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¿Puede mi Historial Crediticio ser Afectado si el Resort no Tiene mi Numero Social?

¿Puede mi Historial Crediticio ser Afectado si el Resort no Tiene mi Numero Social?
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Agenda tu consulta GRATUITA para CANCELAR / Rescindir tu tiempo compartido AQUÍ

Para que una empresa de tiempo compartido pueda enviar su cuenta a una agencia de cobro y afectar su historial crediticio, es suficiente que tengan la información de una identificación oficial del o los compradores.

Existen empresas que su trabajo es recaudar información personal de los compradores en una base de datos. A su vez, hay empresas que se dedican al cobro de las membresías y otras a la ejecución legal de las deudas.

Las empresas de ejecución legal de las deudas usan las bases de datos para localizar a la gente y demandar los pagos.

No subestime la capacidad de la agencia de cobranza, pues sus recursos son casi ilimitados para localizar a un deudor. 

Es recomendable, como comprador, primero ponerse en contacto directamente con el resort de tiempo compartido para intentar negociar un arreglo.

Por lo general, el resort intentará conseguir que pague el contrato por completo y tratará de convencerlo de quedarse con el contrato para poder seguir cobrando las cuotas mensuales y de mantenimiento.

Los resorts de tiempo compartido saben que lo tienen obligado, porque pueden afectar su historial crediticio.

problemas crediticios tiempo compartido
Si una agencia de cobro toma su cuenta, ellos van a incluir sus honorarios, interés y otros gastos, que por lo general son cargados a la deuda y pueden reportarlo como retraso en sus pagos.

Este reporte usualmente toma alrededor de 30 días para aparecer en su reporte de crédito.

cobranza tiempo compartido

Generalmente, toma cerca de 7 años para que su historial de crédito aparezca libre de deudas, hasta asegurar que su contrato de tiempo compartido fue cancelado de la manera apropiada.

Las agencias de cobro utilizadas comúnmente por resorts de tiempo compartido en México son:

Mayan Palace:
Summit Opportunities, LLC, Houston, TX Compañía de Renta o Reventa: Resort Rentals, Continental Connections, Global Marketing Systems, Alliance Integrated Marketing Systems (AIMS), My Vacation Brokers, Imperial Property Management, Destinations International, Embassy Vacation Pro.

Pueblo Bonito, Royal Holiday, NH Krystal, Hacienda del Mar:
Concord Servicing Corporation, Phoenix & Scottsdale, AZ

El Cid Vacation Club:
Resort Communications, Inc. (RECO), San Diego, CA; Textron Financial Corporation.

Royal Elite:
Monterrey Financial

Raintree Vacation Club:
Aspen National Collections, Brookville, FL & Grand Junction, CO.

Cancele su tiempo compartido y relájese.

Si usted siente que ha sido involucrado en la compra de un tiempo compartido fraudulento, contáctenos.

En Mexican Timeshare Solutions ofrecemos una consulta gratuita, donde le diremos cómo deshacerse de su tiempo compartido.

En Mexican Timeshare Solutions es una organización que trabaja con base en resultados, no cobramos nada por adelantado y trabajamos para proteger y pelear por los derechos de los consumidores.

MTS no tiene ninguna relación con los desarrollos del tiempo compartido, tenemos un alto y exitoso porcentaje de cancelaciones en contratos de tiempo compartido.

Nuestros expertos trabajan 100% con base en resultados, esto significa que si no cancelamos su contrato, usted no tendrá que pagarnos.

Para recibir más información sobre los tiempos compartidos y su historial crediticio y cómo cancelar su membresía de tiempo compartido, envíe un WhatsApp al +52 333 239 6589, rellene el formulario en la sección de contacto o llámenos al +52 334 162 5467.

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Paquetes vacacionales de tiempo compartido: Otro gancho publicitario utilizado por los estafadores del tiempo compartido.

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23 Comentarios
  • Ruth Marisol Rivera Barragan Junio 13, 2023, 12:32 pm

    Quiero saber si pueden cancelar contratos con Tafer Farza Blanca resorts y cuánto cobran por hacer eso

  • Vianey Osuna Abril 8, 2019, 12:14 am

    Hemos intentado de mil formas cancelar nuestra membresía porque no podemos seguir pagando esto, no queremos que nuestro credito se vea afectado por este error de la membresia, necesitamos ayuda urgente.

  • nay Febrero 23, 2015, 5:00 pm

    Unos amigos mios canadienses, tuvieron la mala fortuna de encontrarse con los tiempos compartidos, ellos son unas personas ya de la tercera edad, y por lo tanto les encantaba ir a la playas de mazatlan , soy muy cercana a ellos por lo cual conosco toda la historia, para no hacerla muy larga invirtieron en un tiempo compartido en mayan palace , lo cual pensaron que seria una buena idea, despues me decian que nunca tenian disponibilidad cuando querian usarlo , y aun asi les estaban cobrando cuando ni siquiera lo usaban, tuvieron un problema a la hora de querer sacar su credito para una vivienda nueva , hasta la fecha siguen arreglando eso, de vd que es una pena.

  • acangar Septiembre 27, 2014, 11:49 am

    I was upgraded from Grand Mayan to Grand Luxxe prior to its opening back in 2009, so I was supposedly offered a "pre construction" deal. The sales rep told me that the reason they were offering this great deal was that they wanted my weeks back from Grand Mayan to offer it to Golfers in East Coast. On top of so many other lies including a dedicated Butler, limo pick up and drop off from airport he also guaranteed me that for every week they rented from my old Grand Mayan weeks, I would get $1000 credit to be used to pay for my future maintenance fees, plane tickets, credit for resort spending and many others. He guaranteed that I would have that credit in less than 6 months .... IT WAS NOTHING BUT LIES. that never happened. They also sold me on getting 6 weeks so I could rent at least 4 weeks a year and have a nice hefty income. Int heir own words, "WE WILL GUARANTEE BY APRIL OF EACH YEAR ALL YOUR WEEKS WILL BE RENTED". Again, to-date not even ONE WEEK has been rented. Truly I was scammed!!!!! Anyone else have experienced this?

  • Yaneli Agosto 25, 2014, 7:18 am

    Sometimes timeshares result to be scams, for that reason is important to kow how they really work.
    Maybe, for families who are used to travel a lot are good, but for families who only travel ocasionally are not good.
    If you want to buy a timeshare is important to inquire about them, because they aren't always what they appear.

  • Ken Agosto 7, 2014, 3:00 pm

    DO NOT under any circumstances agree to a sales presentation at the Grand Mayan regardless of what they offer you. Even if you are able to make it through all the tiers of sales people they will send you through it will be 5+ hours later before you finish and get your gifts.

    The almost short version of the story is we were hit up in the Airport by someone who claimed to be with our transportation to the resort (they were not) and they offer some attraction tickets that we were interested in to attend a tour of the resort. We already own a timeshare and knew it was a sales presentation but were dumb enough to think we could get breakfast and our gift in a couple hours.

    The presentation is very well done and they sell you on the point that it is an investment where you can rent out your weeks through an affiliate they set you up with for much more than your usage fees. In our case we bought 2 weeks in a 1BR suite that costs us as members $570 each year in maintenance for one week and 2 additional weeks at $570, each paid when you book it. We were told that these units rent all the time for $1000.00 per week and that was a low number and we could expect to get much more. We were also told that they are the top timeshare and the plan we bought would continue to increase in value, so if we ever sold it we would also make a profit. We were then told that demand was so high for these units that they would credit our sales price the $4000.00 if they could keep 2 units for the next 2 years to meet the demand for units.

    All lies of course, once we returned home and started looking into renting the week we still had we found a lot of available units for much less than $500 per week even on the 2BRs. We also researched the resale prices to find our same plan could be bought for less than $1500.00. The easy way is go check ebay for Grand Mayan timeshares and see the buy it now prices, then see that very few ever sell at all.

    Even if you fall in love with the place you can buy online from an owner any week you want to go for a fraction of the price of the annual fees. Stay away at all costs, timeshare sales are bad but this place takes it to a whole new level. It ruined our vacation and possibly our future vacations as we now are paying much more and stuck in timeshare with little value.

  • Fred Johnson Julio 14, 2014, 12:58 pm

    Timeshares are a disaster with their ever-increasing maintenance fees and their special assessments when they decide to put in a new? pool or happen to install new lighting fixtures or need to redo the landscape.

  • burrito211 Junio 20, 2014, 3:56 pm

    Im looking for any advice on how to get a timeshare of my credit is there any advice out there my timeshare is defaulted back in january 2010

  • lastrodeo1 Junio 11, 2014, 1:13 pm

    There are good time shares out there. However, most of them have a waiting list of qualified buyers to purchase when the owners decide to sell.....If its being heavily promoted, pushed or tarted up to look good, assume its trash and don't waste your time. If you want a good time share, you will still have to pay for it but go through legitimate channels.....

  • lastrodeo1 Junio 11, 2014, 1:13 pm

    There are good time shares out there. However, most of them have a waiting list of qualified buyers to purchase when the owners decide to sell.....If its being heavily promoted, pushed or tarted up to look good, assume its trash and don't waste your time. If you want a good time share, you will still have to pay for it but go through legitimate channels.....

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