Agenda tu consulta GRATUITA para CANCELAR / Rescindir tu tiempo compartido AQUÍ
Mayan Palace es un resort de tiempo compartido con oficinas en Acapulco, Mazatlán, Nuevo Vallarta, Puerto Peñasco, Puerto Vallarta y Rivera Maya.
Ofrece amplias habitaciones, restaurantes de talla internacional, opciones de golf, tenis, un alto nivel de servicios e instalaciones, programas para niños y eventos temáticos.
Sin embargo, las tácticas de venta de tiempo compartido en Mayan Palace son agresivas y con frecuencia recurren a la mentira para persuadir a los clientes a adquirir una membresía con ellos.
Mayan Palace acusados de Fraude
Uno de los fraudes más comunes es cuando el vendedor ofrece a los compradores la posibilidad de mejorar su membresía si ya tienen una con Mayan Palace.
No obstante, ocultan a los compradores que existe un período de 5 días durante el cual puede cancelar su contrato.
En su lugar, les hacen creer que una vez que el contrato está firmado no es posible anularlo.
Los vendedores de tiempo compartido en Mayan Palace realizan fraudes al sugerir a los compradores que pueden hacer un intercambio por su antiguo tiempo compartido en otro resort, insinuando que Mayan Palace lo venderá y ayudará a reducir el costo de su nueva membresía con ellos.
Sin embargo, en realidad, el comprador termina con dos tiempos compartidos y una nueva deuda por la nueva membresía.
En las presentaciones de ventas de tiempos compartidos en Mayan Palace, se le recalca a los clientes los diversos destinos que pueden visitar con su tiempo compartido y se enfatiza en la exclusividad y prestigio de poseer un tiempo compartido con Mayan Palace.
Lo que omiten y no explican es cómo funciona verdaderamente el sistema de tiempo compartido y cuáles son las posibilidades reales de viajar a esos lugares.
Además, los vendedores de Mayan Palace suelen ocultar qué tipo de unidad está comprando el cliente, y por lo general no es la misma que se muestra durante el tour.
Asimismo, hacen promesas de descuentos en boletos de avión y certificados para cruceros, promesas que resultan ser falsas.
Tratar con Mayan Palace después de comprar un tiempo compartido puede ser sumamente frustrante.
El servicio al cliente a menudo no proporciona las respuestas esperadas cuando se intenta reservar las próximas vacaciones.
Antes de comprar.
Antes de comprar, es crucial que reflexione detenidamente sobre cómo planea utilizar su membresía, y si realmente dispone de los recursos financieros para pagarla.
No olvide investigar sobre la empresa, y la reputación que tiene. Procure tomarse el tiempo necesario para leer minuciosamente el contrato.
Si es necesario, tome la decisión de regresar otro día para realizar la compra, si así lo desea.
Cada año, durante sus vacaciones en México, miles de personas son víctimas de estafas relacionadas con los tiempos compartidos.
Los vendedores han implementado técnicas de venta para garantizar que los posibles clientes adquieran una membresía.
No se sienta avergonzado si ha comprado; al contrario, tome medidas para evitar que otras personas caigan en la misma estafa, y enfoque sus esfuerzos en resolver su situación.
Contacte a Mexican Timeshare Solutions para recibir una asesoría profesional sobre cómo deshacerse de su contrato de tiempo compartido.
Para recibir más información sobre el fraude de tiempo compartido en Mayan Palace y cómo cancelar su membresía, envíenos un mensaje de WhatsApp al +52 1 333 239 6589, contáctenos por nuestro formulario de contacto, o llámenos al +52 334 162 5467
Información para compartir
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Para saber más acerca de las semanas de tiempo compartido visite:
Puras mentiras... ya que pagas la membresía y quieres hacer reservaciones, estas nunca están disponibles, aparte te hacen pagar por una cuota de mantenimiento lo mismo que costaría en cualquier resort de lujo directamente a través de expedia o similar. It is just a lie, they charge you big for a membership, and then there is no avaliability and the "mantiniance cost" is higher tan what you pay on a luxury hotel. so it´s not worth to pay the membership
Mayan Palace? antes de leer esto yo pensaba que era uno de los mejores resorts, ahora estoy sin palabras.. gracias por la informacion
Wow, I almost fell for this scam last week at Cabo. At first they offered me the time share for 33k. Then offered 16k for my current time share. I got suspicious when they offered 16k for a time share that i paid 6k for. Then they asked to sign my timeshare away. I told them to go screw themselves. I am glad i did not fall for their scam.
if you think buy mayan palace time share , maybe think twilce . Five years ago mayan palace Acapulco building was front the beach , now is on the golf área far of everything . they say that the room is bigger but they put in the same land new luxury buildings in the same área and now everything is smaller even the pool .TAKE CARE.
Beware of Vacation Class S.A. de C.V. (advertising The Bliss Resorts, Bliss Vacation Club, Grand Mayan, Vida Vacations, VidaSales and more).
My mother and I traveled to Mexico to celebrate my graduation from college. After about seven hours traveling we were met at the airport in Cancun by some saleswoman misrepresenting her intention. The next day we were at their Grand Mayan where we were subjected to five hours of high-pressure sales tactics before we relented signing an English-only document purporting to be selling "lodging rights and services."
After getting away, we learned more about whom we had been picked up by from websites like tripadvisor, timesharescam, complaintsboard, scam, mescam, pissedconsumer, independenttraveler, and fodors, to name a few (all ending dot com). We notified the sales office that we cancel and asked for our downpayment back. They pretend to be confused and refuse.
We learned that Mexican law protects consumers under PROFECO; that all contracts regarding property in Mexico, including timeshares, must be in Spanish and bear certification by a Notario--neither of which was true for us; and that we can file a complaint in at any Mexican Consulate.
Our lawyer is putting together copies of their responses to share with you the names (and taunting words) of these sales people and the additional aliases they use. We hope that this post reaches you before you travel to Mexico, so you know to stay away from these people when they try to get you at the airport.
We fell for a very skilled sales presentation and purchased a timeshare here. We have since found most of the things we were told were false. We own 2 other timeshares and they made us a plan to take one in as a trade in, reducing our cost to make it more affordable. The other incentives were that they would pay our maintenance fee on one of our other timeshares and that they could offer us low cost travel and help us to make the travel arrangements. When we returned home we were contacted to make the arrangements for the transfer of the trade in. We were offered another great deal that we could pay $3000 and keep the traded in time share. I said no, but they kept reducing the cost until I finally agreed to pay $1500 to keep it. How stupid am I?!!!!! Now in reading other posts, I see that this transfer would not likely have happened anyway so I just threw away more money. I have contacted them for travel arrangements on 3 occasions and the prices they could get me are much more than anything I was able to find on my own so that was another false selling point. When we contacted them to discuss the maintenance fee for the existing timeshare when it became due, we were told that we would have to deposit our weeks with them for this to happen. At the sales pitch, we were told they would just pay it as an incentive to purchase with them and would just need to send the bill to them when we got it. We use our weeks at the existing timeshare and I did not want to deposit so we are still paying the maintenance on it. We were told that we could deposit our Mayan weeks and that there would be no maintenance fee with them unless we used the weeks we purchased. We were given 30 burn weeks which were in addition to our week we purchased, so it sounded like a great deal. However, soon we received a bill for a maintenance fee. I read the find print of the contract and also contacted them, to find that this was just another falsehood. We have to pay $800 plus annual maintenance fee whether we use our weeks or not. However, a great program is we can apply to have it returned to us, minus a $65 processing fee. I have completed the forms to have this done and am still waiting. It has been 3 months so I am not optimistic that this will happen. I contacted the company and they advised to wait until July 1st and then recontact them if I have not received it. Too late, I have done a lot of research and found that everything that happened to us is routine practice to get these properties sold. We know any contract should be read carefully before signing and any statements should be in writing so we have to blame ourselves as much as the company, but we were definitely caught up in the excitement and took our sales person at her word. We are happy with our other 2 timeshares and I cannot fault the business itself. We just did not need another timeshare. Had everything worked as we were told, it could have been an o.k. deal for us as my husband and I do travel a lot. However, with the false information, we find ourselves with something we do not need and no way to get rid of it. If you are considering a timeshare, please learn from our mistakes. Read every word of the contract you are signing. If something the sales person tells you is not in it, get it added or walk away. If you change your mind, get it rescinded in the 5 days allowed. There is a site called TUG, timeshare users group, that has great information. You can also rent timeshare weeks through them if you want to try before you buy. I wish I had seen this group prior to our experience, but I did my research backwards and it was too late for me. I am happy with our other 2 timeshares. I agree, they are not for everyone, but they have worked out for us. But this is also why we so blindly fell into the Mayan falsehoods.
The Mayan Palace, one of the most fraudulent resorts, in my opinion.
The Grand Mayan in PV almost ruined my whole vacation by trapping my family there for 8 hours! They virtually held us prisoner, and we ended up having to walk back to our hotel, as they would not even call us a cab, much less the promised Jeep!
They are a organized crime group for sure.
DO NOT let the luxury of the property fool you. Do not step foot on the property.
Extremely well written by a person who obviously knows the problems that exist.
I did not really mind being treated like "dirt" when I refused to be interested in their scam tactics, however I did take objection to being forced to stay more than the 3 hours promised only to find that I (we - my Wife and I) had to find our own method of returning to Cancun condo, an expense of $100.USD
Lost a day of vacation / paid $100. extra to be scammed.
John, Springfield, OR.
I purchased a Mayan Palace time share in Mexico with so many promises.We were told they were going to building a new resort every year and the next three to be built were gong to be in Hawaii, Vegas, and Florida, none of that has happen at all.
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