QUEJAS de Tiempo Compartido en ROYAL ELITE
Royal Elite, Royal Elite Playacar, Royal Elite Caracol, Royal Elite Sandos Playacar, Royal Elite Vacation Club

- Razón social
- Sandos International S.A. de C.V
- Localización
- Playa del Carmen, Caracol
- Agencias de cobro
- Monterrey Financial
- Compañías de Renta
- Royal Elite Exchanges, Elite Equity Transfers, Premium Timeshare Depot, Sierra Rentals and Resale’s
- Representantes
- Alvin Hawkins, Joshua Michelson, Raul Martinez, Richard Quinones, Neil Cooper
Quejas Comunes:
- Cuando el vendedor les vende la membresía en Royal Elite Sandos, afirma que la todo-incluido es por pareja, pero en realidad es por persona por noche. Los clientes pueden reservar las vacaciones a menudo más baratas en línea sin necesidad de utilizar su tiempo compartido, que con su tiempo compartido con el pago de las cuotas de mantenimiento y tarifas de todo incluido.
- Afirman que pueden revender tu tiempo compartido anterior con una ganancia y utilizar ese dinero para pagar por la nueva membresia en el Royal Elite Sandos.
- Vendedores ofrecen semanas adicionales a los clientes con fines de rentarlas. Afirman que la renta hace que el tiempo compartido tenga una buena inversión financiera, y pueden usar el dinero en los primeros años para pagar la membresía.
- Vendedor aclaman que puedes intercambiar tus semanas con los puntos en RCI, y utilizar los puntos para pagar el 100% de tu boleto de avión, cuando en realidad RCI sólo permite a los clientes utilizar los puntos para el 33% del coste del boleto.
Departamento de Reservaciones
Correo Electrónico: reservas@royalelite.com
Teléfono República Mexicana: 01 800 674 4444
Teléfono Canadá y Usa: 1 866 384 7793 Ext.3204 y 3205
Cualquier otro país: (52) (984) 877 4040 Ext.3204
Departamento de Servicio a Socios
Correo Electrónico: customerservice@royalelite.com
Teléfono República Mexicana: 01 800 674 4444
Teléfono Canadá y Usa: 1 866 384 7793
Cualquier otro país: (52) (984) 877 4040 Ext.3200
Departamento de Finanzas
Correo Electrónico: finanzas@royalelite.com
Teléfono República Mexicana: 01800 674 4444 Ext. 3240
Teléfono Canadá y Usa: 1 866 384 7793 Ext. 3240
Cualquier otro país: (52) (984) 877 4040 Ext. 3240
We purchased a Royal Elite Timeshare in August of 2008. We were promised all kinds of opportunity, while they kept serving us cold Coronas. Between HSI, RCI, and Royal Elite it seems that this is all a scam. We initially made three payments of $800, and now after Royal Elite has made a mistake with their collections back in the end of 2008, Monterey Financial has been threatening to send me to court to recover the unpaid portion ever since. Royal Elite is almost impossible to contact. This has become a huge pain, and a troubling financial burden.
My wife and I were also scammed by "Royal Elite" last August 2009. They promise you everything and deliver NOTHING! We were sucked in by their promise to get us a balcony for an inside cabin rate. We do alot of cruising and thought-Wow this is really a great deal. However, it turned out to be more of a great rip off since everything they told us was a lie. Fortunately we only joined the club and NOT buy a timeshare. That was enough though. $2,000 down t he drain. They gave us 4 of those worthless vouchers for Sandos resorts which are also worthless. That HSI exchange is suppose to sell the vouchers for you at at least $500 is also abunch of bull. Please don't fall for anything that has Royal Elite's name on it. I'm in the process of calling the BBB and seeing what they can do. Possibly the attorney General also!!!!!!!!
I just purchased the Sando Royal Elite membership but given what I read to day I just sent a note to sandos royal elite to cancel my membership. Contractually I saw I had a 5 day period to cancel so i am on day 2 of that timeline. Does anyone know any official way to cancel please help!
thank you!
Hola, Espero me puedan ayudar:
Resulta que compré una membresia con Royal Elite Exhange y me dijeron que ellos me iban a vender la membresía que yo actualmente tengo con Royal Holiday Club (espantosa tambien por cierto) y no la han vendido.
Se acercan los pagos y no tengo manera de liquidar el pagaré que firmé con ellos y no se si puedan demandarme exigiendo el pago. Ellos no cumplieron su parte del contrato puesto que si RE hubiese vendido mi membresia de Royal, yo ya gustosa hubiese liquidado mi parte con Royal Elite.
mi nombre es Alejandra, soy de Argentina y compre una membresia de Royal Elite en el Sandos Playacar en Diciembre de 2009. Estoy tratando de comunicarme con quien me vendio dicha membresia y no lo he logrado, prometieron cosas que no existen, no tienen respuesta a mis consultas y estan constantemente diciendome una cosa por otra. Las conversaciones han sido por mail ya que el telefono que tienen para argentina no lo atienden. quiero saber que es lo que puedo hacer para cancelar el pago de la membresia ya que lo hicimos con tarjeta y ademas ver si podemos recuperar la plata que ya hemos pagado porque lo que terminamos comprando no es lo que no "vendieron". la persona que nos vendio fue Jorge Gutierrez, gerente de ventas junto con Benjamin y un tal luis ornelas.
Royal Elite is practicing fraud over and over again. My wife, and I were scammed over $55000 April 2009. They took our money we work so hard for many years. I don't know why no law going after this resort.
I bought a timeshare at royal elite, I haven´t received anything of what they told to me that I would receive for my membership. I want to know if you can help me, I bought it 2 years ago and I have never used it.
I was scammed by Royal Elite, I purchased a membership for 5 weeks at year, the salesman gave me a document stating that, he even signed , but now I can´t find it, my wife says that the salesman took the paper. I don´t have any proof to demonstrate what the salesman offered me; is there a possibility to cancel my membership?
I purchased a timeshare at royal elite but I don´t want it anymore, I bought it 5 years ago and I used it only 2 times, I don’t have any problem with the resort but I bought a new membership in Mayan palace and I want to get free of my royal elite membership. I heard about resale companies but I know they are not a good choice because they never get to sell your timeshare. I want to know if you can help me?
I can´t afford my timeshare at royal elite anymore. I purchased it 4 years ago, I used it 2 times and I have not paid my maintenances fees for this year. I didn´t contact a rental or resale company, I wasn´t scammed as other clients in this webpage, I only want to cancel my contract because I have other expenses and I can´t Keep paying for the maintenances fees.
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