QUEJAS de Tiempo Compartido en SUNSET GROUP
Sunset Fisherman, Sunset Lagoon, Sunset Yacht Club, Hacienda Tres Rios, Sunset World

- Razón social
- Royal Fisherman's SA de CV, Promotora Sunset Beach Clubs, S.A. de C.V.
- Localización
- Cancún
- Agencias de cobro
- Compañías de Renta
- Resorts International Marketing Corp.
- Representantes
- Adolfo Barreiro Ramirez, Ricardo Figveroa, Marco Olivera, Cynthia Vega, Rodrigo Gallardo, Lissette Carrillo, Adriana Lecuona
Quejas comunes de una membresia o tiempo compartido en Sunset:
- El vendedor promete volver a comprar el tiempo compartido a un mejor precio si el cliente decide que ya no quiere usarlo.
- El vendedor promete al socio que con su membresia de Sunset Group/Sunset World puede alquilar sus semanas por más de 4 veces el precio de la cuota de mantenimiento. Pueden optar por usar algunas semanas y alquilar otras para tener vacaciones gratis, o alquilarlas todas para poder pagar su membresía más rápido. Los clientes son remitidos a una empresa de alquiler que les cobra una tarifa de cotización para comercializar la propiedad y no alquila ninguna semana.
- En la presentación afirman que el todo incluido es solo para semanas corporativas, y para semanas regulares pueden elegir si pagar o no el todo incluido. En realidad, todo incluido es obligatorio para el uso en todas sus ubicaciones en Cancún.
Servicio al cliente
USA & Canada: 1-866-377-4890
Mexico: 01-800-262-9648
Solo Miembros
USA & Canada: 1-800-961-5089
Mexico: 01-800-262-9648
No miembros
USA & Canada: 1 800 494 9173
Mexico: 01 800 262 9268
USA & Canada: 1-800-906-4396
Mexico: 01-800-262-8964
Profeco complaints mediated for us to cancel our contract with Sunset world. BUT the company refused to pay us any money back of our downpayment. They have sent documents saying canceled..but I want my money back!!!!!!!!!!!!Is this possible?
Quiero cacelar un contrato de tiempo compartido que tengo con un desarrollo turistico de Cancun Mexico llamado Sunset Group.Sucede que me prometieorn ganacias si rentaba mi "propiedad" pero mas que ganas estoy perdiendo y no quiero seguir desperdiciando mi dinero
My wife and I have two timeshares with Sunset Group out of Cancun. We feel we have been misled and lied to regarding what we purchased. In 08 when we bought our first timeshare, we tried to get out of the deal in the 5 day time window, but because of office practises on Sunset's part, the time expired ... no deal for getting out of contract. In the second one, we were offered a purchase of a previous timeshare, but found a paper in our packet when we got home that voided that deal. Any ways you can help us ??
We recently bought aTimeshare they convinced us to trade in our W property. They promised us: Inclusive Options that were an upgrade from our current package - not true They lied about their property locations, US and Hawaii - not true They told us the program through HSI guarentees 1/2 price airfare - not true They never told us about the canx conditions. It is on the contract but never discussed it.
Adquiri la membresia, la cual me ofrecieron la promocion de 3x1 las semanas con un pago de anualidad por año y resulta que el pago es por semana utilizada, me ofresieron cupo para cuatro personas, que era familiar y no me especificaron que eran dos menores, ymis hijos tienen 15 años, esa membresia no me sirve, quise cancelar y no me quieren regresar mi dinero, no me dieron el contrato, despues lo enviaron a mi casa.
It would seem that our experience with these people is consistant with all the other stories represented here. We were cold called on day in late 2009 offering us a free five day vacation at the Ocean Spa Hotel if we would just sit through a 90 minute presentation regarding time share ownership. At this time my Mother had just recently passed away and I guess I was feeling emotionally vulnerable and in need of a vacation. My wife and I had not had a real vacation for over 15 years, so I felt we were due. Upon arriving at the hotel we were immediately escorted to the Sunset Lagoon and the sales pitch began. The salesteam was very slick and persuasive and the "manager" even got involved, claiming he was from my home town and we had a "kinship" of sorts. I was completely enchanted by the place and the climate and then the drinks began to flow. Before we knew what hit us we were rushed to the Sunset Royal and sequestered into a small room where we were treated to free drinks and snacks and confronted with an offer that seemed to good to be true. It was! We ended up paying out several thousand dollars up front with the option to finance the rest via credit card for a single suite at the Sunset Lagoon. We initially were very enthusiastic about the prospect of having this vacation option available to us but after having read all the bad press and online complaints regarding this company I am now feeling very stupid at being taken in so easily. It is my feeling that the only way to deal with this situation effectively to any kind of satisfactory outcome would be for all those involved to unify with solidarity and approach the situation en mass. This company is no stranger to legal action, but if the case was represented by hundreds of peopel with the same intent, then perhaps reason could prevail. What these people are doing is wrong and they are ultimately hurting the country they represent by lying and cheating hard working honest people. Mexico is no longer on our list of desired destinations even though we are now obligated by contract. Timeshare has become a dirty word in our vocabulary, it is a blatant shame that Sunset Group deceives people in this way for the pursuit of our hard earned money. Mexixo initially seemed to be a paradise of sorts but now we ony see the ugliness of greed.
We purchased a timeshare at Sunset on may 23, 2011 in Mexico. What we had been promised is not true at all.We paid an administration fee on the day. Then there are 3 payments of approx $700 to come starting on July 8th (then August 8th and Sept 8th). Then the remainder is due via finance agreement. What should we do now?
I have canceled my membership after 1 day purchased. It was very streefuly but I did. The problem was that I had paid USD 800,00 in cash plus more in credit card.
The credit card was canceled but the money never achieved my bank account.
I lost contact with the salesman (Alex Garibold) and his manager (Rava).
My contact is [E-mail]
En diciembre viajamos a Cancun y fuimos invitados a una presentacion, después de más de 3 horas ya cansados compramos una membresia cib sunset, nos parecio una buena idea por todas las oportunidades que nos platicaron y por las promociones que nos ofrecieron. Para verano queriamos utilizarlo y nos dijeron que para las fechas que queriamos usarlo no habia disponibilidad y para las demas promociones que nos prometieron teniamos que pagar mucho dinero, dineronque jamas nos dijeron que tendríamos que pagar.
I have a two bedroom, two bath TimeShare at the Sunset Fisherman Spa & Resort in Play Del Carmen. Fully paid for, but have not used in years. What are the consequences of not paying the maintence fees. Would be happy to give this away!!
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