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8 Indicadores Para Saber si es Víctima de FRAUDE de Tiempo Compartido

8 Indicadores Para Saber si es  Víctima de FRAUDE de Tiempo Compartido
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Agenda tu consulta GRATUITA para CANCELAR / Rescindir tu tiempo compartido AQUÍ

Lea las siguientes mentiras comunes que suelen decir los vendedores en una presentación de ventas de tiempo compartido.

Si le dijeron al menos una de ellas y compró con base en estas promesas por parte del representante de ventas, tenga cuidado, porque usted es una víctima de fraude en el tiempo compartido y debe actuar lo antes posible.

Usted es una víctima de estafa de tiempo compartido en México, si se le dijo lo siguiente:

 - El tiempo compartido es una buena inversión financiera. 

- Usted puede rentar su tiempo compartido y obtener ganancias. 

rentar semanas de tiempo compartido

- Usted puede vender su tiempo compartido en cualquier momento y obtener un beneficio. 

fraude reventa tiempo compartido

- Alguien va a comprar el tiempo compartido que actualmente tiene por una cantidad considerable de dinero. 

ofrecen comprar tiempo compartid

-Su tiempo compartido le ofrece excepcionales beneficios y descuentos en pasajes aéreos, renta de carros, cruceros, hoteles y tours. 

tiempo compartido descuento vuelos

- Su tiempo compartido le ofrece ventajas fiscales. 

- Es una escritura o como una propiedad escriturada. 

- Usted firmó una renuncia a su derecho de cancelación en el período de 5 días.

derecho cancelar tiempo compartido irrenunciable

Si usted ha comprado un tiempo compartido en México bajo estas premisas, póngasela en contacto con nosotros. Ofrecemos una consulta gratuita y podemos ayudarle a cancelar su contrato de tiempo compartido inmediatamente.

Para recibir más información sobre cómo saber si eres víctima de fraude con un tiempo compartido y cómo cancelar su membresía de tiempo compartido, envíe un WhatsApp al +52 333 239 6589, rellene el formulario en la sección de contacto o llámenos al + 52 334 162 5467.

Información para compartir

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  • Dale un “Me Gusta” en Facebook
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Paquetes vacacionales de tiempo compartido: Otro gancho publicitario utilizado por los estafadores del tiempo compartido.

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38 Comentarios
  • Calvin Julio 28, 2014, 9:11 am

    This people are super well trained to make you believe in their lies. Don't attend a timeshare presentation if you don't want to carry with a financial problem for ever.

  • Irma Julio 13, 2014, 2:27 pm

    I wish my husband and I were strong to say "NO" when they try to sell us those time share and really read the agreement in detail. We said no to the big package, but agreed to take the "sampler." What we didn't aware of that on the agreement there is no really clause for cancellation except we have the right to cancel the contract within 5 days.

  • Kevin Junio 30, 2014, 12:50 pm

    Just don’t go! Why do people want to waste their time and day on free stuff that hardly works anyway. I understand being revengeful against a decieptful industry, but greed is a sin too. If no one showed up for free gifts then no one would be able to lie, because that company would not be in business, these timeshares only stay in business because greedy, gift chasing mooches keep coming. Think about it. If you want the industry to shut down, quit going for your free trinket!! Works both ways. Quit going and they will quit operating. A sales person can’t sell anything to anyone if there is no one to sell too.

  • Pablo Junio 28, 2014, 12:04 pm

    After dealing with my parents timeshare, sitting in on a few sales pitches and doing some research I have come to a reasonable conclusion – that I will NEVER buy a time share.

  • david Junio 3, 2014, 8:46 am

    I never understood the fascination people had with time shares. I think it makes them feel wealthier than they really are — like a vacation home when they really can’t afford a vacation home. One of the biggest legal scams out there in my opinion.

  • No Debt PlanMay 22, 2014, 11:42 am

    Timeshares are a terrible, terrible idea. My in-laws are in one of those “point” programs. What they don’t tell you is the points depreciate (or the number of points needed inflates) each year. So where you could get a nice 1 week vacation now you can only get a decent two night stay.
    I’m not sure if they have found a way to get out of it, either. The contracts are ridiculous and essentially say you must stay with us forever or pay an enormous cancellation fee.

  • No Debt PlanMay 22, 2014, 11:40 am

    Timeshares are a terrible, terrible idea. My in-laws are in one of those “point” programs. What they don’t tell you is the points depreciate (or the number of points needed inflates) each year. So where you could get a nice 1 week vacation now you can only get a decent two night stay.
    I’m not sure if they have found a way to get out of it, either. The contracts are ridiculous and essentially say you must stay with us forever or pay an enormous cancellation fee.

  • Monica ToledoMay 20, 2014, 8:39 am

    The timeshare resale scams are just a symptom. They need to do something about the timeshare scam itself. An obligation ‘in perpetuity’ – that passes to your children? There is almost no legal way out of the obligation, even if you don’t use the facilities and want to sell it back (they won’t take them back). In other words, they hawk ‘property’ that you cannot resell, cannot give back, and has literally no value in the market – and tell you that you have to pay ‘maintenance’ forever… and that they can assess ‘special fees’ on in order to do repairs they *should* have been doing with the maintenance fees.

  • YanaMay 7, 2014, 11:45 am

    I would not consider a timeshare. I don’t like the way they are marketed, and that alone is enough to keep me away from them.

  • YanaMay 7, 2014, 11:45 am

    I would not consider a timeshare. I don’t like the way they are marketed, and that alone is enough to keep me away from them.

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