Quejas de Tiempo compartido en AVALON VACATION CLUB
Avalon Grand Cancun, Avalon Baccara Cancun, Avalon Reef Isla Mujeres, Avalon Excalibur Acapulco, Avalon Grand Panama.

- Razón social
- Avalon International Resort, S.A. (Panama) , Avalon Resorts, Avalon Vacations y Operad
- Localización
- Gran Cancun, Baccara Cancun, Islas Mujeres , Acapulco & Panama
- Compañías de Renta
- Vacation Timeshare and Rentals
Quejas Comunes:
- Promesa de rentar su semana de tiempo compartido como una inversión financiera y para pagar la membresía.
- Garantía de que se vendan o rente su tiempo compartido anterior
Avalon Vacation Club Teléfono
Sin costo USA: 1-866-464-5327
Sin costo México: 001-866-720-17-00 y 001 - 866 - 296 4814
Billing and collections for Avalon Vacation Club
Sin costo USA: 1-866-306-90-73
Sin costo México: 001-866-306-90-73
Avalon Vacation Club servicio al cliente
Sin costo USA: 1-877-243-78-83
México: 01-800-560-18-00
Directo: 011-52-998
Avalon Vacation Club Información de pagos y cobros
Sin costo USA 1-866-464-5322
Numero Directo: 011-52-998-848-93-00
Ext. 7079/7092/7073/7054/7079/7033
The Avalon Vacation Club is indeed a scam. The original deal was a membership in multiple clubs until the owners cashed out and sold off the resorts. The "Club benefits" disappeared and the quality of the resorts suffered. Further Avalon refuses to acknowledge any lawful transfer of ownership and is pursuing an aggressive collection effort with Monterey. The owner was convicted of Fraud and that explains alot.
Hola ,
Mi nombre es Lorenzo y compre hace una semana una membresia para el hotel Mia Reef, pero ahora quisiera cancelar dicha membresia y no sé si aun sea posible ya que en el contrato decía que solo los 5 primeros días de podía cancelar.
Ayuda por favor.
Gracias de antemano
Just getting the run around from both resort.com and the Monterey collection agency. We are close to the end of the contract. Decided to stop paying MF in 2019 bc feeling unsafe to go to the Cancun area ( been there for about 18 years now). Informed resort.com and now getting collection calls. It is my understanding that the Avalon resorts as a collection of about 5 resorts are now owned by different organizations and Avalon Resorts International does not exist anymore? NO body will give me info about rescinding my contract- resort.com won't talk to me and the collection agency just wants money. Everything else is paid up just the RTU.
Very frustrating, An awkward unprofessional way to do business
I purchased a timeshare at avalon grand, some years ago for thousands of dollars, I hv my paperwork, it specifically came with access to four different resort without having to pay to bank with interval international. I paid my dues on time until I tried to book Isla Mujeres in 2017 and was told everything has been sold off and I can only go to Avalon grand. Bs, I purchased this b/c of access to all four, im not going to pay dues for only one. now today I got declined for a CC because Monterey Financial has put this $2680 as a collection on my credit report. I hv emails I sent to member services since 2017 when I got wind of this, I even called them and they just drag you along. I wand a class action suit against avalon grand.
Martin Dropkin I would be interested in joining a class action suit. Someone asked what happens if you don't pay the Maintenance Fee. I haven't paid in two years and it was handed over to a collection agency Monterey Collections in California. I got a hit on my credit score.
tenemos mas de 3 años peleando con estas personas para que nos regresen el dinero que hemos dado por su membresia que no sirve para nada, no hemos podido usarla porque nunca tienen disponibilidad, y a pesar de eso nos siguen cobrando cada mes.
I moved several years ago and sent change of address to everyone. The first I knew of the change to Mia was when I got a collection call from Monteray Financial to pay maintenance fees. I had never received a bill or ANYTHING from Mia. I got on the phone with them and have been referred to many phone numbers, all of which tell me that is not the correct number. I just want a reservation number to trade with Interval Intl., but have not yet been able to obtain one. I'm ready to go to a lawyer!
We need to file a class action lawsuit against Avalon Vacation club. Who’s in? Call me (562) 7560473
We need to file a class action lawsuit against Avalon resorts to recover the money we’ve lost. I am happy to work on this.
We need to file a class action lawsuit. I’m happy to work on this.
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