Raintree Vacation Club, Club Regina

- Razón social
- Regina Club S.A. DE C.V.
- Localización
- Los Cabos, Puerto Vallarta, Cancun.
- Agencias de cobro
- Aspen National Collections, Brooksville, FL & Grand Junction, CO
- Representantes
- Claudia Perez, Sharon Hall
Quejas Comunes:
- Todos sus clientes se impusieron cuotas especiales en una o varias ocasiones que, en efecto, duplicaron sus cuotas de mantenimientos anuales sin indicar el motivo específico de la cuota de apreciación.
- Raintree ha aumentado sus cuotas de mantenimiento a las tasas más altas que se establecen en sus contratos.
Raintree Teléfono sin costo:
can i get some advise on how to rent my weeks independently??
the service is terrible, i'm paying for something that i'm not really using, i want to cancel it!!!
los pagos son altisimos y nisiquiera he tenido oportunidad de vacacionar, no he hecho uso de mis semanas!!!!!
NEVER BUY A TIMESHARE!! For the money I spent on this one, we could have traveled to a island on a private jet and spent a month being weighted on hand and foot.
Why do Annual Maintenance Fee's continue to increase after that damn Assessment a few years ago..?
I have been a member since 200, under Club Regina and I don't recall signing to increase fees annually.. I would't have ever purchased...
Where is the explanation and what is the solution..?
They were unsuccessful in selling my timeshare. I don't think they even tried.
Bloody nightmare if you do not understand what you have got yourself into.
mentirosos, como todos los demas, no son la excepcion, y peor aun, tienen una atencion horrible al cliente
No he podido rentar mis semanas en 4 años y no he podido vacacionar los ultimos 2 años, quisiera saber si se puede cancelar mi contrato
do not get into the timeshare scam, inform yourselves and be wary
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