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Raintree Vacation Club, Club Regina

Razón social
Regina Club S.A. DE C.V.
Los Cabos, Puerto Vallarta, Cancun.
Agencias de cobro
Aspen National Collections, Brooksville, FL & Grand Junction, CO
Claudia Perez, Sharon Hall

Quejas Comunes:

  • Todos sus clientes se impusieron cuotas especiales en una o varias ocasiones que, en efecto, duplicaron sus cuotas de mantenimientos anuales sin indicar el motivo específico de la cuota de apreciación.
  • Raintree ha aumentado sus cuotas de mantenimiento a las tasas más altas que se establecen en sus contratos.

Raintree Teléfono sin costo:


Para recibir más información sobre un tiempo compartido en Raintree, sus quejas y cómo cancelarlo, envíe un whatsApp al +52 333 239 6589, rellene el formulario en la sección de contacto o llámenos al +52 334 162 5467.

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282 Queja(s)
  • Stephens Abril 12, 2012, 10:14 am

    Believe we're being scammed by a company operating out of The Reef in Playa Del Carmen. The company is Elite Guest Circle operating in conjunction with SMS (Strategic Marketing Services). Do you know if they are legitimate

  • Travis Abril 12, 2012, 10:14 am

    For months I was unable to differentiate betweeThey were introduced, and sold, as a package. The sales agent involved, Eduardo, initially said he was offering one week yearly. He then checked my credit rating and authenticated my ownership at Wd Resorts which is part of RCI. Based on what I own with WD, Eduardo said he was increasing my annual entitlement to two weeks. I’ve since learned that this is standard (buy one get a second week free). Eduardo asked what the WD purchase cost. I said, “About $7,000.00” He said that it is worth $17,000.00; this was a big part of what motivated me to trade-up. The documents Eduardo had prepared only credited the Wd sale for $7,000. He provided information to contact a company, Value Trade, that sells timeshares for the holders, “for $450.00” Eduardo said that as a bonus, he was including 15 additional bonus weeks each year. He stressed that this was not intended to be used for money-making. I have since learned that this has nothing to do with Villa Preferred, at which this marketing took place the bonus weeks are not redeemable for use of Villa Preferred properties, the company is called Interval International, to take advantage of this bonus and maintain access to such plan requires additional annual fees Villa Preferred has no contactable marketing or management department. They have persons available for making payments or reservations. It took me five months of phone calls to find an agent who knew anything about the “15 additional bonus weeks.” I sent Value Trade power of attorney for sale of my Wd timeshare and a personal check for $450.00. Once they had completed a title search they called me again saying they were prepared to complete the sale and just needed the other applicable fees paid. I advised them I had no interest in paying more than I was informed it would cost, and they should charge Eduardo and/or Villa Preferred. The agent advised me that the papers I’d signed and mailed stated I would pay “additional fees” and that several ones were listed on documents I’d signed.

  • Kevin Kennel Abril 12, 2012, 10:14 am

    We purchased a Timeshare at the Raintree In Cabo San Lucas, Mexico.  I will share with you that they are are experts with the words of deceptiveness.  They promised us 1 week guarenteed and then we could use our 50,000 points to sell or use for another week stay.  They told me that this was made possible because they bought this contract back from someone.  This was not true.  When I made the reservations they told me that the 50,000 points was for the current reservations and that this is the only thing that I am entitled to for the year.    I hve contacted the company three times to just get a password to get onto the web site.  I can not even get that.

  • Edward Abril 12, 2012, 10:14 am

    After 3 years of vacationing at Gran Regina now we are told the timeshare available is limited to one a month and we must pay $89.00 per night. That's not what we signed up for. That's not been our experience prior to Jan 2012. Anyone else having this problem? 

  • Rebah Abril 12, 2012, 10:14 am

    La pregunta es: bfde donde ha sadilo el Dinero que le han prestado a Espaf1a?Claro, los jubilados alemanes y franceses tenedan ahorrados varios billones de euros y los del interbancario dijeron “vamos a preste1rselo a los PIGS a ver si de una vez por todas -confluyen- con nosotros.a1MEN-TI-RA!Una porcif3n de ese dinero si pertenece a ahorradores de otros paedses, pero el grueso de toda esa masa monetaria, ya sea fedsica o electrf3nica, se la sacaron de la galera LOS DE LA IMPRENTA. Mientras esta banda de facinerosos organiza el mundo de acuerdo a sus inconfesables objetivos, Espaf1a, como si de un aute9ntico cerdo se tratara, ha sido engordado con bellotas envenenadas.El Botedn (que casualidad…) sere1 la penuria y la semi-esclavitud por deudas, veda impuestos, veda cuotas hipotecarias y veda exportaciones (hay que hacer positiva la Balanza Comercial cuanto antes), veda desempleo masivo o ajuste salarial bestial (bf-40%?, es lo que tienen las deudas mal utilizadas, que aniquilan el aparato productivo). En otras palabras, que Espaf1a debere1 ponerse una falda cortita, pintarse los labios y salir a la rotonda me1s concurrida: LA ECONOMcdA DE MERCADO.Mientras, como bien nos ilustra Marc, un puf1ado de jugadores (con el convincente eufemismo de: LOS INVERSORES), como si de un parcheds se tratara, ponen, sacan, y mueven fichas en ese GRAN CASINO que es la ECONOMcdA GLOBAL. bfCf3mo es posible obtener ganancias comprando y vendiendo monedas? Estos movimientos destrozan paedses y continentes enteros. Todo depende de los OBJETIVOS DE LA AGENDA INTERNACIONALISTA. Es curioso, que tanta gente haya, y siga, creyendo que este tipo de capitalismo es beneficioso para la humanidad.En otra e9poca, alguien dijo: a1Deutschland erwache!, pero en esta pate9tica versif3n post-moderna y sub-pirenaica de Sodoma y Gomorra, me temo que la gente se peleare1 por un puesto estrate9gico en “la rotonda”…Jakedn BoorVota el comentario: 0 0

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