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8 Indicadores Para Saber si es Víctima de FRAUDE de Tiempo Compartido

8 Indicadores Para Saber si es  Víctima de FRAUDE de Tiempo Compartido
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Agenda tu consulta GRATUITA para CANCELAR / Rescindir tu tiempo compartido AQUÍ.

Lea las siguientes mentiras comunes que suelen decir los vendedores en una presentación de ventas de tiempo compartido.

Si le dijeron al menos una de ellas y compró con base en estas promesas por parte del representante de ventas, tenga cuidado, porque usted es una víctima de fraude en el tiempo compartido y debe actuar lo antes posible.

Usted es una víctima de estafa de tiempo compartido en México, si se le dijo lo siguiente:

 - El tiempo compartido es una buena inversión financiera. 

- Usted puede rentar su tiempo compartido y obtener ganancias. 

rentar semanas de tiempo compartido

- Usted puede vender su tiempo compartido en cualquier momento y obtener un beneficio. 

fraude reventa tiempo compartido

- Alguien va a comprar el tiempo compartido que actualmente tiene por una cantidad considerable de dinero. 

ofrecen comprar tiempo compartid

-Su tiempo compartido le ofrece excepcionales beneficios y descuentos en pasajes aéreos, renta de carros, cruceros, hoteles y tours. 

tiempo compartido descuento vuelos

- Su tiempo compartido le ofrece ventajas fiscales. 

- Es una escritura o como una propiedad escriturada. 

- Usted firmó una renuncia a su derecho de cancelación en el período de 5 días.

derecho cancelar tiempo compartido irrenunciable

Si usted ha comprado un tiempo compartido en México bajo estas premisas, póngasela en contacto con nosotros. Ofrecemos una consulta gratuita y podemos ayudarle a cancelar su contrato de tiempo compartido inmediatamente.

Para recibir más información sobre cómo saber si eres víctima de fraude con un tiempo compartido y cómo cancelar su membresía de tiempo compartido, envíe un WhatsApp al +52 333 239 6589, rellene el formulario en la sección de contacto o llámenos al +52 334 162 5467.

Información para compartir

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Paquetes vacacionales de tiempo compartido: Otro gancho publicitario utilizado por los estafadores del tiempo compartido.

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38 Comentarios
  • LeeAnneClark Abril 15, 2014, 3:10 pm

    I have never understood why anyone buys a timeshare. I've been to several timeshare sales presentations, and had no problem walking away from them. Why? Because they make no sense! They try to woo you with all kinds of financial shenanigans, but add up how much you are actually spending per year (payments, annual maintenance, other hidden fees, taxes etc.), and you can always get a really nice hotel room for far less...anywhere you want. Why would anyone want to lock themselves into one specific place at one specific time for every vacation? Aren't there other places you want to see? Other times of the year you want to travel?

  • Sole Abril 15, 2014, 2:29 pm

    So does anyone have any idea of how to get out of one of those timeshares again without having to actually paying like $5K to someone who will agree to take it over?? My fiancée bought one with his wife about 15 years ago – Kauai, Princeville – and now pays about 900$ maintenance fee a year, it’s been paid off in about 10 years and so far he’s used it ONCE in all that time. but there seems to be no way of getting out of it again. So any help will be appreciated

  • SteveZ Enero 31, 2014, 2:12 pm

    I was at a time share in Orlando 15 years ago for free tickets to Bush Gardens in Tampa. I had zero intention of buying walking in. I was there for the tickets. We were required to give them 90 minutes. The extreme high pressure sales was amazing to me. After repeatedly saying no they kept bringing over another "higher" representative to give me an even better deal. I told them that they could give it to me for free and I would not take it. This did not even stop them! about 60 minutes into my 90 minute

    requirement they brought us on a "tour". We were their captive for another hour because they took us on a golf cart as far away from our car they could get us. I have never been so mad in my life. The free tickets were not worth it. Having said this, years later I went on another time share presentation in Las Vegas for more free tickets (apparently didn't learn my lesson). This time there was no pressure at all, we were practically on our own. We even got out before our required time to be there. I do not remember the Las Vegas timeshare name but the Orlando high pressure one was Wyndham.

  • Des Enero 7, 2014, 2:00 pm

    I attended a Wyndham presentation after being offered $100 myer gift card. At the end of the presentation I gave the salesperson my solicitors card and asked them to send the contract to my solicitor and I would make a decision after he had advised me. They were not interested in this and said I must decide this night. Ok the answer is no I said. Prior to leaving they gave me a $50 myer card...when I told them i was promised $100 card they gave it tome...enough said

  • evicpin Enero 3, 2014, 12:43 pm


    Has anyone read anything about the current Mexican timeshare scams? I've found a few things online warning people but nothing explaining how to get rid of one. I bought one for my parents a few years back (they're big Mexican tourists) and have come to realize that I got more than I bargained for.



  • Lily Julio 29, 2013, 11:35 am

    Definitive timeshares are unapésima investment only maintenance fees, saved, well I used to go on vacation for a full week at a luxury hotel with all inclusive.
    Definitely a good thing he takes in what can be salvaged, but still not worth it, unless of course, that someone like throwing money to take a taste.

  • Lily Julio 29, 2013, 11:35 am

    Definitive timeshares are unapésima investment only maintenance fees, saved, well I used to go on vacation for a full week at a luxury hotel with all inclusive.
    Definitely a good thing he takes in what can be salvaged, but still not worth it, unless of course, that someone like throwing money to take a taste.

  • Kali Junio 13, 2013, 1:17 pm

    These and other lies are common said in a timeshare presentation. Fraudulent timeshares need to stop

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