Agenda tu consulta GRATUITA para CANCELAR / Rescindir tu tiempo compartido AQUÍ
Mayan Palace es un resort de tiempo compartido con oficinas en Acapulco, Mazatlán, Nuevo Vallarta, Puerto Peñasco, Puerto Vallarta y Rivera Maya.
Ofrece amplias habitaciones, restaurantes de talla internacional, opciones de golf, tenis, un alto nivel de servicios e instalaciones, programas para niños y eventos temáticos.
Sin embargo, las tácticas de venta de tiempo compartido en Mayan Palace son agresivas y con frecuencia recurren a la mentira para persuadir a los clientes a adquirir una membresía con ellos.
Mayan Palace acusados de Fraude
Uno de los fraudes más comunes es cuando el vendedor ofrece a los compradores la posibilidad de mejorar su membresía si ya tienen una con Mayan Palace.
No obstante, ocultan a los compradores que existe un período de 5 días durante el cual puede cancelar su contrato.
En su lugar, les hacen creer que una vez que el contrato está firmado no es posible anularlo.
Los vendedores de tiempo compartido en Mayan Palace realizan fraudes al sugerir a los compradores que pueden hacer un intercambio por su antiguo tiempo compartido en otro resort, insinuando que Mayan Palace lo venderá y ayudará a reducir el costo de su nueva membresía con ellos.
Sin embargo, en realidad, el comprador termina con dos tiempos compartidos y una nueva deuda por la nueva membresía.
En las presentaciones de ventas de tiempos compartidos en Mayan Palace, se le recalca a los clientes los diversos destinos que pueden visitar con su tiempo compartido y se enfatiza en la exclusividad y prestigio de poseer un tiempo compartido con Mayan Palace.
Lo que omiten y no explican es cómo funciona verdaderamente el sistema de tiempo compartido y cuáles son las posibilidades reales de viajar a esos lugares.
Además, los vendedores de Mayan Palace suelen ocultar qué tipo de unidad está comprando el cliente, y por lo general no es la misma que se muestra durante el tour.
Asimismo, hacen promesas de descuentos en boletos de avión y certificados para cruceros, promesas que resultan ser falsas.
Tratar con Mayan Palace después de comprar un tiempo compartido puede ser sumamente frustrante.
El servicio al cliente a menudo no proporciona las respuestas esperadas cuando se intenta reservar las próximas vacaciones.
Antes de comprar.
Antes de comprar, es crucial que reflexione detenidamente sobre cómo planea utilizar su membresía, y si realmente dispone de los recursos financieros para pagarla.
No olvide investigar sobre la empresa, y la reputación que tiene. Procure tomarse el tiempo necesario para leer minuciosamente el contrato.
Si es necesario, tome la decisión de regresar otro día para realizar la compra, si así lo desea.
Cada año, durante sus vacaciones en México, miles de personas son víctimas de estafas relacionadas con los tiempos compartidos.
Los vendedores han implementado técnicas de venta para garantizar que los posibles clientes adquieran una membresía.
No se sienta avergonzado si ha comprado; al contrario, tome medidas para evitar que otras personas caigan en la misma estafa, y enfoque sus esfuerzos en resolver su situación.
Contacte a Mexican Timeshare Solutions para recibir una asesoría profesional sobre cómo deshacerse de su contrato de tiempo compartido.
Para recibir más información sobre el fraude de tiempo compartido en Mayan Palace y cómo cancelar su membresía, envíenos un mensaje de WhatsApp al +52 1 333 239 6589, contáctenos por nuestro formulario de contacto, o llámenos al +52 334 162 5467
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Para saber más acerca de las semanas de tiempo compartido visite:
I was lured into visiting Mayan Palace on 4/23/2013 when we were approached by a lady at the car rental place. She told us this wasn't a timeshare presentation, and that we would get all kinds of discounts off the chichen itza tour which we found to be expensive online. To make long story short, we turned down purchase of timeshares (Thank God) and as a final resort, they offered us "an exclusive vacation package" called Worldwide leisure direct at $3400. I'm now disputing the charges with the credit card company and have emailed the email address I've been given to rescind the contract as yesterday was our 5th business day. Will update if needed. But be aware, GRAND MAYAN is a scam, in any form!
I got taken in last week in puerto Vallarta by high pressure sales people at the myan palace resort complex representing the new Bliss resort. After 5 hours of 'presentation' they wore me down to the point I thought I'd never get out. I knew right away I wanted to cancel after I left the place and did get it cancelled after I went to Mexican consumer protection who told me exactly what to do. I got my $5,000 deposit reversed BUT here's the kicker. When they first charged my visa they charged a US dollar exchange rate rate of $1.05. Then when they reversed the charge they only gave me an exchange rate of $.99. This amounted to a $350 loss on a transaction that was cancelled the next day. That's another way they suck more money out of you!, Any suggestions now on how I can get the rest of my money back from these lowlife scAmmers
Quisiera comunicarme con ustedes para saber si me pueden ayudar a salir de un tiempo compartido que resultó ser un fraude. Gracias.
I've owned with Mayan Palace since 1986 and the purchase price is the best money I've ever spent. We are Rci members which has also been fantastic. Rci builds up such a surplus of vacation time that they often have sales. I've gotten weeks at great resorts for as little as $199 with no other costs. If you don't travel regularly, don't buy. If you do, and you do a little homework, you'll not find a way to get more for your travel $. Also, Rci does have great cruise deals.
Kevin Sander
my husband and I took a vacation to Mexico. what appeared to be a relaxing trip, turned in to a nightmare on the second day when we were invited to a ¨Free Breakfast¨ for ninty minutes. We purchased $36.000 with the same rental pitch hoping to use our weeks to pay it off.When we got back and realized we couln´t afford this purchase, we tried to cancel, no one from Mayan Palace accepted our Cancelation petition.
We went to a Mayan timeshare presentation in Mazatlan.
After turning down the initial offer of $55,000 We told them that we had two timeshares already and the we weren't interested in taking on another week, since we only had limited vacation time.
They offered to buy both timeshares for $45.000 and the remaining $10.000 they would rent 4 of our weeks at $2500 each so it would basically be a wash out.
They took our Cancun Palace and El Cid timeshare right there on the spot for $45.000 and the balance of $10.000 was to be placed on a new Bank of America Credit Card.
Also that the new Credit Card with Bank of America was to be no interest and no payments for six months.
We got home from vacation and found a bill from Bank of America for the $10.000 with a minimum due of $100 They didn't charge us any interest.
two weeks later we were charged the maintenance of Pälace Resort. We contacted Mayan Palace and were told they couldn´t buy them. we were on our own.
We can´t afford another timeshare and we know by now the weeks we were supposed to rent are not goint to turn into reality. We are asked $299 per listed week.
We were told we can cancel but will loose the $10.000 we put on the bank of america card wich we haven´t even paid.
A nice vacation for my wife and I turn into a hole of deception.
Be very carefull when dealing with this company.
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