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QUEJAS de Tiempo Compartido en PLAYA DEL SOL

Playa del Sol Grand, Playa del Sol Costa Sur, Howard Johnson Hotel Puerto Vallarta, Playa del Sol Los Cabos

QUEJAS de Tiempo Compartido en PLAYA DEL SOL
Razón social
Big Window S.A de C.V
Vallarta, Cabo San Lucas
Compañí­as de Renta
Royal Vacations, Holiday Property Management

Quejas Comunes:Garantía de alquileres, reventas, Cuartos Garantizados, anualidad.

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Lea lo que otras victimas de fraude en tiempo compartido dicen.
179 Queja(s)
  • Gregorio Montalvo Abril 12, 2012, 10:14 am

    Mi padre que es una persona ya mayor de edad, fue engañado por los vendedores de Playa del Sol le dijeron que despues de terminar la membresía se le iba a devolver el dinero, como él ya es una persona mayor le dijeorn que el dinero se nos regresaria a nostros como parte de una herencia y que no tenía que pagar ningun mantenimiento ni él ni nosotros. Después de leer a detalle todo el contrato de tiempo compartido ya vimos que nada de eso es verdad y mi padre ahora esta metido en una gran deuda, me parece muy abusivo por parte de Playa del Sol y de los vendedores que se aprovechen de situaciones como esta.

  • Lynda Abril 12, 2012, 10:14 am

    We are also dissatisfied owners with the same story as above, bought in 2008, oversold, had the Robert Jones experience, an extra $500 for nothing.  "Upgraded" in 2010 to get rental lower.  We were also contacted recently on a resale scam so I made the BBB and the Attorney General in Illinois aware (of course company doesn't exist along with the escrow company - 2 bogus websites).  We are very interested in joining a class action suit only and have individuals who can assist with a website.  Please contact.

    • Susan FOX Abril 12, 2012, 10:14 am

      I'm from Red Deer, Alberta, Canada. Bought my timeshare in 2008 as well and was lied to. I'm single and was interested in having a kitchenette because I hate going to restaurants by myself when I travel. I asked if all the suits were like the one I saw and was told yes. I've never used it once because of this lie. Very disappointed.

    • Leona Abril 12, 2012, 10:14 am

      Is anything happening with legal action against Playa del Sol? Can anything be done to at least recoup some of our money. What has happened with Playa del Sol is fraud and I would love to see these previous owners nailed to the wall.

      • Lanie Abril 12, 2012, 10:14 am

        I am interested, too, in any legal action against Playa del Sol or it's previous owners. Please count me in, and let me know if anything is started. Thank you.

        • Leona Rothney Abril 12, 2012, 10:14 am

          Can't seem to find anything on Playa del Sol but I am still searching. There must be a way to get these fraudsters. I am not going to pay another cent and see what happens. I dare them to try anything as I have all my paperwork and if Playa del Sol does not exist anymore then what have I paid for and why should I keep paying? BUYER BEWARE!

    • Sean Davis Abril 12, 2012, 10:14 am

      Hi Lynda,
      Im Sean from Vancouver Bc Canada
      I too have the same complaints as those listed in this thread about Playa Del Sol and the scam they seem to be conducting. Would be interested in joining in on the class action suit if possible.

  • Rosa Tirado Abril 12, 2012, 10:14 am

    Nos emborracharon y nos dijeorn puras mentiras. Además nos dieron precios diferentes a los reales. cunado quisimos comprar los boletos de avion con la promocion que nos ofrecieron, salia más caro, y cuando hablamos para hacer la reservacion resulta que tien que ser todo incluido y el precio que nos dieron no era en su totalidad si no por persona, estamso pagando un dineral y ni le hemos sacado provecho, puro fraude!

  • Monique Abril 12, 2012, 10:14 am

    We purchased a timeshare at Playa Del Sol Grand. We purchased this with the expectations of renting the weeks.  We gave them 5 weeks of our rental in exchange for $7000, to arrive on December 15, 2010 and we have not received. this is for sure a SCAM.

  • Ana Rosa Abril 12, 2012, 10:14 am

    los mantenimientos siguen subiendo y no puedo pagarlos, mis planes eran pagar  con el dinero que generaran las rentas de mis semanas, como muchos platican aquí, nunca llega ese dinero. Estoy muy frustrada y desesperada, si alguien pretende ir a una presentacion con raintree. no compren ni por error.

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