QUEJAS de Tiempo Compartido en PLAYA DEL SOL
Playa del Sol Grand, Playa del Sol Costa Sur, Howard Johnson Hotel Puerto Vallarta, Playa del Sol Los Cabos

- Razón social
- Big Window S.A de C.V
- Localización
- Vallarta, Cabo San Lucas
- Compañías de Renta
- Royal Vacations, Holiday Property Management
Quejas Comunes:Garantía de alquileres, reventas, Cuartos Garantizados, anualidad.
Playa del Sol Teléfono sin costo:
Horrible experiencia la que vivimos mi familia y yo con este resort, nos vendieron una membresia la cual actualmente estamos luchando para desacernos de ella, han pasado muchos años y seguimos pagando algo que nisiquiera nos permiten usar porque nunca hay disponibilidad, es una burla total, jamas compren con este resort.
I dont want to know about this people anymore, shitty scammers..they commit fraud to me and my family , this persons dont know the meaning of respect to the others, just stay away from this resort, get your money away from this cloaks !
Estas personas me hicieron pasar un muy mal rato , la vd es que aun no se como es posible que cai en todo ese juego de palabras que iba ser la mejor inversion de mi vida , la vd que estas personas son expertas en el tema , por mas que insistan siempre diganles que no y se evitaran muchos problemas.
Please Help ME!!
I just got back from Mexico and made a payment to them on my credit card for 2,000 dollars, now of course after reading all I want to cancel this, can you be so kind and tell me how you got to cancel your contract??
Thank you very much
months ago i was very close to get trapped on this, at first like every tourist on a different country we want to enjoy and to feel free of any pressure , all people was very kind to me and my girlfriend, then a friend of mine told us to go to these hotel or whatever it is , so that time my wife and i we have a lot free time , so we decide to go and to see what could happen..and yes like a herd of wolves
We also were scammed by Playa Del Sol. We told them we not interested in using the one in P.V. We like to travel and were told you could exchange it ANYWHERE. He pulled out a book and showed all the places to exchange.
When we tried to see if these places were available NONE were.
The breakaway weeks were a big selling point, saying you could sell them. Lies alright!
We have not paid the credit card and would like to file a lawsuit.
i agree with everyone this company is a huge scam!! please email me if any does decide to file a lawsuit,
Instead of a vacation being a relaxing and enjoyable experience it's a hassle and a headache everytime we try even to make the simplest phone call. If anyone takes serious action against these companies we are interested in being involved.
They are expensive and not worth the money after all we have to pay fees for upkeep every week we are there. Hopefully we can get it all sorted out. I need to cancel my timeshare now, i hope you can help me to do that. Please, contact me.
Mi error fue que me deje llevar porque era muy barato , lo que no supe y por no leer bien , fue que las anualidades con estas personas exceden de forma ridicula lo que tienes que pagar..lo malo es que como firme el contrato no me quedaba opcion , tengan mucho cuidado aqui con estas personas
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