Raintree Vacation Club, Club Regina

- Razón social
- Regina Club S.A. DE C.V.
- Localización
- Los Cabos, Puerto Vallarta, Cancun.
- Agencias de cobro
- Aspen National Collections, Brooksville, FL & Grand Junction, CO
- Representantes
- Claudia Perez, Sharon Hall
Quejas Comunes:
- Todos sus clientes se impusieron cuotas especiales en una o varias ocasiones que, en efecto, duplicaron sus cuotas de mantenimientos anuales sin indicar el motivo específico de la cuota de apreciación.
- Raintree ha aumentado sus cuotas de mantenimiento a las tasas más altas que se establecen en sus contratos.
Raintree Teléfono sin costo:
For many reasons i will never going to acquire a timeshare, some friends of mine had very bad experiences with all these stuff, an ex girlfriend buy something here she told me that for a reason she couldnt pay anymore , and she star the cancellation process, that occurred like 3 years ago , since today she still have problems with the cancellation , what a mess.
Mine is a story of them stealing my 4 timeshares as part deposit. And hooking me up with a rental company that is now out of business.
I'm almost 70 and I can't afford this hit!
They know what they did...and soon so will a whole lot of other people.
This resort used very high pressure & deceptive means to convince me to sign a contract to buy one of their timeshares. The contact is clear that if I cancel within 5 days I will be refunded and money I paid to them. I tried to cancel my timeshare, and they ignored me. Please help me, i don't know what to do.
Deseo vender mi membresía, no estamos nada contentos con club Regina, los pagos están al dia.
They told me that they would rent out my weeks so dont worry about putting that much down. I feel like such a fool becasue they told me that was normal, but I see everybody put no more then 4, 000. They told me that I could get any size room, unlimted weeks, maintance fee was only if you rent it and it's not going to be on my credit. This is why I though the down was so much because you do get alot if that was true. I really need help to cancel my contract. Please help! Please help me!
Let me tell you that all those holidays proposed by these scammers are worthless! Even more, given the maintenance fee and other charges, they will need to pay us to get those contracts! Don't fell on this trap stay away from them. Tell your friends, neighbors’ and family so they can stay sharp on them.
cuando recien estuve en la presentacion y adquiri mi tiempo compartido hace 5 años, la unica cosa que me preocupaba era que las cuotas de mantenimiento irian a subir anualmente, entonces ellos me dijeron que subirian muy muy poco, que seria insignificante, ahora la verdad es que me pesa pagar por ellas porque han subido demasiado..
Por falta en mi economía familiar necesito traspasar mi membresía a otra persona , yo estoy al corriente de todas mis cuotas de mantenimiento, díganme que tengo que hacer para traspasar mi membresía y que el nuevo adquirente siga pagando esas cuotas ?
Ya no tienen los hoteles que tenían antes. Ya no pienso pagar mi cuota de mantenimiento. Haber como me va con los abogados encargados de la cobranza. Alguien me puede asesorar?
i have been scamemd!! and i need to cancel my timeshare!!! anyone reading this post can tell by now that I am annoyed with them. Can anyone tell why they exist? I think this is a scam to take people's money in exchange for giving them a hard time. Who is going to give me my money back?
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