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QUEJAS de Tiempo Compartido en PUEBLO BONITO

Pueblo Bonito, Pueblo Bonito Emerald Bay, Pueblo Bonito Sunset Beach, Pueblo Bonito Rose, Pueblo Bonito Pacifica, Pueblo Bonito Blanco, Samba

QUEJAS de Tiempo Compartido en PUEBLO BONITO
Razón social
Operadora de Inmuebles Los Arcos S.A. de C.V.; Terra pacifica S.A. de C.V.
Cabo, Mazatlan.
Agencias de cobro
Concord Servicing Corporation, Phoenix, AZ.
Compañí­as de Renta
Suite Getaway, Elite Retreat
Sergio Cayeros, Tele Gutierrez, David Larson, Alfredo Ramirez, Briselda Ahumada, Eugene Miller, Veronica Escamilla, Roberto Guzman, Melanie Glazier, Omar Alvarez.

Quejas Comunes de socios de Pueblo Bonito:

  • Vendedor hace al cliente que renuncie a su derecho de cinco días para cancelar, ya que la membresía que está comprando supuestamentees una oferta especial sólo un día. Esto es ilegal en México.
  • Vendedor se compromete a vender su antiguo tiempo compartido para el costo del nuevo tiempo compartido. Al final, el cliente se refiere a una empresa de reventa que no vende su tiempo compartido antiguo y el cliente se ha quedado atascado con dos tiempos compartidos y la cuota de mantenimiento para ambas propiedades.

Cabo San Lucas
Estados Unidos o Canadá: 011 (52) (624) 142 9999
Internacional: + (52) (624) 142 9999
México: (624) 142 9999
Estados Unidos, Canadá Fax: 011 (52) (624) 142 9957
Internacional Fax: + (52) (624) 142 9957
México Fax: (624) 142-9957

Playa El Médano
Cabo San Lucas,
Desde los Estados Unidos o Canadá: 011 (52) (624) 142 9898
Internacional: + (52) (624) 142 9898
Desde México: (624) 142 9898
Fax desde Estados Unidos o Canadá: 011 (52) (624) 143 5972
Fax Internacional: + (52) (624) 143 5972
Fax desde México: (624) 143 5972

Playa El Médano S/N
Cabo San Lucas,
Desde los Estados Unidos o Canadá: 011 (52) (624) 142 9797
Internacional: + (52) (624) 142 9797
Desde México: 01 (624) 142 9797
Fax desde los Estados Unidos o Canadá: 011 (52) (624) 143 1995
Fax Internacional: + (52) (624) 143 1995
Fax desde México: 01 (624) 143 1995

Cabo Pacífica
Cabo San Lucas,
Desde Estados Unidos o Canadá: 011 (52) (624) 142 9696
Internacional: + (52) (624) 142 9696
Desde México: (624) 142 9696
Fax desde los Estados Unidos o Canadá: 011 (52) (624) 142 9605
Fax Internacional: + (52) (624) 142 9605
Fax desde México: (624) 142-9605

Cabo Pacífica
Predio Paraíso Escondido
Cabo San Lucas,
Desde Estados Unidos o Canadá: 011 (52) (624) 142 9999
Internacional: + 01 (624) 142 9999
Desde México: 01 (624) 142 9999
Fax desde los Estados Unidos o Canadá: 011 (52) (624) 173 6101
Fax Internacional: + (52) (624) 173 6101
Fax desde México: 01 (624) 173 6101

Zona Nuevo Mazatlán
Estados Unidos o Canadá: 011 (52) (669) 989 0525
Internacional: + (52) (669) 989 0525
México: (669) 989 0525
Fax desde los Estados Unidos o Canadá: 011 (52) (669) 988 0718
Fax Internacional: + (52) (669) 988 0718
Fax desde México: (669) 988 0718

Pueblo Bonito Mazatlán
Desde los Estados Unidos o Canadá: 011 (52) (669) 989 8900
Internacional: + (52) (669) 989 8900
Desde México: 01 (669) 989 8900
Fax desde los Estados Unidos o Canadá: 011 (52) (669) 914 1723
Fax Internacional: + (52) (669) 914 1723
Fax desde México: 01 (669) 914 1723

Residencias Emerald de Pueblo Bonito
Desde Estados Unidos o Canadá: 011 (52) (669) 989 0525
Internacional: + (52) (669) 989 0525
Desde México: 01 (669) 989 0525
Fax desde los Estados Unidos o Canadá: 011 (52) (669) 988 0320
Fax Internacional: + (52) (669) 988 0320
Fax desde México: 01 (669) 988 0320

Para recibir más información sobre un tiempo compartido en Pueblo Bonito y cómo cancelarlo, envíe un whatsApp al +52 333 239 6589, rellene el formulario en la sección de contacto o llámenos al +52 334 162 5467.

Deje su comentario abajo y comparta esta informacion en Twitter, Facebook and Google+.

Solo de click en los botones de sus redes sociales.

leave a complaint
Lea lo que otras victimas de fraude en tiempo compartido dicen.
385 Queja(s)
  • Robert Abril 12, 2012, 10:10 am

    We recently purchased a time share through Pueblo Bonito Sunset resorts. The salesman told us several things that sounded good at the time, but don't seem to be true now. We were told they would rent our week, which would cover our maintenance fee and give us around $4000 in income every year. We were promised 5 extra weeks of vacation every year and told we would only have to pay a certain price for rooms we wanted. He didn't say there was a time stipulation although the prices he gave us and the time frames seem to be a major difference now. We have payed out downpayment of almost $15,000.

  • Ernesto Abril 12, 2012, 10:10 am

    Tengo varios años de que adquirí un "TIEMPO COMPARTIDO" y nunca lo he usado, porque lo que me prometieron fué falso, pagué el contrato en su totalidad y varios años de mantenimiento, dejé de pagar el amtenimiento y me envían el estado de cuenta y recargos. No me interesa esta adquisición y quiero cancelarla; no tengo el contrato a la mano, lo perdí por falta de interes. Cual en mi mejor opción?

  • Walter Abril 12, 2012, 10:10 am

    My wife and I had a similar experience to all the comments I have read on this site/comment board. We already had a timeshare, and our salesman was OMAR, he said that we would sell our old timeshare and we signed up, foolishly, DONT DO WHAT WE DID! Now, we have two timeshares, OUCH! CABO is beautiful, but you dont need a timeshare to go. We have not sold our first timeshare, and I wonder if we every will. I have not yet been to Pueblo Bonito, but we were both very impressed, and gullible. We wish we could at least sell our first timeshare. Can you help:?

    • Rashawn Abril 12, 2012, 10:10 am

      Where is your first time share? I may be interested in buying it.

      • Rebecca Williams Abril 12, 2012, 10:10 am

        I have a timeshare at pueblo bonito rose & one at hacienda de mar just outside of cabo...I'd like to sell my timeshares but I am NOT able to pay fees to sell it, other than perhaps a transfer of title fee. That's why I haven't gotten in w/any if those companies like If you legimaty would lime to buy a 1bdrm week at either of the above cabo San lucas timeshares, please contact me. I don't hear well so please either contact me by texting to above phone number or at [E-mail] Thank you & looking forward to your contacting me!

  • Katherin Abril 12, 2012, 10:10 am

    when we purchased our membership at Pueblo Bonito we were informed our room would have a Jacuzzi if we selected building 19,20, or 21 to stay in. (Which is one reason we purchased the unit.) This was not the case. - We were informed we had access to the future Golf Course being built which also was not the case. By the time we visited , we found all of the above to be false and were coerced into another upgrade in order to receive the Jacuzzi room, access to the Golf course and two free week certificates for our “troubles.” This canceled our last contract and upgraded to a new contract. Upon receiving these certificates, we found out that they were for a Jr. room, not a 1-bed condo as informed, and could only be used at about 6-10 locations, not the unlimited as explained.

  • Jamie Abril 12, 2012, 10:10 am

    I purchased a timeshare last year at Pueblo Bonito, and the salesman knew we already had another timeshare, promising that we would sell the other. It has not happened. we paid US $10,000 plus $655 in maintenance.

  • Norma Abril 12, 2012, 10:10 am

    I am staying there monday....For the first i am scared. just payed of my time share yesterday as they had a special 15% discount to pay early. I had no problem booking, but have no confirmation that it was actually booked. I am so scared now. We have another timeshare with Worldmark and have had no problems. I hope I dont regret the purchase

    • tom Abril 12, 2012, 10:10 am

      You won't regret it. We've been there for years and have had nothing but good times coupled with great service. Don't let all these fools scare you with their whining and crying. We paid for the thing up front and have upgraded three times already. You will love it there.
      If you sit there like those other retards and go duh! duh! and sign everything they put in front of you without getting clarifications well than that is on you.
      Enjoy it! We have.

  • Ryan Abril 12, 2012, 10:10 am

    I was talked into a time share by a very persuasive presentation at Pueblo Bonito. I paid the down payment but now I realize they lied about no maintenance fee and they promised I could rent out the timeshares. I am very worried about this and I still have to pay the rest of the timeshare. I WANT OUT after seeing all the stories about fraud.

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