 6101

Zona Nuevo Mazatlán
Estados Unidos o Canadá: 011 (52) (669) 989 0525
Internacional: + (52) (669) 989 0525
México: (669) 989 0525
Fax desde los Estados Unidos o Canadá: 011 (52) (669) 988 0718
Fax Internacional: + (52) (669) 988 0718
Fax desde México: (669) 988 0718

Pueblo Bonito Mazatlán
Desde los Estados Unidos o Canadá: 011 (52) (669) 989 8900
Internacional: + (52) (669) 989 8900
Desde México: 01 (669) 989 8900
Fax desde los Estados Unidos o Canadá: 011 (52) (669) 914 1723
Fax Internacional: + (52) (669) 914 1723
Fax desde México: 01 (669) 914 1723

Residencias Emerald de Pueblo Bonito
Desde Estados Unidos o Canadá: 011 (52) (669) 989 0525
Internacional: + (52) (669) 989 0525
Desde México: 01 (669) 989 0525
Fax desde los Estados Unidos o Canadá: 011 (52) (669) 988 0320
Fax Internacional: + (52) (669) 988 0320
Fax desde México: 01 (669) 988 0320

Para recibir más información sobre un tiempo compartido en Pueblo Bonito y cómo cancelarlo, envíe un whatsApp al +52 333 239 6589, rellene el formulario en la sección de contacto o llámenos al +52 334 162 5467.

Deje su comentario abajo y comparta esta informacion en Twitter, Facebook and Google+.

Solo de click en los botones de sus redes sociales.

leave a complaint
Lea lo que otras victimas de fraude en tiempo compartido dicen.
385 Queja(s)
  • Kathleen Abril 12, 2012, 10:10 am

    I´m very concern  because I  thought that I could pay in full my membership with  my other timeshare that pueblo bonito promised me to  sell, I have other expenses and I can´t give afford paying a expensive membership  as Pueblo Bonito, they are not honoring what they told me. I have  called the resort to cancel my membership but they  don´t  answer my calls.

  • Ana Abril 12, 2012, 10:10 am

    I`m looking  for my full reimburse of money ,I was taken advantage by pueblo bonito , we sent all documents required to Profeco  to cancel our contract but they couldn’t do anything for us . I would like to have a consultation regarding my situation.

  • Angie Abril 12, 2012, 10:10 am

    Pueblo  bonito deceived  us into buying something under false promises, we spend more than $5,000 Us dollars in something that we don`t wanted  and now we are stuck in this contract. Please contact us to get a resolution on our case.

  • Nadler Abril 12, 2012, 10:10 am

    I bought a membership at Pueblo bonito the seller told me that they would rent my old timeshare and with that money I can´t paid the rest of my membership of course nothing of that happened and I have to pay the full membership. What I can do ?

  • Robert Abril 12, 2012, 10:10 am

    I purchased a  membership at pueblo bonito and they told me that they would rent out my weeks   but my weeks weren´t rent so I went back  with the intention of selling it back  to them because they told  me back at the day of the presentation that I could, but this second time that I went they said that it would be easier  to rent my weeks if I upgrade my membership, and I did but now I realize that it is the same thing nothing gets better  and I  don`t want it anymore.

  • Susan Abril 12, 2012, 10:10 am

    My mother and I purchased a membership at pueblo bonito, we bought the membership because we thought that the resort was a  very nice place and because the salesman told us that he would sell our  royal elite timeshare for more than we paid for our pueblo bonito timeshare, we  saw this timeshare as a big opportunity  and we believe in  their lies.

  • Anely Abril 12, 2012, 10:10 am

    I bought at pueblo bonito, the seller told that my purchased  wasnt a timeshare, he told me that my purchased was an investment a “good investment” an as the rest of the  tourist I believed  in him and now I have a timeshare. I know there are ways to get out of this  bad purchased.

  • LORRAINE +ROBERT MAGARIAN Abril 12, 2012, 10:10 am

    your not ripping us off. i believed jim kerns and he took our last bit of vacation money said that he would sell our existing timeshare and either way we would not loose our money . well its been a long time over a year . we just put our very last call to them asking for our money back or for them to give us what they promised. if not so help me god we are taking the next flight out to kick ass.........  man up do what you promised. if not you are going to regret the day that you lied to us.

  • lorraine +bob Abril 12, 2012, 10:10 am

    your not ripping us off. i believed jim kerns and he took our last bit of vacation money said that he would sell our existing timeshare and either way we would not loose our money . well its been a long time over a year . we just put our very last call to them asking for our money back or for them to give us what they promised. if not so help me god we are taking the next flight out to kick ass.........  man up do what you promised. if not you are going to regret the day that you lied to us.

  • Caroline Abril 12, 2012, 10:10 am

    We have  a timeshare contract with pueblo bonito. We didn´t want it, they  took advantage of us, they gave us a lot of  tequila and we got  drunk, also they told us several lies, they told us that we could sell it back  if   we are not satisfied with the membership. We have contacted pueblo bonito but they said that  they don’t want it either and that we have a contract with them and we have to honored .

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