QUEJAS de Tiempo Compartido en EL CID RESORTS
El Cid Resorts, El Cid Vacations Club, El Cid Moro, El Cid Castilla, El Cid Marina, El Cid Cozum

- Razón social
- El Cid Vacation Club S.A. de C.V.
- Localización
- Mazatlan, Cancun, Cozumel.
- Agencias de cobro
- Resort Communications, Inc (RECO), San Diego CA; Textron Financial Corporation
- Compañías de Renta
- Phoenix Vacation Property Management, Platinum Exchange Services Corp.
- Representantes
- Rui Veloso, Jesus Osuna, Benjamin Goon, Enrique Huerta, Luis Felipe Rodriguez, Olivia Avila Rojas
Quejas comunes:
- Los vendedores ofrecen a los clientes falsas promesas de descuentos en tarifas aéreas, cruceros, alquiler de coches etc
- Los vendedores afirman que los puntos tienen más valor de lo que realmente tienen con fines de intercambio.
- Los clientes se envían el contrato completo en un CD a su domicilio. Ellos no reciben una copia completa para revisar y decidir si desean o no de cancelar dentro del período de rescisión cinco días permitidos por la ley mexicana.
- Los vendedores ofrecen para revender el tiempo compartido antiguo o la entregue o intercambie para que el cliente sólo es responsable de las cuotas de mantenimiento para el nuevo tiempo compartido. Esto nunca sucede.
El Cid Resorts Mazatlán
sin costo al
01 800 716 98 00
Hotel Marina El Cid Spa & Beach Resort
Quintana Roo
sin costo al
01 800 003 62 92
011 52 (998) 872 8999
El Cid la Ceiba Hotel de Playa
llame sin costo al
01 800 670 32 77
011-52 (987) 872 08 44
My timeshare at el cid was a scam and I want to cancel it, I´m not able to sell it and I don’t have enough money to pay for it, I spent a lot of money listing my property for sale, but it didn´t work. Now we are having difficult times and we can’t pay the membership. I emailed several times the resort and they didn’t help me either. I would like to know if you can do anything to help me?
I called Profeco because we were scammed by El cid, but we were on our 6th day after we bought the property. They told us that we should have read the contract before we signed it and that they can do nothing because we are out of our 5 days cancellation and we do not have evidence to prove that we were scammed. I´m starting to think that El cid and Profeco work together.
Tengo como 3 semanas intentando contactar a el cid para que me cancele mi membresia y no me han contestado, he leído comentarios en internet no muy buenos y me encuentro asustada, me gustaría saber si alguien ha logrado contactarlos y de ser así como les fue.
What can I do if I signed a contract with El Cid vacation club, and the information that they told me was false? They told me that with my points I would have a better room, but when I check the information on the website that the seller provided me, I noticed that with the points I purchased I cannot book the type of room that they told me that I would have. I´m not interested in investing more money to get that kind of room and now I do not want the membership because it doesn´t offer what I was promised.
I would like to know what can I do to get rid of my timeshare if I´m out of my five days of cancellation period. I was scammed by the sales person from El cid. He made usbelieve that he was a good person, and so we decided to buy a membership from him. Now that we know what he did, we feel completely foolish, how could he dothis to us? He stole a lot of money from us, and they continue stealing from us with the maintenance fees.Royal elite
Hola, mi nombre es Manuel y estoy buscando ayuda porque tengo problemas para cancelar mi contrato con El cid, el día de la presentación me dijeron infinidad de mentiras y ahora no nos quieren dar nada de lo que nos platicaron, porque dicen que en el contrato no tiene nada de lo que yo les estoy pidiendo, me trataron muuuy mal el dìa que les hable por teléfono y me dieron a entender que por tonto me fregaron.
I have owned timeshare at El Cid Resorts for many years. Some of it has been good, but recently I increased my points usage with the promise of renting several weeks a year for $7,000.00 US Dls a week. It was a lie, the company they were registering my weeks with never recieved the forms or fee to register it with them. Now if I want to register my weeks for rental the Phoneix Travel Co. wants about a $650.00 US Dls in fees paid up front. I think I would never recieve any rental income. Recently a new, (I believe scam) has come about. I was contacted by a consultant company, R D Consultants, a Mr. Hawkes wishing to buy my timeshare contract at El Cid Resorts. 830,000 points for $79,000.00 US Dls. The catch is you need to use their designated time share company. "Mexcrow Title" in Mexico City. The contract would require me to place in escrow $1,900.00 US Dls for Documentation preperation fees. My reserch failed to really find that there really existed such a title company. Hope that El Cid Resorts isn't apart of this new scam.
Did you go through with the sale? I have also been contacted by Mr. Hawkes.
I have owned my timeshare since 1995 and it was fine until 2007. I stopped being able to rent it out to cover the maintenance fees when the economy turned bad. I paid "Timeshares Only" to sell it or rent it and have not received a single call or inquiry. I keep receiving direct mail now from "Simple Solutions" and other companies which I assume is another scam to simply take over the timeshare and not pay me anything?? I don't know though. Do you know anything about "Simple Transfers?"
We bought a timeshare in Mazalan, Mexico from El Cid. They completely mis represented the benefits. I have tried numoureoius times to cancel and they will not get back with me.
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