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QUEJAS de Tiempo Compartido en PUEBLO BONITO

Pueblo Bonito, Pueblo Bonito Emerald Bay, Pueblo Bonito Sunset Beach, Pueblo Bonito Rose, Pueblo Bonito Pacifica, Pueblo Bonito Blanco, Samba

QUEJAS de Tiempo Compartido en PUEBLO BONITO
Razón social
Operadora de Inmuebles Los Arcos S.A. de C.V.; Terra pacifica S.A. de C.V.
Cabo, Mazatlan.
Agencias de cobro
Concord Servicing Corporation, Phoenix, AZ.
Compañí­as de Renta
Suite Getaway, Elite Retreat
Sergio Cayeros, Tele Gutierrez, David Larson, Alfredo Ramirez, Briselda Ahumada, Eugene Miller, Veronica Escamilla, Roberto Guzman, Melanie Glazier, Omar Alvarez.

Quejas Comunes de socios de Pueblo Bonito:

  • Vendedor hace al cliente que renuncie a su derecho de cinco días para cancelar, ya que la membresía que está comprando supuestamentees una oferta especial sólo un día. Esto es ilegal en México.
  • Vendedor se compromete a vender su antiguo tiempo compartido para el costo del nuevo tiempo compartido. Al final, el cliente se refiere a una empresa de reventa que no vende su tiempo compartido antiguo y el cliente se ha quedado atascado con dos tiempos compartidos y la cuota de mantenimiento para ambas propiedades.

Cabo San Lucas
Estados Unidos o Canadá: 011 (52) (624) 142 9999
Internacional: + (52) (624) 142 9999
México: (624) 142 9999
Estados Unidos, Canadá Fax: 011 (52) (624) 142 9957
Internacional Fax: + (52) (624) 142 9957
México Fax: (624) 142-9957

Playa El Médano
Cabo San Lucas,
Desde los Estados Unidos o Canadá: 011 (52) (624) 142 9898
Internacional: + (52) (624) 142 9898
Desde México: (624) 142 9898
Fax desde Estados Unidos o Canadá: 011 (52) (624) 143 5972
Fax Internacional: + (52) (624) 143 5972
Fax desde México: (624) 143 5972

Playa El Médano S/N
Cabo San Lucas,
Desde los Estados Unidos o Canadá: 011 (52) (624) 142 9797
Internacional: + (52) (624) 142 9797
Desde México: 01 (624) 142 9797
Fax desde los Estados Unidos o Canadá: 011 (52) (624) 143 1995
Fax Internacional: + (52) (624) 143 1995
Fax desde México: 01 (624) 143 1995

Cabo Pacífica
Cabo San Lucas,
Desde Estados Unidos o Canadá: 011 (52) (624) 142 9696
Internacional: + (52) (624) 142 9696
Desde México: (624) 142 9696
Fax desde los Estados Unidos o Canadá: 011 (52) (624) 142 9605
Fax Internacional: + (52) (624) 142 9605
Fax desde México: (624) 142-9605

Cabo Pacífica
Predio Paraíso Escondido
Cabo San Lucas,
Desde Estados Unidos o Canadá: 011 (52) (624) 142 9999
Internacional: + 01 (624) 142 9999
Desde México: 01 (624) 142 9999
Fax desde los Estados Unidos o Canadá: 011 (52) (624) 173 6101
Fax Internacional: + (52) (624) 173 6101
Fax desde México: 01 (624) 173 6101

Zona Nuevo Mazatlán
Estados Unidos o Canadá: 011 (52) (669) 989 0525
Internacional: + (52) (669) 989 0525
México: (669) 989 0525
Fax desde los Estados Unidos o Canadá: 011 (52) (669) 988 0718
Fax Internacional: + (52) (669) 988 0718
Fax desde México: (669) 988 0718

Pueblo Bonito Mazatlán
Desde los Estados Unidos o Canadá: 011 (52) (669) 989 8900
Internacional: + (52) (669) 989 8900
Desde México: 01 (669) 989 8900
Fax desde los Estados Unidos o Canadá: 011 (52) (669) 914 1723
Fax Internacional: + (52) (669) 914 1723
Fax desde México: 01 (669) 914 1723

Residencias Emerald de Pueblo Bonito
Desde Estados Unidos o Canadá: 011 (52) (669) 989 0525
Internacional: + (52) (669) 989 0525
Desde México: 01 (669) 989 0525
Fax desde los Estados Unidos o Canadá: 011 (52) (669) 988 0320
Fax Internacional: + (52) (669) 988 0320
Fax desde México: 01 (669) 988 0320

Para recibir más información sobre un tiempo compartido en Pueblo Bonito y cómo cancelarlo, envíe un whatsApp al +52 333 239 6589, rellene el formulario en la sección de contacto o llámenos al +52 334 162 5467.

Deje su comentario abajo y comparta esta informacion en Twitter, Facebook and Google+.

Solo de click en los botones de sus redes sociales.

leave a complaint
Lea lo que otras victimas de fraude en tiempo compartido dicen.
385 Queja(s)
  • Philip Abril 12, 2012, 10:10 am

    I was thinking that my membership with Pueblo Bonito was cancelled until anemploymee from Pueblo Bonito called me 2 days ago and told me that he could sell my membership for $20,000 if I pay him $500.  Of course I told him that I won´t pay any money, because I know that he is a scam too, but now I´m worried because I’m not sure if my membership has been cancelled yet.

  • Ana Torres Abril 12, 2012, 10:10 am

    Hemos pagado a  2 compañías para que  nos renten nuestras semanas de tiempo compartido y ninguna nos a conseguido algo, ya no queremos invertirle un centavo más a esta membresía, no la estamos aprovechando porque mi marido trabaja y  no podemos viajar con regularidad y  ya vimos que las rentas de tiempo compartido no es un buen negocio, lamentablemente somos unos más que cayeron en las garras del tiempo compartido.

  • Brian Batch Abril 12, 2012, 10:10 am

    My wife and I attended a Pueblo Bonito Sunset Beach on Oct. 21, 2010. The promoter ("promotor turistico") was Felix Ramirez S. ([E-mail] 011-52-624-147-91-95). Felix promised us a $200 credit toward the hotel bill (which was honored) and two $55 sunset cruise tickets (which was also honored). At Sunset, we met Mitch Feld ([E-mail]; 624-142-9999). Mitch was a high-pressure, snake oil salesman. I had no interest in buying, but wanted to complete all obligations to receive our gifts. Mitch, 53, originally from Palm Desert, CA (can't miss him--squirreliest hands you'll ever shake, and the worst cologne ever), told us so many gems it was crazy. In no particular order, here are the best--(1) you make money--upwards of $1200 a year--just by buying the TS and renting it back; (2) the Sunset TS is the best one behind Hawaii, and you can use your weeks anywhere in the world for ridiculously low prices; (3) when the Sunset catering manager got on our golf cart, he asked how many buffet items are offered "because [I] just lie about the number everytime I talk about it, and want a real total;" (4) Mitch had no office [just shared a common cafeteria called "Sales Room 3"], no Pueblo email, no business card, and no brokerage license nor an international brokerage license, and (5) as friendly as he was, when I told him I would think about it, he said I either buy that day or forget it; when I told him to forget, we were promptly and rudely shown the door. Also beware that Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday are the prime targets for these promoters to get you to the TS presentation, and EVERYONE is in on it--concierge, bellboy, poolboy, bartenders, even some of the shop owners downtown. Mitch had one fact which I took for truth--that 0.0063 of people who walk out of the resort don't come back to buy timeshares. Maybe we can get that same number to people who walk through the door in the first place if they read more posts and blogs like these.

  • Sophie Abril 12, 2012, 10:10 am

    Was a victim of high pressure sales pitch at Pueblo Bonito in Cabo. Everything the salesperson told us were lies. They used gifts and alcohol to persuade us to buy. I can't believe I got scammed and now they are telling me I can't get out of it. They even gave us certificates for rooms at one of their resorts and told us it was on them and then turned around and charged us for the rooms! I was wondering what it would cost to get out of this thing and if you guys could help? I was taken advantage of!!!

  • Robert Abril 12, 2012, 10:10 am

    Time share at Pueblo Bonito Sunset. At check in I was asked to sign up for a "welcome presentation/tour" for following day which I learned it was a timeshare sales. My credit card was charged for the amount of $6500 initially and told by the sale representative that I can cancel at the end of the day in order to qualify for promotions/gifts. I requested the credit card be reversed and was then asked to sign another document for this to happen and I was getting tired, was at the tour from 9 to 5:00pm,- trying to leave the place with my credit card and driver license. On the next day, I attempted to find the sale representation or sales manager for cancellation but failed to find anyone to assist me as the other sales represent claimed " we don't have anyone to help you right now." The fact is that I was not informed of my right to cancel in 5 days. And I was at the resort on my second day of stay. I have no access to the computer and unaware of their trick to delay my cancellation process. I already filed a dispute claim with credit card company for the amount of $2700.

  • casey Abril 12, 2012, 10:10 am

    I'm sorry to say that most of you should be blaming yourselves for not doing your homework.   I love going to the Pueblo Bonito and the Montecristo, but i would never buy there, just because its OBVIOUSLY a hugely bad investment.  You can't blame others for your bad decisions and when you sign a contract, you sign a contract.   Many of you are talking about "getting the freebies".    You go on vacation for freebies???   Really???    Thats whats wrong with the USA.... too many people who dont take responsibility for their actions and want something for nothing.    I hope you all learned your lesson

  • Jay Abril 12, 2012, 10:10 am

    I was just scammed by Pueblo Bonito into buying a new time share. They promised to sale my old timeshare, however this was a lie. I have not heard anything from them and they are ignoring my phone calls.

  • Sandra Abril 12, 2012, 10:10 am

    We bought fractional ownership at Montecristo Estates in Pueblo Bonito Sunset Beach at Cabo San Lucas last October.It was presented to me and my husband as an investment opportunity and 100% rental,it will pay for itself.Was also told will be able to sell existing timeshare and will use the monies for payment of the downpayment.My husband was sold on this but me,it took awhile realizing we can't afford this financial responsibility but against my better judgement and high pitch sales pressure and him repeating over and over it's a guaranteed rental,I signed the contract.I was told to I can't change my mind since it's a foreclosed property.Fast foreward ,came back in US and did my own research,found out that there's no market for timeshare.

  • Jerry Jeffords Abril 12, 2012, 10:10 am

    My Maint. fee has gone from $320 to over $500 per year in 7 years. I am willing to just loose the whole TS and stop paying the fee. Does anyone know if they will try to force you to pay or screw up your credit?
    Not Worth It!

  • gsdunlap Abril 12, 2012, 10:10 am

    we purchased a two week alternating year timeshare at Monticrisco. We tried to resind prior to the 5day period, but were rejected by our sales person. We only found out about the resind option after talking to other individuals. no one from the Pubelo Bonita Sunset told us about this option. We made a 12,000 deposit and have written several letters to the resort and have NEVER had a response. We also refused to pay our maintence fee and also indicated our in ability to continue. We have never used the resort. We would like to be allowedto have the contract resinded and our deposit returned.

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