QUEJAS de Tiempo Compartido en EL CID RESORTS
El Cid Resorts, El Cid Vacations Club, El Cid Moro, El Cid Castilla, El Cid Marina, El Cid Cozum

- Razón social
- El Cid Vacation Club S.A. de C.V.
- Localización
- Mazatlan, Cancun, Cozumel.
- Agencias de cobro
- Resort Communications, Inc (RECO), San Diego CA; Textron Financial Corporation
- Compañías de Renta
- Phoenix Vacation Property Management, Platinum Exchange Services Corp.
- Representantes
- Rui Veloso, Jesus Osuna, Benjamin Goon, Enrique Huerta, Luis Felipe Rodriguez, Olivia Avila Rojas
Quejas comunes:
- Los vendedores ofrecen a los clientes falsas promesas de descuentos en tarifas aéreas, cruceros, alquiler de coches etc
- Los vendedores afirman que los puntos tienen más valor de lo que realmente tienen con fines de intercambio.
- Los clientes se envían el contrato completo en un CD a su domicilio. Ellos no reciben una copia completa para revisar y decidir si desean o no de cancelar dentro del período de rescisión cinco días permitidos por la ley mexicana.
- Los vendedores ofrecen para revender el tiempo compartido antiguo o la entregue o intercambie para que el cliente sólo es responsable de las cuotas de mantenimiento para el nuevo tiempo compartido. Esto nunca sucede.
El Cid Resorts Mazatlán
sin costo al
01 800 716 98 00
Hotel Marina El Cid Spa & Beach Resort
Quintana Roo
sin costo al
01 800 003 62 92
011 52 (998) 872 8999
El Cid la Ceiba Hotel de Playa
llame sin costo al
01 800 670 32 77
011-52 (987) 872 08 44
I have more than one timeshare and I can afford all of them. I have never used my membership at Raintree. Can I cancel my Raintree contract?
We bought a timeshare at el cid; they told us that our current timeshare would sell in 90 days. The 90 days period expired one week ago. Should we call the resort?
I purchase a timeshare at El cid, I didn´t felt happy with my purchase so I decided to go back to the resort to cancel my membership, the salesman told me that what I had to do is upgrade my timeshare, so that´s what I did. Now I have the same problem and less money in my account.
I purchased a membership at el cid; the salesman told me that I had 8 weeks at year. Last week I called the resort and they told me that I don’t have my 8 weeks because they only sell points and the points that I bought are only enough for 2 weeks.
I´m not happy with my el cid membership, first they told me something and then I found another different thing in my contract, they lied TO me and stole my money, I don´t recommend you go to this resort , TOURISTS BE AWARE.
We went to a horrorible presentation, the person who invited us told us that if we assisted to a presentation of 90 minutes we could get tickets for a spa and $ 1000MX, they were trying to get us drunk given us margaritas , my husband drank only one but when the salesman offered him another one and he didn´t want it the salesman got angry. After 4 long hours of presentation we were tired. We were foolish and bought a membership that we now discover was over value and it´s not a good deal for us.
The salesperson made a lot of promises which were obviously false and totally misleading. I was of the full understanding that we would have an even trade for the Royal Elite property, all would be settled in the 9 month period with the guarantee sale by Phoenix Vacation Property Management Co for the amount of $14,500.00 USD, 14 months later and we continue waiting for a response…
The salesperson made a lot of promises which were obviously false and totally misleading. I was of the full understanding that we would have an even trade for the Royal Elite property, all would be settled in the 9 month period with the guarantee sale by Phoenix Vacation Property Management Co for the amount of $14,500.00 USD, 14 months later and we continue waiting for a response…
Mi padre y yo fuimos invitados a una presentación de tiempo compartido, yo no compre nada pero mi papá si, él ya tenía un tiempo compartido en Royal Elite con el cual estaba muy contento porque el ama México , pero como quería variar decidió comprar uno en El cid, los vendedores y digo vendedores por que fueron más de uno los que estuvieron sobre nosotros hasta que compráramos, le dijeron y le ASEGURARON que le venderían su tiempo compartido en Royal Elite en no más de 90 días, le dijeron que él no tendría que mover un dedo y su tiempo compartido sería vendido por ellos mimos y que ese mismo dinero le serviría para terminar de pagar su tiempo compartido en El cid. Claro que todo resulto ser un gran fraude, ellos jamás vendieron su tiempo compartido de Royal Elite, pero si se aseguraron de abrirle otra tarjeta de crédito y cobrarle hasta el último centavo.
No puedo creer que exista este tipo de gente, mi padre es una persona mayor de casi 80 años y estas personas no se tocaron el corazón para engañarlo, deberíamos de hacer algo para que este tipo de cosas no sigan sucediendo.
We had a membership at el cid for over 10 years now, we don´t wanted anymore. We don’t want the reimburse of our money because we used it a couple of times, but we don’t want keep paying maintenance fees. Can you help us to cancel it?
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