QUEJAS de Tiempo Compartido en EL CID RESORTS
El Cid Resorts, El Cid Vacations Club, El Cid Moro, El Cid Castilla, El Cid Marina, El Cid Cozum

- Razón social
- El Cid Vacation Club S.A. de C.V.
- Localización
- Mazatlan, Cancun, Cozumel.
- Agencias de cobro
- Resort Communications, Inc (RECO), San Diego CA; Textron Financial Corporation
- Compañías de Renta
- Phoenix Vacation Property Management, Platinum Exchange Services Corp.
- Representantes
- Rui Veloso, Jesus Osuna, Benjamin Goon, Enrique Huerta, Luis Felipe Rodriguez, Olivia Avila Rojas
Quejas comunes:
- Los vendedores ofrecen a los clientes falsas promesas de descuentos en tarifas aéreas, cruceros, alquiler de coches etc
- Los vendedores afirman que los puntos tienen más valor de lo que realmente tienen con fines de intercambio.
- Los clientes se envían el contrato completo en un CD a su domicilio. Ellos no reciben una copia completa para revisar y decidir si desean o no de cancelar dentro del período de rescisión cinco días permitidos por la ley mexicana.
- Los vendedores ofrecen para revender el tiempo compartido antiguo o la entregue o intercambie para que el cliente sólo es responsable de las cuotas de mantenimiento para el nuevo tiempo compartido. Esto nunca sucede.
El Cid Resorts Mazatlán
sin costo al
01 800 716 98 00
Hotel Marina El Cid Spa & Beach Resort
Quintana Roo
sin costo al
01 800 003 62 92
011 52 (998) 872 8999
El Cid la Ceiba Hotel de Playa
llame sin costo al
01 800 670 32 77
011-52 (987) 872 08 44
El cid resorts lied to us about renting the timeshare and they lied about being able to re-sell the property. Recently, they lied again. On a week´s vacation to the area, they asked us to come to a "owner´s update" that ended up being another effort to get money from us. These people have no sense of honesty, and no shame.
We were sold a timeshare and were offered to rent the weeks that we were not going to use. We paid a fee for their so-called services, and when we returned home form Mexico, we contacted one of the resellers that was provided to us by the El cid sales reps, but to this day no one has taken our calls and have never been able to resell one week.
I was scammed by el cid cancun. I tried to cancel the next day and my wife and I were kept in a small room speaking to several different people trying to change our minds. it was very frustating. They won´t let us out and I felt I was being kidnapped so I threatened to record everything until they agreed to follow with my cancellation. I still have not received my refund of 10,000 dollars and it´s been a month now.
I purchased points while staying at El Cid Marina in Mazatlan Sinaloa, with the understanding we could use such points to exchange for another package in a different country. I booked a hotel room in Cancun and they promised to call me back when a room was available. I could never get a hold of them again and now I’m trying to get a refund for the points at least.
I was manipulated into buying the timeshare and have been a member since 2011. The salesman deceived us with false promises like discounts on cruises and plane tickets, that were supposed to work if you had a membership for earning points. I was furious when I learned this was all lies.
El Cid member services is nothing but criminals, fast talking scam artists, and bottom of the barrel when it comes to providing any kind of service. Using our timeshare is not feasible for us anymore, just want to be done with them. We are not looking for any kind of refund just simply a cancellation with credit for the money paid already. I also believe it is illegal what they are doing. The termination policy says you have to satisfy 25% of the contract, original cost was $67,960 and between a deposit and monthly payments we have paid them $18,712 which is about 28%. We’ve also paid $1882 in mtc fees and have never used the timeshare. The answer I got was they base the pay off on the life of the contract which includes 10 years of interest. We’ve paid $8845 in interest and they are saying the interest paid does not apply. Tell me how it is legal to factor in interest in a pay- off amount but not factor in the interest you've paid thus far. These people are truly unethical criminals.
El Cid member services is nothing but criminals, fast talking scam artists, and bottom of the barrel when it comes to providing any kind of service. Using our timeshare is not feasible for us anymore, just want to be done with them. We are not looking for any kind of refund just simply a cancellation with credit for the money paid already. I also believe it is illegal what they are doing. The termination policy says you have to satisfy 25% of the contract, original cost was $67,960 and between a deposit and monthly payments we have paid them $18,712 which is about 28%. We’ve also paid $1882 in mtc fees and have never used the timeshare. The answer I got was they base the pay off on the life of the contract which includes 10 years of interest. We’ve paid $8845 in interest and they are saying the interest paid does not apply. Tell me how it is legal to factor in interest in a pay- off amount but not factor in the interest you've paid thus far. These people are truly unethical criminals.
We are being held hostage by El Cid Vacation Club. We bought timeshare in Nov 2019. We've already paid over $29,000 in payments and maintenance fees. Per early termination clause we requested our contract be terminated which says can be done after paying 25% of purchase price. We've paid 28%, not asking for refund, have not used any points. Been requesting termination since December 2020. They are dragging their feet with termination, making offers, etc. Keep telling them NO, TERMINATE THE CONTRACT. We are being told we have to pay an additional $9900+ to terminate. We are unable to travel and are being held hostage. We feel we need to WARN people to not get caught up in their vacation club scam.
Hola soy de Perú, en mi caso , pagué por casi 02 años ,adicional al monto de enganche al Hotel Cid Vacations de Mexico y cuando quise cancelar por cobros excesivos de mantenimiento, no me dejaron , luego de un tiempo me la cancelaron, pero se quedaron con todo lo aportado.
Ya tengo mi tiempo compartido pagando,
Pero se me hace una exageración el cobro de mantenimiento
14.000 pesos anuales aproximadamente
Que puedo hacer para
Cancelar el contrato
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