QUEJAS de Tiempo Compartido en SUNSET GROUP
Sunset Fisherman, Sunset Lagoon, Sunset Yacht Club, Hacienda Tres Rios, Sunset World

- Razón social
- Royal Fisherman's SA de CV, Promotora Sunset Beach Clubs, S.A. de C.V.
- Localización
- Cancún
- Agencias de cobro
- Compañías de Renta
- Resorts International Marketing Corp.
- Representantes
- Adolfo Barreiro Ramirez, Ricardo Figveroa, Marco Olivera, Cynthia Vega, Rodrigo Gallardo, Lissette Carrillo, Adriana Lecuona
Quejas comunes de una membresia o tiempo compartido en Sunset:
- El vendedor promete volver a comprar el tiempo compartido a un mejor precio si el cliente decide que ya no quiere usarlo.
- El vendedor promete al socio que con su membresia de Sunset Group/Sunset World puede alquilar sus semanas por más de 4 veces el precio de la cuota de mantenimiento. Pueden optar por usar algunas semanas y alquilar otras para tener vacaciones gratis, o alquilarlas todas para poder pagar su membresía más rápido. Los clientes son remitidos a una empresa de alquiler que les cobra una tarifa de cotización para comercializar la propiedad y no alquila ninguna semana.
- En la presentación afirman que el todo incluido es solo para semanas corporativas, y para semanas regulares pueden elegir si pagar o no el todo incluido. En realidad, todo incluido es obligatorio para el uso en todas sus ubicaciones en Cancún.
Servicio al cliente
USA & Canada: 1-866-377-4890
Mexico: 01-800-262-9648
Solo Miembros
USA & Canada: 1-800-961-5089
Mexico: 01-800-262-9648
No miembros
USA & Canada: 1 800 494 9173
Mexico: 01 800 262 9268
USA & Canada: 1-800-906-4396
Mexico: 01-800-262-8964
We were forced to purchase a membership with Sunset World. We attended the “optional” sales presentation at Ocean Spa Hotel. We were told that they made copies of our identifications to put together a file on us in the event that we declined the purchase, we could not attend the presentation again at a later date. After a very lengthy and high pressure session and after our requests for our IDs to be returned were not honored, we signed the agreement after a lady sat down & read it to us, including the 5 days to cancel. We did not know what else to do because we literally felt like we were being held there against our will since they had our IDs in their possession and they would not return them to us! This agreement was signed while I was in tears, literally, I was crying as I signed because I was so scared, upset, and mad. We signed the papers knowing we were going to cancel it as soon as we got home. We got home & I sent certified express mail to 2 different addresses listed in our contract. Important note, we were told that Sunset would pay for us to take a tour/excursion for attending the sales presentation. During the presentation, we were told that we could only take advantage of the free tour on Sat, but we already had an activity booked for that day. We were told that since we would not be able to take advantage of this gift, that in exchange, they would immediately transfer us to the “members only” resort, Sunset Royal or Royal Sunset. So during the session, we were told we also had to sign a request form to be transferred. Nowhere on this form or in the contract does it state that signing the form or transferring to the other resort would void our right to cancel the contract. Now the resort is telling us that we cannot cancel the agreement because we were transferred to the “members only” resort, so we were “immediately activated” and we used the benefits of the membership. We are so upset with this company, that I have even started debating on contacting the US government because we seriously feel like we were held against our will. I have been to Mexico before, and love it there. I know this is NOT standard practice and it would lead to very bad publicity. We are also embarrassed that this has happened to us! I do not want to take that route, but it was really scary to be in a foreign country & feel trapped the way we were.
Tengo un tiempo compartido con Sunset Lagoon de cancun, cuando me lo vendieron me dijeron que yo podia hospedarme en cualquier hotel del mundo y tantas cosas que te dicen y no me cumplieron, hice un sin numero de llamadas y me dejaban esperando hasta 30 mins. y nunca me resolvieron nada.Ya tengo 2 años y no he disfrutado nada solo he pagado y pagado y pagado.
We purchased a timeshare From mayan in Mexico we were mislead in so many ways and are currently dealing with a closing company to sell two mexican timeshares and feel now that we are involved in a scam-we have given them $8400 already. we really apreciate your advice.
i bought a time share through new horizons international an im current on my fee if i pay my maintenance fee this year will i even get to stay somewhere as ive not used it yet an dont want to loose anymore money
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