QUEJAS de Tiempo Compartido en TAU RESORT Vacation Club
Tau Resort Vacation Club

- Razón social
- Tau Resorts, S.A.P.I de C.V
- Localización
- Puerto Vallarta
- Compañías de Renta
- Eagle market Solutions & Orchard Vacations Rentals
- Representantes
- Gary Pasco, Bob, Thasi Favela & Israel
Quejas Comunes:
- El complejo en sí no está construido y se encuentra todavía en fase de esqueleto, la fecha de apertura fue 15 de diciembre 2011 y ahora ha cambiado a enero 2012.
- Se vende como "Bienes Raíces", pero en realidad es una contrato de tiempo compartido
- Los clientes a menudo son engañados en la creencia de que para tener el poder de reserva que necesitan para tener un mayor nivel de membresía.
- Tacticas de Venta en alta presion
- El vendedor muestra los planos de piso distintos de lo que el cliente es en realidad comprando, y / o mostrar una sala de demostración que no está en la propiedad del complejo.
- El asociado de ventas refiere a los clientes a una empresa de venta y/o reventa para su unidad para obtener un beneficio, incluso si el resort no esta en un 50% construido.
Para recibir más información sobre un tiempo compartido en Tau resorts, sus quejas y cómo cancelarlo, envíe un whatsApp al +52 333 239 6589, rellene el formulario en la sección de contacto o llámenos al +52 334 162 5467.
I got a discount rate for trading my other timeshare for their with Tau resorts sales person, plus If I paid off the balance withing one year, I would receive a partial refund. I later received a letter back stating that Tau Resorts never funded the program. Now I try to call, and my calls
I assisted to the timeshare presentation in Tau Resorts with the promise of free extra weeks that will be rented by Sierra rentals in Nevada for a $600 fee. The manager and his partner made the panorama too good to be true. I could go on and on with all they promised only to deny everything in the end.
We too have fallen victim to the TAU scam and bought in January 2011 while under construction and with the expectations that they would build and deliver the resort as planned. When it appeared that no progress was being made and they didn't meet their target deadline, we exercised our right as spelled out in their contract under clause #16:Warrenties, to 'Opt Out' of the contract and receive our money back. Well that obiously didn't happen. Have heard of a class action suite but nothing seems to have developed with that either. I've recently been contacted by FGR, Fiscalia General de la Republica, in Mexico City, but not sure to what extent they can resolve the TAU fraud or just timeshare fraud in general. I plan on following up with them. It would be a wonderful thing to have some restitution to this scam and receive some monies back, if not all that was lost, but like anything else in this questionable Timeshare business, I have my doubts.
Buenas tardes,alguien saben algo de que esten hablando y mandandote una carta de compensacion por este fraude que hiceron y que te van a regresar tu dinero
Has anyone been offered a buy back on their contract from the Tau Resort Vacation Club.
I too was mislead by Tau Resort on a purchase of a timeshare in Punta De Miya , now ten years later I was approached with a resale . I would like to know if this is legit or not . Is this another attempt to squeeze more money out of us.....?????
Is there anyone else who has been contacted with this resale of their Tau membership ....?????
I would like to know.....
Has anyone been contacted about the Tau Resorts Collective Action Reimbursement Settlement? It is for members who purchased memberships between the dates of January 1st, 2010 and July 31st, 2013. Please contact me ASAP.
tener membresia con estas personas es como tirar el dinero a la basura,parece que estas pagando por nada y no es posible que estas personas sigan trabajando asi si se lepuede llamar de esa forma y continuen estafando a tanta gente, ya que investogando descrubrimos que somos cientos de personas estafados por tau
Hace unos años que caimos en las mentiras de tau resorts, fuimos de vacaciones y en un descuido nos abordaron las personas que venden tiempos compartidos, teniamos en claro desde un principio queno caereiamos en su juego de comprar membresia, sin embargo conforme fuimos escuchando la platica nos convencieron, ahora no sabemos como salirnos de esto .
Me estafador estos del Tau
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